Saturday, January 29, 2005

Damned Technology!

I'm having NOTHING but problems right now with my laptop.

My display keeps on getting fucked up every time I reboot my computer, it's basically the equivalent of it being drawn and quartered. Damnit. As long as I spend ten minutes rebooting, and rebooting again, it works eventually, but it's taking way to friggin long.

Originally, John thought the problem was the supplementary RAM chip malfunctioning... However, it keeps on happening even after it's been removed. Safari won't work!! My address book won't work!! Adium isn't workin! How am I supposed to check my HTML coding in ONE browser and know how it's going to affect OTHER ones? *Bitch and Moan*

And of COURSE, it's the only machine that is having problems in the entire class.

I've got HOMEWORK to do, here computer. Colour Theory awaits! Sluggishness I will not abide! *Tsk!* Photoshop beckons!

Ah, hell.

I went and took the liberty of getting a few presents for Devin today, to ship out to Dallas before I head down there, being that he was nice enough and all to send me a few CD's a while back. That should be in the mail tomorrow. (And no, I'm not telling in here what I got him until he actually gets it. He reads this thing occasionally.)

I've discovered, now that I don't work shitty retail hours and every weekend, all the time, that Friday, is truly a great day. Know why? It means I don't have to cram my fat ass in next to some asshole with bad pittsmell and breath that smells like he's forgotten to brush his teeth, (for the last year.) that's five inches taller than me and requires hanging onto the pole above my head on the Skytrain. It means that after five days of that shit, of actually being SHOVED off of the train at Broadway Skytrain Station (aka. HELL), when I'm pretty much DESPISING human beings, I get a two day reprieve.

Hallejulah. Praise Jeebus. And on the Sixth and Seventh days, She did homework, and it was good. That is, IF her EFFING COMPUTER WORKS THE WAY IT SHOULD! Forsooth. And it shall be done.

Alas and alack. Time to get a move on with Colour Theory. I'm behind already.

Friday's 5 best albums:

(consider this a mini version of "Tunes to Groove By")

    Current Music:

  1. Scissor Sisters (Self Titled Album)
    Best songs: Mary, Take your Momma, Comfortably Numb, Filthy/Gorgeous.
    Genre: Electronica.
    Rating: 5/5


    For "Comfortably Numb." Yes, it indeed is a cover of the Pink Floyd's tune. Imagine it done by the Bee-Gee's. Originally, when I first listened to it in Virgin Records, I despised it. In all actuality, I almost didn't recognize it. It definitely grows on you, just listen to it with a sense of humour.

    Mary, is beautiful lyrically, and I wouldn't consider that particular song "Electronica."

    I'm still debating on exactly what the lyrics mean in "Take Your Momma"

    Filthy/Gorgeous. Gosh, I believe I've been accused of being something along those lines, at one point or a dozen in my life. HERE is a remix of the tune, very, very well done.

  2. Ray! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
    Best songs: The whole damned album. This man truly was a genius.
    Genre: Soundtrack/Soul
    Rating: 5/5


    Fan-Freaking-tastic! This man IS soul, in it's purest, sweetest most good natured form. He makes me smile.

  3. Robbie Williams: Greatest Hits
    Best songs: Millenium, Rock DJ, Feel (this song is absolutely amazing!)
    Genre: Pop
    Rating 4/5


    He's SUPER hot, but some of his songs... Weeeeeelll... Not so much. I think "greatest hits" is a loosely used term. I bought the CD for these three songs, However, that's just MY tastes. I'm sure if I felt like it, I would like the rest of them from making myself listen to it over and over, picking up on subtle nuances that I always seem to hear and end up loving.

  4. The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble 2 disc set.
    Best songs: The Sky is Crying, Look At Little Sister, Texas Flood, The House Is Rockin', Superstition (Live), Riviera Paradise, Life Without You, and a whole bunch of others...
    Genre: Blues
    Rating 5/5


    I still stick to my guns by saying that "The Sky Is Crying" is one of the most phenominal songs I've ever heard in my life. I can also still see my parents dancing like fools in the living room on Christmas Day to this CD. That, in and of itself, makes this compilation rock.

  5. Sarah Vaughan: Ultimate Sarah Vaughan
    Best songs: Little Girl Blue, Poor Butterfly, I'll Be Seeing You, The Sweetest Sounds, Broken Hearted Melody.
    Genre: Jazz
    Rating: 5/5


    Amazing range, tone and expression of emotion from playfulness to the saddest, sweetest voices I've ever heard. Those notes come from a woman with one of the softest, breathiest, most feminine speaking voices I've ever heard. Her ability to keep an audience spellbound just with her remarkable vocal abilities is obvious, because most of this album was recorded in venues that she performed in. Other than the occasional cough, the audience is utterly silent until the end of her songs.

    Fact about Sarah Vaughan: Mizz Sarah, was renowned for her ability to mimic ANY instrument note for note. Now THAT'S talent. Wild.

Fact about this entry, and all subsequent entries from now on: I'm putting all of this up using ONLY my HTML editor on Blogger. Well, to the best of my abilities anyways. Booyah Gramma.


Linds said...

Cryptic darling.

T'would be lovely my gorgeous, to indulge my carnal technology shopping fantasies thusly... However, it's still under warranty so I don't have to do a damned thing regarding dipping into my wallet.

I actually had the thing in the shop for the past three days, much to my dismay... The screen resolution has been temporarily fixed, until a new screen comes in.

It's left me with an awfully large amount of homework that's built up underneath me. Or should I say smothering me the way I wish YOU would. *leers at you lecherously*

Just kidding.

Okay. I'm not. However, it's not nearly as pervy-like as that came across... Keep it up sunshine.

Linds said...

Jusssst a wee bit. Considering my status message on Yahoo Messenger for the past week or so has been:

"A Wee Bit o' Saucy Minx."

I think you hit it right on the button, gorgeous.