Saturday, January 29, 2005

Damned Technology!

I'm having NOTHING but problems right now with my laptop.

My display keeps on getting fucked up every time I reboot my computer, it's basically the equivalent of it being drawn and quartered. Damnit. As long as I spend ten minutes rebooting, and rebooting again, it works eventually, but it's taking way to friggin long.

Originally, John thought the problem was the supplementary RAM chip malfunctioning... However, it keeps on happening even after it's been removed. Safari won't work!! My address book won't work!! Adium isn't workin! How am I supposed to check my HTML coding in ONE browser and know how it's going to affect OTHER ones? *Bitch and Moan*

And of COURSE, it's the only machine that is having problems in the entire class.

I've got HOMEWORK to do, here computer. Colour Theory awaits! Sluggishness I will not abide! *Tsk!* Photoshop beckons!

Ah, hell.

I went and took the liberty of getting a few presents for Devin today, to ship out to Dallas before I head down there, being that he was nice enough and all to send me a few CD's a while back. That should be in the mail tomorrow. (And no, I'm not telling in here what I got him until he actually gets it. He reads this thing occasionally.)

I've discovered, now that I don't work shitty retail hours and every weekend, all the time, that Friday, is truly a great day. Know why? It means I don't have to cram my fat ass in next to some asshole with bad pittsmell and breath that smells like he's forgotten to brush his teeth, (for the last year.) that's five inches taller than me and requires hanging onto the pole above my head on the Skytrain. It means that after five days of that shit, of actually being SHOVED off of the train at Broadway Skytrain Station (aka. HELL), when I'm pretty much DESPISING human beings, I get a two day reprieve.

Hallejulah. Praise Jeebus. And on the Sixth and Seventh days, She did homework, and it was good. That is, IF her EFFING COMPUTER WORKS THE WAY IT SHOULD! Forsooth. And it shall be done.

Alas and alack. Time to get a move on with Colour Theory. I'm behind already.

Friday's 5 best albums:

(consider this a mini version of "Tunes to Groove By")

    Current Music:

  1. Scissor Sisters (Self Titled Album)
    Best songs: Mary, Take your Momma, Comfortably Numb, Filthy/Gorgeous.
    Genre: Electronica.
    Rating: 5/5


    For "Comfortably Numb." Yes, it indeed is a cover of the Pink Floyd's tune. Imagine it done by the Bee-Gee's. Originally, when I first listened to it in Virgin Records, I despised it. In all actuality, I almost didn't recognize it. It definitely grows on you, just listen to it with a sense of humour.

    Mary, is beautiful lyrically, and I wouldn't consider that particular song "Electronica."

    I'm still debating on exactly what the lyrics mean in "Take Your Momma"

    Filthy/Gorgeous. Gosh, I believe I've been accused of being something along those lines, at one point or a dozen in my life. HERE is a remix of the tune, very, very well done.

  2. Ray! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
    Best songs: The whole damned album. This man truly was a genius.
    Genre: Soundtrack/Soul
    Rating: 5/5


    Fan-Freaking-tastic! This man IS soul, in it's purest, sweetest most good natured form. He makes me smile.

  3. Robbie Williams: Greatest Hits
    Best songs: Millenium, Rock DJ, Feel (this song is absolutely amazing!)
    Genre: Pop
    Rating 4/5


    He's SUPER hot, but some of his songs... Weeeeeelll... Not so much. I think "greatest hits" is a loosely used term. I bought the CD for these three songs, However, that's just MY tastes. I'm sure if I felt like it, I would like the rest of them from making myself listen to it over and over, picking up on subtle nuances that I always seem to hear and end up loving.

  4. The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble 2 disc set.
    Best songs: The Sky is Crying, Look At Little Sister, Texas Flood, The House Is Rockin', Superstition (Live), Riviera Paradise, Life Without You, and a whole bunch of others...
    Genre: Blues
    Rating 5/5


    I still stick to my guns by saying that "The Sky Is Crying" is one of the most phenominal songs I've ever heard in my life. I can also still see my parents dancing like fools in the living room on Christmas Day to this CD. That, in and of itself, makes this compilation rock.

  5. Sarah Vaughan: Ultimate Sarah Vaughan
    Best songs: Little Girl Blue, Poor Butterfly, I'll Be Seeing You, The Sweetest Sounds, Broken Hearted Melody.
    Genre: Jazz
    Rating: 5/5


    Amazing range, tone and expression of emotion from playfulness to the saddest, sweetest voices I've ever heard. Those notes come from a woman with one of the softest, breathiest, most feminine speaking voices I've ever heard. Her ability to keep an audience spellbound just with her remarkable vocal abilities is obvious, because most of this album was recorded in venues that she performed in. Other than the occasional cough, the audience is utterly silent until the end of her songs.

    Fact about Sarah Vaughan: Mizz Sarah, was renowned for her ability to mimic ANY instrument note for note. Now THAT'S talent. Wild.

Fact about this entry, and all subsequent entries from now on: I'm putting all of this up using ONLY my HTML editor on Blogger. Well, to the best of my abilities anyways. Booyah Gramma.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Five Things You Should NEVER Do On Public Transit...

*Warning, this entry is prolific with profuse profanity.*
(Whoo! Alliteration!)

I'm a regular BC Transit Rider, and I've seen some of the most ridiculous shit in the past 12 or so years I've been riding Buses. There are things that NO ONE should ever do on them...

