Sunday, August 22, 2004

A Hundred Miles from everything...

And boy is it nice.

I arrived at 1:30 this morning via Greyhound. The trip was exhausting and also interesting.

I wish it was daylight when I went through the Fraser Canyon. The stunning towering rock faces blew me away, even in the dark. I had my nose pressed to the window, and the subsequent tunnels zipping by my face scared the hell out of me. LOL!

I had a couple of younger adults behind me on my trip up from Abbotsford to Cache Creek, and I think they were coming up for their five year highschool reunion.

I was listening to them. Not that I really wanted to. I could even hear them through my headphones. They're about three years younger than me, and were catching up with each other, about everyone from the town. I felt like a spinster being 24 years old, and not being married and popping out progeny. Life is different up here compared to the city. It's a smaller and very community based. Almost clique-ey.Everybody knows everybody else, and god help you if you're a stranger.

On the pit stop in Cache Creek, there seemed to be a HUGE biker gathering, I swear half of them were Hells Angels, I met one named Mitch, who was from Surrey, he seemed to be a nice guy. He reminded me of my dad. He gave me a slice of his pizza.

Man alive. The people I seem to make acquaintances with. *Smirks* Mitch kept on calling me "Darlin" coincidentally enough, that's what Dad calls me too.

Norm has a pretty house, and I've met two of his gorgeous cats, both Manx's, one of them, "Callie" has seemed to find me to be quite the feline admirer. She feels like a chinchilla, and reminds of Erik's cat Ripley. He also has another cat and at the moment, I can't remember her name. Darn. I also met his skittish pit bull "Jo-Jo."

Poor Jo-Jo, she's spooked quite easily, and I feel bad that she's afraid of me. I hope she gets used to me in a few days.

Norm also has this STUNNING looking Malamute, Bailove. I'm very interested in scratching behind his ears, but am waiting until he introduces me to this 145 pound, wolf dog. Norm was teasing me that I could take him for a walk when I get a chance. I'm looking forward to it if Bailove likes me.

It's a little chilly and overcast up here right now. I hope it clears up, but if it doesn't that's fine. I'm glad I packed two sweaters.

And by the way, Norm, is as sweet in person, as he is online and on the phone.*smiles*

1 comment:

Orion_skie said...

Glad to hear you're having a good time.