Sunday, January 16, 2005

Very Irritable...

At 11:52 in the morning.


I'm snarky with friends online and on the phone, and with Grandma upstairs.

However I'm sick right now and don't want to hear her NAGGING at me every single time I cough, about taking medication from yesterday (because that would SO help today. Yes, yes it would!) or that I should quit smoking because that's what's making me cough, or blah blah blah, or yadda yadda yadda...

*Le Sigh*

Hearing her chat upstairs on the phone with everyone under the sun about nothing EVERY MORNING, is like a Seinfeld episode gone horribly awry.

I love this woman to death, but I'm not used to having to explain my comings and goings with everything I'm doing. I'm not used to having a midnight curfew, which stopped happening for me when I turned 17 for gad's sakes. I think my freedom is starting to feel seriously infringed upon, and the Taurus in me is starting to drag her hooves across the dirt before she charges. A bad idea no matter HOW I look at it. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. (Figuratively, since my bed is actually pushed up against the wall... But you catch my gist.)

I've found out that I can't post pictures up here anymore, because I'm using a Mac now. It's unfortunate that Blogger has only developed software for PC in this regard, it limits the creativity of the bloggers online that are using Mac's. It's also unfortunate since I just bought a Digital Camera yesterday and was looking forward to slapping some piccies up here. I will incorporate a link in here, that is accessable on the sidebar, for pictures in a publicly viewable yahoo photo album or somesuch. When I've figured out how to do that, of course.

Hyperlinks, as far as I know don't work either, and I can't seem to edit in HTML (for anything actually.) to put them in. That totally sucks the shaved knob.

Other than all of this bad news, I'm okay. I just wish I would stop the coughing that is plaguing me to no end except for when I'm sleeping. I've found that "Halls"(tm) does pretty much nothing, but "Alpine Chewing Gum"(tm) is pretty damned good, but more for sore throats than coughing. The only thing that stops me from coughing is sleep...

The benifit of coughing so much is that it feels like I've done a 4 day tummy crunches marathon.

I'm picking up an Ipod today. Might as well. saves me from flipping CD's in and out of my discman on the train, when I could just as easily scroll through a menu on a screen and pick any of my CD's, instead of the two or three I brought with me. I still don't believe in downloading music without paying for it, so I'm just going to take the CD's I've got and rip them into MP3's.

Technically that's not theft. You are allowed to make a back up copy for personal use, in case the original item gets damaged, or stolen. (I wish I had done that last year when my 25 favourite discs were stolen from my purse at work.)

Anyways. The thought of spending money on new toys, (disgustingly enough) has left me relatively chipper now. I'm going shopping.

Catch y'all on the flip side.


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