1.) Clip your nails. (Either toenails or fingernails.)

People, they call it PERSONAL grooming for a reason. Do it in a PERSONAL space, fer fucks sakes. Try your bathroom. NOT on the bus. (This is usually limited to one particular ethnicity. I'm quite conveniently neglecting to mention WHICH one, but they are also the ones that tend to blow their noses in their hands in public as well. However, I'm not racist, and I'm anti-discriminatory. I hate everyone equally, so I'm not going to say... Anyways...)

I've got one word for seeing someone clip their nails (and yes, I have seen someone clipping their toenails...) on the bus. "Eeeeeeewwwwwwww!"

at least I've never seen someone CHEW their toenails off on the bus.

2.) Break up with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend.

Yup, I've seen some LOVELY cat fights on the train/bus. The same sentiment applies to breaking up over the phone. How about you WAIT twenty minutes until you've either:

a) Sobered up a little bit.
b) Removed your white trash, attention grabbing carcass off of the goddamned bus.

There's nothing like a long day at work, that's topped off by some chick calling her boyfriend a "Stupid, mother-fucking cocksucker!" at top volume in a fully packed bus.

Even better is when they shriek at top volume "Fuck you, you fucking whore! Fuuuuuuuck! I can't believe you fucked (insert so-and-so's name here) behind my back!" (What? You wanted to watch?)

Have another drink, lovey.

3.) Jerk-off.

I know I'm gorgeous. I know. *rolls her eyes* I understand, REALLY, I do, that some people can't control their sexual urges. Some people just CAN'T wait to whip out that one eyed, purple headed monster. Some people are just exhibitionists, I guess.

Try the parks. (Yes, I've seen that in the park too. *sighs* My poor eyes. I'm tainted for life.)

4.) Vomit. On yourself, and then on my shoes.

Please God, if that ever happens again, I swear, I'm going to shitkick them off the bus myself with my pukey shoes. (I LIKED those shoes too!)

I understand that you don't really get that high from heroin unless you've emptied the contents of your stomach, mainly consisting of bile and digestive fluids, since you've spent your last penny on the heroin you just shot up... Perhaps you need one of those air-sickness bags?

Hell. Even a ziploc.

5.) Brag about your criminal record, the fact that you just got out of a holding cell after the cops beat the snot out of you, the number of times you've been arrested, how much crack you sell in a day, or how the cops have a warrant out for your arrest, because you decided that it was okay to skip your court date.


At least I know what you look like so when I see the next RCMP Skytrain Constable, I can tell him exactly where you're located, what direction you are going in, and what stop you publicly announced you were getting off at, you stupid fuck.

I especially like it when I'm carrying about five thousand dollars worth of electronics in my backpack for school with me on the Skytrain, and your sitting across from me talking to your "buddy" (who you actually just met and were trying to sell some crack to, but he refused) about all this shit, and eyeing my backpack like an anorexic eyes a particularly tasty looking cream eclair. That makes me feel GREAT.

The sad thing about all of this, is that I've seen it within the last month.

I really should learn how to drive.

Decisions, Decisions...

Well, I figured out what I'm doing for part of my three week long break in between first and second term.

The first part of my three weeks off, is going to be spent doing some consulting work for a friend who has started his own design business. The fact that he would even contemplate asking me to BE that, is flattery in and of itself.

Thanks, Chris. You're a peach.

I'm heading down to Dallas for the last week of my time off to spend my birthday and the time following it during that week with Devin. I've been debating this for a while now, and finally decided that it was better to do it NOW, than wait another year and a half. (Give or take a few months.) I'm tired of wondering what it would be like.

It's time to shit, or get off of the proverbial pot.

It's a matter of satisfying my curiosity, finding out if I've been pining over something that is worthwhile, and that I have put so much of my hope into despite the lucrative-ness (is that a word? Who cares, it works.) of the situation, and if it has a snowballs chance in hell of working out. If I believed in god, I would be prayin' right now. Hell. I'd be praying until I landed in Dallas and actually MET him.

It's more a matter of wanting to make that man SMILE. (Amidst a multitude of other things that aren't so G-rated.) He needs a good roaring belly laugh and a couple thousand orgasms.

It's also meeting someone that has garnered my unconditional love, if not as a partner, than as a very, very valued friend who has changed me for the better. He's made me realize that loving someone, isn't owning them, or just accepting them for who they are, it's a mixture of everything in between and then some.

I'll admit, I'm absolutely terrified. I'm already "what-iffing" myself to death as I'm prone to do, wondering if he'll find me attractive, wondering if I can make him smile, laugh that belly laugh, and see that love, comes in so many different forms it's ridiculous. (Even if it is in the form of playful, emotional, neurotic Moi.)

I know some of my friends will worry for me. Let me find out for myself. If I'm wrong, it's something I need to learn, my darlings. Everything has the possibility of ending up in hurt.

I know that they worry already, because I've invested so much of my heart into him.

However, I'm going to stick to the old adage, that if you love something/someone, let them go. If they come back to you, then you know it's real love. We'll see if he chooses to visit me after I've seen him.

Cross your fingers/toes/legs/arms/eyes, kids. I know I am. (Well, I am in my mind.)

Love always,


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Dream A Little Dream...

You Are a Dreaming Soul

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you awy from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

Random questions...

I stole this from Orion_skie, I don't think she'll mind...

* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No. However, I have had so much to drink (my 24th Birthday party at Mavericks) that apparently I made out with half the bar, regardless of gender... At least that's what I've been told.

* Missed school B/coz it was raining: Hello? I live in Vancouver. The answer would be a resounding no.

* Set a body part on fire for amusement: I'm embarassed to say this, but yes. I lit my finger on fire after pouring perfume all over it in Grade 10 math class. Truthfully, I didn't think it was actually on fire, because the flame was invisible... It freaked the hell out of me, but didn't hurt thanks be to the Gads.

* Been hurt emotionally: Fuck yes.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes. I have a few secrets that no one will ever know.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: The Tick is the shiznit. Yum. Marge is pretty foxy when her hair is down.

* Cry during movies: Yes. It's a rule that no one mentions it. I tend to be sensitive about people noticing, especially when the movie is a comedy. I'm such a pussy girl.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Yes, tapes, posters, collectors cards, even a sleeping bag. I was pissed that I missed the concert in Vancouver on September 8th, 1992. The fact that I even remember that is embarassing.

* Been on stage: Yes, in theatre, Choir, Vaudeville, Musicals, and Karaoke. I've also done stage management which means I get to tell those Prima-donna actors and actresses to shut the fuck up. It was great.

* Cut your hair: Yes, it grows really fast, so I usually get it chopped every 3 weeks to a month or so, however I'm trying to grow it out. I just hate that "Mullet" stage that I have to suffer through. I'll probably have hair down to my shoulders in early October.


* Shampoo: Pantene Pro-V, Outrageous, and Neutrogena.

* Color: Any shade of blue. I'm partial to a light sage green as well. Lately I've been wearing a lot of pink.

* Day/Night: Night. I'm most definitely not a morning person and do most of my best work in the afternoon and late into the night.

*Summer/Winter: Summer. I actually prefer autumn the most, but that wasn't an option.

* Fave Ice Cream: Haagen Daaz chocolate chocolate chunk.

* Fave Subject: Is choir a subject? Choir and theatre... I'm so friggin' artsy.

* Drink: Non-Alcoholic - Gingerale with cranberry cocktail and a wedge of lime, Hot Chocolate;
Alcoholic - Double vodka Gingerale cranberry cocktail and a wedge of lime, Smirnoff Ice.

* Fave persons to talk to online: Devin, Melissa, Mark.

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: Pink T with "Sweet 'n Delicious Cupcakes" written on it in sparkly burgundy, Tan khaki Clamdiggers, white zip-up european collar track jacket with burgundy accents, Hot pink Mary-jane shoes.

* I'm feeling: Tired, Horny, lonely...

* Eating: Double stuffed oreo cookies and a glass O' milk.

* Thinking about: How many people are messaging me while I'm trying to finish this fucking entry. (That's okay guys!) How long it took me to get home. (OVER three hours. Ugh.) Devin, (As usual.) and the various postions I would like him in.How much I want a hug.

* Talking to: Use the term "talking" loosely, I'm chatting with Nikki, Mark, my Cuz.

--------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------

* Cried: Yes.

* Worn a skirt: The last time I wore a skirt was Friday.

* Met someone new: I've only been at school for three weeks. Practically everyone is new.

* Cleaned Your Room: Uuuhhh... I've been meaning to do that. I ended up sleeping all weekend cuz I felt like crap.

* Drove a car: HA! That would be frightening.

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: Sometimes?

* Your friends: Always. They're my family.

* Santa Clause: I want to.

* Tooth Fairy: Fuck no. The bitch gypped me every year. Did you know that my cousins get 5 bucks a tooth now? Jeebus. I only got a quarter.

* Destiny/Fate: Yes

* Angels: I believe that some people are angels.

* UFO's: You gotta believe in something right? I believe my P.E. Teacher in Grade 8 was an alien.... Or maybe she was just a royal bitch.

------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I have a soulmate. He's just not here right now.

* Like anyone: I like almost everyone. It's just not the other way around.

* Who's the loudest: Me?

* Who's the shyest: Charlene! (from school!) That lady needs to talk more!

* Who do you go to for advice: Mark, Melissa. Other people that I can't think of right now.

* Who do you cry to: Myself.

* What's the best feeling in the world: Being surrounded by friends in a good environment. Laughter. Mutual harassment in a lighthearted banter.

* And last but not least, your birthday: May 1st, 1980, at 10:15 AM in Burnaby BC, Canada. (Taurus, year of the Monkey)

Monday, January 24, 2005

I'm a Benevolent Despot! Whatever the Fuck That Means...

Dear Linds,
Here is your horoscope
for Monday, January 24, 2005:

You're still in control, and you're still the world's most benevolent despot. Others have no trouble believing that you're doing this for their own good. A well-placed white lie can accomplish great things.

I'm a Benevolent Despot? Jeebus. Who knew I would be a tyrannical leader with good intentions? (Ahem, you don't have to answer that...)

I've never seen a horoscope tell me to fib before.


I've always wanted to be the sort of person, that when you're around me, you feel a sense of relief and calm.

With a few friends, that's the case. However, with some people, I tend to turn their lives upside down faster than you can say "Shazam!"

It's highly depressing at times.

I can take a relationship, that can be fabulous either from a personal or professional standpoint, and fuck it all up, until you can't make heads or tails of it.

