Thursday, January 20, 2005

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me...

Ok. I stole it from SS@S's site. She stole it from someone else... I'm sure she won't mind. As entertaining as her answers were/are, I think I can do equally as well. Let's give it a shot.

A ~ Age? ~ Twenty four, going on six some days, others I feel like I'm 94... It all depends on the day.

B ~ Band listening to right now? ~ Not a band persay, but it's Aretha Franklin. The cure all for anyone's emotional woes. I have this strange connection with that woman's voice. She gets me mellow.

C ~ Crush? ~ Devin. No big surprise. I'm going to be discreet about the second name. Lwellen.

D ~ Devilish Deed? ~ I haven't done the devilish deed in way too fucking long. *grumbles*

E ~ Easiest person? ~ Uhm. That could be interpreted several different ways. I'm going to go along the lines that S@SS took and say who is the easiest to talk to. Rob, Erik, Devin, Melissa, Norm, Marky (aka. Legs).

F ~ Favourite Face? ~ Devin. No question. He's got the best expressions, the most tempting mouth, and the most amazing, beautiul, alive and tired at the same time eyes, that crinkle just right when he smiles.

I'm also partial to gazing longingly at the posters of George Strombolopolous strewn about the buses lately for the CBC on the way to school.

G ~ Gimpy? ~ I've got a bum left knee and hip joint from a work accident. It tends to kick in when I'm doing the devilish deed. *grumbles again* I'm broken.

H ~ Happy? ~ Occasionally. Lately? Yeah, surprisingly enough.

I ~ Instruments? ~ I have 18 years of music training vocally. the last six of it in Jazz. It's still there, but you can't tell right now because I'm sick. I also play acoustic guitar. (Albeit poorly.)

J ~ Well fuck, there was no J in SS@S's one. I'm going to say: Jittery? ~ Yes. when I drink too much coffee, and that happens more often than not. Or when I don't get laid on a regular basis.

K ~ Kids? ~ Nope. Maybe someday. Maybe. I just spoil my nephew instead. I tend to give him sugar, and then take off an hour or so later when it kicks in. Fun fun!

L ~ Longest car ride ever? ~ I did a caravan from Vancouver, to Seattle to Wyoming, to Ohio, to Pennsylvania, and finished in New York City when I was 19, with about 20 other people. It was wild, and I would recommend that to anyone. You can learn more than you ever knew about other people when you spend that much time in their company. You also learn how to talk to anyone, under any circumstance that happens to be thrown your way. I also really learned about my then political organization that I was in at that point in my life.

M ~ Missionary? ~ Hrm. In one way it's boring, and in another way, it's the best way to kiss while doing the horizontal tango.

N ~ Number of Sexual partners? ~ Uhhhh... I plead the fifth. Enough to know exactly what I'm doing. That's not a fair question to ask someone that was in an alternative scene a few years ago. *smirks*

O ~ Outtie or Innie? ~ Innie.

P ~ Pets? ~ I have a couple of cats at my parents house. One named Bob (aka. Bobbykins... Yes I stole it from Archie. Sue me.) and one named Buddy (aka. Fat bastard. Seriously, He's a the strongest black and white beachball with legs I've ever seen. He's also the biggest chickenshit cat I've ever seen.) I've also owned a little black cat named Se7en, who was sweeter than anything, and a purebred white persian named Tiffany, that I got for my 8th birthday, who I miss all the time. I'm contemplating getting fish whilst living in "The dungeon," and teased Grandma about getting a half Chow, half Jack Russel terrier puppy around Christmas time. (The cutest dog in the universe, I swear.) I also tried to rescue a stray when I was living with Lil' Bit in the early summer, but the trampy little pussy decided she liked it better hanging out by the dumpster instead of being pampered in my apartment. She was a gorgeous longhaired Calico with an elfin face, that I had named Mina.

Q ~ Hrm. no Q either. I'm gonna say Queers. Yup. I have no problem with 'em. I even socialize with quite a few as often as possible, and miss going to the Dufferin every Friday for Karaoke with Sandy, Cass, and all the rest of the boi's.

R ~ Reasons To Smile? I'm controlled by my senses. Seeing a rose that's bloomed in mid-January on the way home from school today. Inhaling the scent of a lover's skin, when you haven't seen them for weeks. Tickling my nephew and hearing his irresistable, adorable, enchanting giggle. The feeling of 400 thread count cotton sheets against your feet, topped with a goose down feather duvet and half a dozen pillows all in shades of sage green and cream, on a bed that feels like sleeping on clouds. (Gad, I love my bed.) Chocolate or Orange flavoured anything.

S ~ Spit or Swallow? Swallow. Duh. It's better than holding it in your mouth and running to the bathroom. That shit burns when you hold it in there for too long.

T ~ Time you wake up? I used to work in a bakery, doing sporadic shifts, sometimes for 3am, 4am, 5am, and 6am... I wake up every hour on the hour, look at the clock, turn over, and go to sleep again. I can't seem to sleep solid through the night. It's just something I've grown accustomed to. I also wake up about ten minutes before my alarm goes off at six EVERY morning for school. Fuck is that annoying.

U ~ Unknown Fact about Me? When I was 19 years old, I worked for approximately a month in New York City. I was editing and helping publish a political newspaper and Political books that were distributed globally, in the afternoon, as well as repainting the interior of the publishing house during the morning, seven days a week. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

V ~ Vices? I smoke. I also curse pretty frequently. I like to read smut. I encourage my nephew by laughing at his bad behaviour. (But only when it's really funny!) I'm a Karaoke whore. I'm a shopping addict. I'm addicted to crack. Oh, wait. Nix that last one...

W ~ Weight? Ideally I'd be a buck fifty-five, but that shit ain't gonna happen. If you saw my Dad, you would understand. I'm five nine, and 180 pounds of hot, sexy, volumptuousness. Yeah. That's it. I've got Very strong arms and legs. I'm getting slimmer as the months go by though. It's nice to see someone from highschool that hasn't seen me in six years that says "Holy shit! you look amazing!"

X ~ X-ray's I've had: I've had two. One when I almost removed my fingertips at work (read my second posting on this blog entitled "Let's Keep My Fingers Attached Today, Thanks." in the July archives for 2004. I apologize in advance for the primitive blogging skills. I've improved since.) Another time was in Highschool when I decided to run while pushing a chair dolly, hit the wall with the dolly and flipped head first over it landing at a nice wonky angle on my ankle. I missed going to the MALL because of that, damnit.

Y ~ Yummy Food: Chocolate, Double-stuffed Oreos (Everyone likes to have it double stuffed, don't they? *smirks*) Butter Chicken with Basmati Rice and Na'an bread, Coca Cola, Honeycomb Cereal, Ceasar Salads, Ceasar drinks, Smirnoff Ice, my Mom's Lasagna, Turkey stuffing with Roasted pine nuts and Italian sausage. (THAT stuffing is the shiznit.)

Z ~ Zipper or Button fly on guys? Button fly is pretty easy to pop open. I'm giving away way too much info about my previous experience level here, aren't I?


Elle. (A new moniker from an Aussie friend of mine, I quite like it.)

PS. I think this spell checker LIES!

*note* I figured out why I couldn't edit my posts in HTML, include hyperlinks, and import photo's and use blockquotes on this computer. The culprit was my shitty web browser. (AKA Safari.) I've switched to Firefox since then and have absolutely NO issues. Vunderbar. I suppose I should thank that hottie Cryptic, as well as Chris, my HTML instructor. Thanks guys. I'm a happy girl now! Go get it! Now! Now I say!

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