Friday, August 27, 2004


Do any of you ever knows what it's like to have life feel skewed?

To have this distorted, negative perspective that is hard to shake from your point of view?

Ever had the majority of it click back into place?? Back to the way it belongs? It just sorta "snaps" into place again. When the problem is fixed, or when you find a solution?

Where once you wuz lost, and now you iz found?

A week of practical solitude (well, I mean Norm was here, He's great company, he welcomed me into his house, and the fact that he would be here, in his house, is pretty much obvious... However, I digress.) that week of practical solitude, was so needed. The air is very clean up here. It's beautiful. Its verdant, and green, with rolling hills, and surrounded by mountains, and the town is teensy, and it's all the things that are lost in Vancouver. But, I miss home. I miss my Lizzie, and my Kirky, and my Crystallys. I miss the busy-ness of Vancouver. I'm definitely a city girl. but brief periods in the boonies are just fine with me. I saw one helluva thunder and lightening storm mid-way through my stay, no storms in Vancouver have ever rivaled it. It was phenominal. I watched enough television to probably lose a few IQ points. Although I must say, satellite television kicks solid arse. I saw more movies this week than I have in the past year. Which is sad. I'm back home at 6 AM tommorrow morning. Mizz Liz is picking me up.

Looking forward to being in the swing of things again. with all stress accompanying it. I never thought I would say that.

Thank you Norm, for sheltering me through the storm. You're company was delightful. You are as sweet as you seem on the phone and online, and are an extremely generous person. you can come for a stay in the big city anytime you want. *Hugs and kisses*

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