I know that I can take flirting too far, I know that I can either be highly amusing or annoy the shit out of people (including myself, more often than I let anyone know...) and find that I alienate myself very easily from the people that I need around me. Or maybe I just think I do. I can't tell anymore.


Perhaps it's just the headspace I'm in right now, but I'm feeling very lonely, and very alienated.

It's bad news bears, kids. My heart just hurts. It's a co-mingling of guilt tossed in there with regret and a side of Caesar dressing, for almost hurting someone else intentionally, and losing a friendship that could have been fantastic in the process.

Let's hope (there I go again with that HOPE word...) that tomorrow is a better day, because, quite honestly, today was the shits.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

There's a Few Thoughts Running Around...

In this head of mine, about my "Blogathon" 2004 entry and it's contents.

I've bounced them off of a few regular readers of mine, and so far, they think it's a fairly good idea.

Now, I've been in the frame of mind to request to a few regular bloggers I read, to have them participate. Mainly being the ever so hysterical and gorgeous Cryptic, and the wickedly sharp tongued Sex Scenes At Starbucks.

It could all be for naught, but hey, it's worth the suggestion. I'm of the opinion that they could be schlepping up a highly entertaining bunch of posts.

I'm out for the evening to do some homework for Colour theory and History of Design.

I'm craving Double Stuffed Oreo's. *Grumbles*

Hot Shoe!

Hot Shoe!
Originally uploaded by Duchessdocktrash.
My Favourite 1940's styled 2.5 inch heels. Mmmmm. Pink and black. So classic.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Oooh! Me! Me! Pick me!

Linds, you're a Millionaire! (Damn, I wish!)

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Millionaire which means you are a Success / Thinker Your primary sub-type is defined by "Success" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Thinker" characteristics.

That means you're very ambitious and personable, and you've got a great sense of humor. Chances are you care a lot about how you look. You're bursting with self-confidence, and people admire you for your achievements and determination.

How do we know all this? How do we know that behind that bold exterior you sometimes (note: ALWAYS.) worry that you're not good enough? Or that you can be so critical of your work that it verges on self-destructive? How could we have divined that you aim to succeed — and you'll quickly crush anyone who stands in your way?

Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions — questions that measured confidence, apprehension, willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance — the primary traits that determine your personality. Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Millionaire.

Nice! I tend to take these personality tests every six months or so. It usually seems different every single time. (Just don't call me Cybil!) It's my opinion that people are never just ONE personality. We're a mixture of several.

Friday, January 21, 2005

"Breakin' the law! Breakin' the law!"

How do you keep Bubs occupied and yourself amused at the same time?

You whip out the digital camera around a five year old that loves to ham it up.

I actually got a "What the hell are you teaching my kid?" from his mom. I'm such a bad influence, but it was so cute trying to get him to pose like this when I tell him to close his eyes, and stick out his tongue, and he goes and closes his eyes before I can show him how to do the "Sign of the Devil dude." (Pop Quiz: What movie is that quote from? You get a gold star if you guess correctly.)

It's so Beavis and Butthead.

Heh, heheheheh.

Dude, this rocks.

Duchess and Lil' Bit on the Skytrain...

Half Cut on the Skytrain.

Okay, maybe I was the only one half cut. It's been almost three months since I've had a few drinks.

You'll have to pardon the luggage under my eyes, I've been burning the candle at both ends.

It's been a long week.

Thank Gad it's Friday..

Fuck I hate that phrase, but it's so applicable right now, that I'm going to use it.

Week two of school. Sweet Jeebus. I'm a little overwhelmed. Not much, mind you, but some situations have gotten a little out of control. That's never good for a neurotic control freak like myself.

It's been a horridly busy week. It's great.

I actually enjoyed doing my assigned reading for HTML today. That should solidify my "Geek" status. I don't bloody well care. I think I'm grasping it fairly well, which is a good thing.

It also doesn't hurt when your teacher for that particular subject is easy on the eyes. It's kinda freaky how much he reminds me of Erik.

The reading for my typography class was DRY.

Hell, dry doesn't even cut it. The guy that wrote this friggin piece is ANAL about text. The document was practically the "Ten Commandments of Typography." Basically it was a three page a list of what NOT to do, repeating itself in every choice of phrasing known to humankind. How about NOT using a two and a half inch high giant letter T, with a gaudy drop shadow, to start off the essay? Fuck that looked hideous.

I can understand it from the perspective that you want to know exactly when a new essay starts, but it still looks awful.

I think choosing this program was the best thing I've ever decided to do. I was so lost before this. I had no sense of purpose, and no passion for my job.

I saw Elizabeth (A.K.A. Lil' Bit) after school today for three hours or so. I have come to the conclusion that Israel, from all the hundreds of photographs I saw this afternoon, is utterly gorgeous.

What a remarkable history. That's on my list of places to go now, sister.

Oh, by the way, Congratulations.

Here's a little story for Y'all.

(btw, I did that with some of the stuff I learned in HTML today. Whee!)

Whilst inhaling my nicotine outside the restaurant, this homeless guy walks up carrying a little styrofoam cup. No biggie.

I'm thinking he's gonna ask me for some change, or a smoke. Nope.

He walks up to the edge of the fenced-in patio section at the Roxyburger, and doesn't say a word to me. He's just mumbling to himself and clutching this little coffee cup close to him. Oooohkay. Whatever.

