Friday, January 21, 2005

Thank Gad it's Friday..

Fuck I hate that phrase, but it's so applicable right now, that I'm going to use it.

Week two of school. Sweet Jeebus. I'm a little overwhelmed. Not much, mind you, but some situations have gotten a little out of control. That's never good for a neurotic control freak like myself.

It's been a horridly busy week. It's great.

I actually enjoyed doing my assigned reading for HTML today. That should solidify my "Geek" status. I don't bloody well care. I think I'm grasping it fairly well, which is a good thing.

It also doesn't hurt when your teacher for that particular subject is easy on the eyes. It's kinda freaky how much he reminds me of Erik.

The reading for my typography class was DRY.

Hell, dry doesn't even cut it. The guy that wrote this friggin piece is ANAL about text. The document was practically the "Ten Commandments of Typography." Basically it was a three page a list of what NOT to do, repeating itself in every choice of phrasing known to humankind. How about NOT using a two and a half inch high giant letter T, with a gaudy drop shadow, to start off the essay? Fuck that looked hideous.

I can understand it from the perspective that you want to know exactly when a new essay starts, but it still looks awful.

I think choosing this program was the best thing I've ever decided to do. I was so lost before this. I had no sense of purpose, and no passion for my job.

I saw Elizabeth (A.K.A. Lil' Bit) after school today for three hours or so. I have come to the conclusion that Israel, from all the hundreds of photographs I saw this afternoon, is utterly gorgeous.

What a remarkable history. That's on my list of places to go now, sister.

Oh, by the way, Congratulations.

Here's a little story for Y'all.

(btw, I did that with some of the stuff I learned in HTML today. Whee!)

Whilst inhaling my nicotine outside the restaurant, this homeless guy walks up carrying a little styrofoam cup. No biggie.

I'm thinking he's gonna ask me for some change, or a smoke. Nope.

He walks up to the edge of the fenced-in patio section at the Roxyburger, and doesn't say a word to me. He's just mumbling to himself and clutching this little coffee cup close to him. Oooohkay. Whatever.

He then proceeds to pour a little puddle of what I swear to Gad, looked like urine onto the table-top next to me on the patio.

The thoughts running through my head were these in particular:

"That's not what I think it is, is it?"

"Yes. Yes I think it is."

and "Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwww! WTF!"

And then I proceeded to lift my elbows OFF of the table I was sitting at, wondering what the fuck was on MINE.

What the hell is wrong with people?! Seriously.

I apologize if the content of this entry is a little weak tonight, I've had a few Smirnoff Ice's, a big greasy burger, the new "Something's Got a Hold On Me" sweet soul CD I bought at Starbucks this afternoon playing in the background, and I've got the notion in my head, that I don't have to get up at six tomorrow morning.

It's a multitude of blissful thoughts.

The barking cough that's been plaguing me is still terribly persistant, but I picked up some new UK halls (that taste absolutely disgusting, might I add) at the little market by my house (The lady that owns it is the sweetest thing. She's always so happy to see me.) And I've been nursing Orange Pekoe Tea with honey, That's been helping so far this evening.

I'm sick of being sick.

I downloaded a multi-chat program called Adium today, and it seems to work fairly well. The fact that I can use both MSN and Yahoo Messenger in one program is pretty handy, and saves me from filling up my screen real estate with clutter.

The next post up, because I figured out how to put up photos on here via Mac finally, is Lil' Bit and myself on the 'train.

And for la piece de la resistance, a question for y'all.

If your second language is English, what language do you think in most of the time? English, or your native language? Discuss.


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