He then proceeds to pour a little puddle of what I swear to Gad, looked like urine onto the table-top next to me on the patio.

The thoughts running through my head were these in particular:

"That's not what I think it is, is it?"

"Yes. Yes I think it is."

and "Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwww! WTF!"

And then I proceeded to lift my elbows OFF of the table I was sitting at, wondering what the fuck was on MINE.

What the hell is wrong with people?! Seriously.

I apologize if the content of this entry is a little weak tonight, I've had a few Smirnoff Ice's, a big greasy burger, the new "Something's Got a Hold On Me" sweet soul CD I bought at Starbucks this afternoon playing in the background, and I've got the notion in my head, that I don't have to get up at six tomorrow morning.

It's a multitude of blissful thoughts.

The barking cough that's been plaguing me is still terribly persistant, but I picked up some new UK halls (that taste absolutely disgusting, might I add) at the little market by my house (The lady that owns it is the sweetest thing. She's always so happy to see me.) And I've been nursing Orange Pekoe Tea with honey, That's been helping so far this evening.

I'm sick of being sick.

I downloaded a multi-chat program called Adium today, and it seems to work fairly well. The fact that I can use both MSN and Yahoo Messenger in one program is pretty handy, and saves me from filling up my screen real estate with clutter.

The next post up, because I figured out how to put up photos on here via Mac finally, is Lil' Bit and myself on the 'train.

And for la piece de la resistance, a question for y'all.

If your second language is English, what language do you think in most of the time? English, or your native language? Discuss.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma Chameleon...

Today during my photoshop class, I greeted Devin on Yahoo messenger, and he asked me to read his blog and let him know if I was interested. I was terribly curious, but had to wait until my break in the middle of . class. Fair enough. I wait, I read what he wrote.

Devin has been a participant in something called a "Blogathon," and has asked me if i am willing to help by writing in my blog. I'm flattered that he thinks I'm worthy enough to do so, and I'm hoping that you guys think so too.

For those of you that don't know what a "Blogathon" is, it's basically a 24 hour blog marathon designed to collect money for charity, or a helpful cause. Typically, it's spread out amidst quite a few Charities, but this year it's all going towards one very worthy cause. The Tsunami Relief Fund. You can either choose to donate based on a flat rate, or for every hour the blogger you choose manages to stay awake. (I'm planning on going full haul, babies!)

The blogger, can either choose to write a story, (as Devin did in 2003) do typical entries, do a photographical biography, Write in Haiku, or whatever else intregues that particular writer.

It's a fascinating way to look into the psyche, and imagination of the person that is blogging, both as readers of that particular blog, and as the writer going over what they have written, obviously after they have slept for at least 12 hours.

I agreed to participate in this blog marathon.

So here's my shout out to Y'all. The date isn't quite set yet, but it's fluctuating for either the 6th of March, or the 13th of March. I will be writing one blog entry every fifteen minutes to half an hour (I've yet to decide how frequently), to collect money for the Relief fund. I'll be getting more information on this as soon as possible and telling you guys how to make your pledges, etcetera. I'm hoping for as much support from you, my wonderful, beautiful readers, as possible. More information is available describing what "Blogathon" is, and showing Devin's 2003 project, at the following URL's:

Blogathon homepage

Devin's 2003 Blogathon

If you're another blogger and you think you are up to the challenge of blogging for 24 hours straight, by all means, please email Devin at He'll be delighted to give you the information as soon as he gets it all finalized.

Please consider pledging. This is a fabulous choice in causes to support. I've already donated at least 30 bucks personally out of my own pocket to the Tsunami Relief fund.

Just think of it as Karma.

Much Love.


Next Time Won't You Sing With Me...

Ok. I stole it from SS@S's site. She stole it from someone else... I'm sure she won't mind. As entertaining as her answers were/are, I think I can do equally as well. Let's give it a shot.

A ~ Age? ~ Twenty four, going on six some days, others I feel like I'm 94... It all depends on the day.

B ~ Band listening to right now? ~ Not a band persay, but it's Aretha Franklin. The cure all for anyone's emotional woes. I have this strange connection with that woman's voice. She gets me mellow.

C ~ Crush? ~ Devin. No big surprise. I'm going to be discreet about the second name. Lwellen.

D ~ Devilish Deed? ~ I haven't done the devilish deed in way too fucking long. *grumbles*

E ~ Easiest person? ~ Uhm. That could be interpreted several different ways. I'm going to go along the lines that S@SS took and say who is the easiest to talk to. Rob, Erik, Devin, Melissa, Norm, Marky (aka. Legs).

F ~ Favourite Face? ~ Devin. No question. He's got the best expressions, the most tempting mouth, and the most amazing, beautiul, alive and tired at the same time eyes, that crinkle just right when he smiles.

I'm also partial to gazing longingly at the posters of George Strombolopolous strewn about the buses lately for the CBC on the way to school.

G ~ Gimpy? ~ I've got a bum left knee and hip joint from a work accident. It tends to kick in when I'm doing the devilish deed. *grumbles again* I'm broken.

H ~ Happy? ~ Occasionally. Lately? Yeah, surprisingly enough.

I ~ Instruments? ~ I have 18 years of music training vocally. the last six of it in Jazz. It's still there, but you can't tell right now because I'm sick. I also play acoustic guitar. (Albeit poorly.)

J ~ Well fuck, there was no J in SS@S's one. I'm going to say: Jittery? ~ Yes. when I drink too much coffee, and that happens more often than not. Or when I don't get laid on a regular basis.

K ~ Kids? ~ Nope. Maybe someday. Maybe. I just spoil my nephew instead. I tend to give him sugar, and then take off an hour or so later when it kicks in. Fun fun!

L ~ Longest car ride ever? ~ I did a caravan from Vancouver, to Seattle to Wyoming, to Ohio, to Pennsylvania, and finished in New York City when I was 19, with about 20 other people. It was wild, and I would recommend that to anyone. You can learn more than you ever knew about other people when you spend that much time in their company. You also learn how to talk to anyone, under any circumstance that happens to be thrown your way. I also really learned about my then political organization that I was in at that point in my life.

M ~ Missionary? ~ Hrm. In one way it's boring, and in another way, it's the best way to kiss while doing the horizontal tango.

N ~ Number of Sexual partners? ~ Uhhhh... I plead the fifth. Enough to know exactly what I'm doing. That's not a fair question to ask someone that was in an alternative scene a few years ago. *smirks*

O ~ Outtie or Innie? ~ Innie.

P ~ Pets? ~ I have a couple of cats at my parents house. One named Bob (aka. Bobbykins... Yes I stole it from Archie. Sue me.) and one named Buddy (aka. Fat bastard. Seriously, He's a the strongest black and white beachball with legs I've ever seen. He's also the biggest chickenshit cat I've ever seen.) I've also owned a little black cat named Se7en, who was sweeter than anything, and a purebred white persian named Tiffany, that I got for my 8th birthday, who I miss all the time. I'm contemplating getting fish whilst living in "The dungeon," and teased Grandma about getting a half Chow, half Jack Russel terrier puppy around Christmas time. (The cutest dog in the universe, I swear.) I also tried to rescue a stray when I was living with Lil' Bit in the early summer, but the trampy little pussy decided she liked it better hanging out by the dumpster instead of being pampered in my apartment. She was a gorgeous longhaired Calico with an elfin face, that I had named Mina.

Q ~ Hrm. no Q either. I'm gonna say Queers. Yup. I have no problem with 'em. I even socialize with quite a few as often as possible, and miss going to the Dufferin every Friday for Karaoke with Sandy, Cass, and all the rest of the boi's.

R ~ Reasons To Smile? I'm controlled by my senses. Seeing a rose that's bloomed in mid-January on the way home from school today. Inhaling the scent of a lover's skin, when you haven't seen them for weeks. Tickling my nephew and hearing his irresistable, adorable, enchanting giggle. The feeling of 400 thread count cotton sheets against your feet, topped with a goose down feather duvet and half a dozen pillows all in shades of sage green and cream, on a bed that feels like sleeping on clouds. (Gad, I love my bed.) Chocolate or Orange flavoured anything.

S ~ Spit or Swallow? Swallow. Duh. It's better than holding it in your mouth and running to the bathroom. That shit burns when you hold it in there for too long.

T ~ Time you wake up? I used to work in a bakery, doing sporadic shifts, sometimes for 3am, 4am, 5am, and 6am... I wake up every hour on the hour, look at the clock, turn over, and go to sleep again. I can't seem to sleep solid through the night. It's just something I've grown accustomed to. I also wake up about ten minutes before my alarm goes off at six EVERY morning for school. Fuck is that annoying.

U ~ Unknown Fact about Me? When I was 19 years old, I worked for approximately a month in New York City. I was editing and helping publish a political newspaper and Political books that were distributed globally, in the afternoon, as well as repainting the interior of the publishing house during the morning, seven days a week. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

V ~ Vices? I smoke. I also curse pretty frequently. I like to read smut. I encourage my nephew by laughing at his bad behaviour. (But only when it's really funny!) I'm a Karaoke whore. I'm a shopping addict. I'm addicted to crack. Oh, wait. Nix that last one...

W ~ Weight? Ideally I'd be a buck fifty-five, but that shit ain't gonna happen. If you saw my Dad, you would understand. I'm five nine, and 180 pounds of hot, sexy, volumptuousness. Yeah. That's it. I've got Very strong arms and legs. I'm getting slimmer as the months go by though. It's nice to see someone from highschool that hasn't seen me in six years that says "Holy shit! you look amazing!"

X ~ X-ray's I've had: I've had two. One when I almost removed my fingertips at work (read my second posting on this blog entitled "Let's Keep My Fingers Attached Today, Thanks." in the July archives for 2004. I apologize in advance for the primitive blogging skills. I've improved since.) Another time was in Highschool when I decided to run while pushing a chair dolly, hit the wall with the dolly and flipped head first over it landing at a nice wonky angle on my ankle. I missed going to the MALL because of that, damnit.

Y ~ Yummy Food: Chocolate, Double-stuffed Oreos (Everyone likes to have it double stuffed, don't they? *smirks*) Butter Chicken with Basmati Rice and Na'an bread, Coca Cola, Honeycomb Cereal, Ceasar Salads, Ceasar drinks, Smirnoff Ice, my Mom's Lasagna, Turkey stuffing with Roasted pine nuts and Italian sausage. (THAT stuffing is the shiznit.)

Z ~ Zipper or Button fly on guys? Button fly is pretty easy to pop open. I'm giving away way too much info about my previous experience level here, aren't I?


Elle. (A new moniker from an Aussie friend of mine, I quite like it.)

PS. I think this spell checker LIES!

*note* I figured out why I couldn't edit my posts in HTML, include hyperlinks, and import photo's and use blockquotes on this computer. The culprit was my shitty web browser. (AKA Safari.) I've switched to Firefox since then and have absolutely NO issues. Vunderbar. I suppose I should thank that hottie Cryptic, as well as Chris, my HTML instructor. Thanks guys. I'm a happy girl now! Go get it! Now! Now I say!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Mmmm... Toys...

I should have gotten one of these things a LONG time ago.

I'm talking about an iPod. I know there is a sex show going on this weekend here, but honestly, I dunno where you're dirty little mind is travelling. That, and my collection of other toys is extensive enough.

Basically the moment I got this hot little thing into my grubby mitts, I've been dying to go home and stuff it full of music. I'm tired of changing CD's all the time, dammit.

Unfortunately, geekery must wait, and a visit to the nephew and his mom must occur.

I have to admit, the brains of kids is a strange fertile territory. He'll tell his mom "Mommy stinks!" to rile her up, and then look right at me, two seconds later, and says, "Auntie Linds, you're beautiful." uuhhhh..... thanks Sweetpea. *muffles her laughter at watching "mommy's" face.*

Yep. Boy's are strange. Even when they're little.

Very Irritable...

At 11:52 in the morning.


I'm snarky with friends online and on the phone, and with Grandma upstairs.

However I'm sick right now and don't want to hear her NAGGING at me every single time I cough, about taking medication from yesterday (because that would SO help today. Yes, yes it would!) or that I should quit smoking because that's what's making me cough, or blah blah blah, or yadda yadda yadda...

*Le Sigh*

Hearing her chat upstairs on the phone with everyone under the sun about nothing EVERY MORNING, is like a Seinfeld episode gone horribly awry.

I love this woman to death, but I'm not used to having to explain my comings and goings with everything I'm doing. I'm not used to having a midnight curfew, which stopped happening for me when I turned 17 for gad's sakes. I think my freedom is starting to feel seriously infringed upon, and the Taurus in me is starting to drag her hooves across the dirt before she charges. A bad idea no matter HOW I look at it. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. (Figuratively, since my bed is actually pushed up against the wall... But you catch my gist.)

I've found out that I can't post pictures up here anymore, because I'm using a Mac now. It's unfortunate that Blogger has only developed software for PC in this regard, it limits the creativity of the bloggers online that are using Mac's. It's also unfortunate since I just bought a Digital Camera yesterday and was looking forward to slapping some piccies up here. I will incorporate a link in here, that is accessable on the sidebar, for pictures in a publicly viewable yahoo photo album or somesuch. When I've figured out how to do that, of course.

Hyperlinks, as far as I know don't work either, and I can't seem to edit in HTML (for anything actually.) to put them in. That totally sucks the shaved knob.

Other than all of this bad news, I'm okay. I just wish I would stop the coughing that is plaguing me to no end except for when I'm sleeping. I've found that "Halls"(tm) does pretty much nothing, but "Alpine Chewing Gum"(tm) is pretty damned good, but more for sore throats than coughing. The only thing that stops me from coughing is sleep...

The benifit of coughing so much is that it feels like I've done a 4 day tummy crunches marathon.

I'm picking up an Ipod today. Might as well. saves me from flipping CD's in and out of my discman on the train, when I could just as easily scroll through a menu on a screen and pick any of my CD's, instead of the two or three I brought with me. I still don't believe in downloading music without paying for it, so I'm just going to take the CD's I've got and rip them into MP3's.

Technically that's not theft. You are allowed to make a back up copy for personal use, in case the original item gets damaged, or stolen. (I wish I had done that last year when my 25 favourite discs were stolen from my purse at work.)

Anyways. The thought of spending money on new toys, (disgustingly enough) has left me relatively chipper now. I'm going shopping.

Catch y'all on the flip side.


Friday, January 14, 2005

*Hack, Hack, Wheeze*

Well, I guess I had my run of luck during the Christmas Holidays, and managed to not get ill ONCE during the whole damned thing.

Ah my darlings, how things change.

Scene begins on the second day of class. Boom. My throat is telling me, "Take Advil(tm), I hurt."

I'm dreading my annual bout of Strep/tonsillitis.

Strep would have been better. At least I could take antibiotics and be fine in three or four days. Instead, I'm coughing, I'm sneezing, I'm sniffling. I feel like one of those people I usually despise when I'm on the skytrain during rush hour. I sound like one of the many cheap hookers on Hastings.

You know what I'm talking about. Those ones that have the bleach blonde hair and black roots,hideous 1989 puke-green high heels, (back from her Grad) neon pink mini skirt, leopard print dress shirt, replete with the "sport-jacket" (shoulder pads included, of course.) All of which was purchased at Value Village for five bucks by her pimp, ("I spent five whole dollars on you woman! That's 25 blow jobs by Friday, ya hear me?") who thought it looked fabulous on her. (nice visual eh? Fun fun!)

If you've ever seen the movie "Love Potion #9" with the then very young Sandra Bullock, then you know what I'm talking about. (No, not Sandra's scientist character, the Hooker character, fer fucks sakes.)

I have to admit, that particular piece of Fromage is one of my favourite movies. Sad, huh? I hope I'm not the ONLY one that likes that flick. (GEEKS UNITE!) The song rules too.

Onnnnn another page...

Classes are slowly but steadily increasing for me right now. I have this horrid, looming suspicion that I'm not going to have any social life whatsoever when things kick into full gear. Actually, it's more of a certainty.

Not that I really have one right now. I've neglected my "Karaokarial duties" for a little over two months now. I miss The Dufferin. Too bad they don't have Karaoke there anymore. (Boo! Hiss!) Where else am I supposed to go hang around with "queers" who love showtunes as much as I do, while Ryan is out of town? I mean honestly. The Beatty St. Grill just doesn't cut it for me on my friday nights. I need my Homo fix.

Apart from that, I'm drooling at the bit to redesign this mo-fo when I've got the mad skillz to actually figure out what the hell the HTML coding in my blog outline means. Do you have any idea how long it took me to figure out where to put that "Is my Blog Hot or Not?" bit in there at the top? At least 20 minutes. *winks*

I plan on pulling that whole "Pimp My Ride"-esque treatement on this Lil' Ol' Blog of mine as soon as I get some time and the know how. The Glamazon Shoe Diaries gets a TLC's "What Not to Wear" five thousand keystroke makeover. (Don't ask why I'm going on this stupid reality show metaphor right now. I really couldn't tell you, other than I think it's funny, and that I'm blatantly advertising how incredibly GEEKY I am.) All I know was that I got to watch "What Not to Wear", and "Trading Spaces" while I got my ink done last Saturday. Considering how much I don't like television, combined with the lovely pain of needles peircing my skin, and stabbing my spinal column over and over and over again until my spine felt like hamburger, it was a GREAT session. And BOY do I want to scratch my back.

(**Note to self. DON'T SCRATCH! Bad monkey.**)


I'm reading Jaqueline Carey's fourth book titled "Banewreaker" on and off over the past week or so, as well as "He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys." by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.

The link for Banewreaker on

the link for "He's Just..." on

"Banewreaker" is FAN-freaking-TASTIC, just like all of Jaqueline Carey's previous books. I was so impatient to get it that I bought it in hardcover. (I did the same with her 2nd and 3rd books for the Kushiel's Dart series.) Other than fekking around with Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, I've been staying up past my ten o clock beddie-bye curfew almost every night reading it.

As for "He's Just Not That Into You", I found it to be a combination of humour and seriousness, (which admittedly, was the goal) and the overall quality of the content being so-so. I finished it in about three hours. It is a real eye opener however.
You have NO idea how often I've seen men behave badly, just like in some of the examples.

Greg truly is a funny man, but he's definitely a comedian moreso than a relationship Guru. It's lovely that he has a "great marriage" to a beautiful woman, but honestly, that's rubbing it in the face of the poor saps (like me) that seem to find the REAL winners. The examples that they give, i.e.) letters from women to Greg, asking his advice, are fairly obvious. I find that most of the letters must be one of the following.

A.)Written by very stupid women.

B.)Created for the book.


C.)Created for the book, but written by very stupid women. (Or men. I'm not discriminating here.)

I think that Sex and the City writers, should stick to writing Sex and the City episodes, and stay out of the relationship book game. (Fuck, who am I to criticize, I bought the Goddamned book now, didn't I?)


Is a toss up between Seal --- "IV" and his greatest hits on a 2 disc set, and (of course, because I don't leave home without her) Aretha Franklin -- "The 60's" greatest hits collection.

Aretha Franklin is the cure-all for anyone's emotional woes. Get this fuckin' cd. Seriously.

Anyhoo, Catch Y'all on the Flip flop. I've been busier than a three peckered rabbit this week, and feel like curling up with my copy of "Banewreaker" underneath my duvet on my mmmmmm... Bed... With all my pillows.... screw reading. I'm hitting the hay. It's time to STOP looking at this screen for a while, and fall asleep listening to some Aretha.

Much Love.


PS. Omfg. I rule. Only two spelling errors in this whole thing. Yessssss..... I am so smart. S-M-R-T.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I'm blessedly single (he was just "not that into me" according to the book) but who really fucking cares... Not ME! And enjoying it. He was too BUSY for me. Too busy to stop by and say Hello when he worked right downstairs from me, (come on, five minutes isn't going to KILL you buddy.)

Hey Melissa, according to the book, Luc is definitely INTO you! Gratz sista.

School is very interesting so far and I'm learning how to do a helluva lot with my Laptop, I can't wait until I can do MORE!

More, more, more!!!!

In the meantime right now I'm sitting here, uploading software upgrades into this hot little computer, and chatting online for the first time in almost two months while farting around in class. (With permission of course.) GREAT! I'm stoked.

The net gets installed into my house on Saturday, and when that happens its rock and 'effin roll babies!

I got Kanji tattooed all up my spine this saturday just past, and it looks phenominal. from the top to the bottom, it says, "Love, Dream, Music, Friendship"

Friendship is two symbols. all total the number of Tat's on my back alone now is eight.

I can proudly say that I sat there for over an hour, getting ink done, and not one tear came out. It hurt like a sonofabitch though. I plan on getting a few pictures taken of my entire back when it heals fully.

I plan on posting the entries I've hand written over the next few weeks, all of which have been dated and time stamped so when they are entered in it should go according to date and look like entries that were put in on the dates specified. (If that makes sense.)

Elizabeth, if you're still alive a message one way or another would be terrific. :P

Catch ya cats on the flip flop.

