Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I'm blessedly single (he was just "not that into me" according to the book) but who really fucking cares... Not ME! And enjoying it. He was too BUSY for me. Too busy to stop by and say Hello when he worked right downstairs from me, (come on, five minutes isn't going to KILL you buddy.)

Hey Melissa, according to the book, Luc is definitely INTO you! Gratz sista.

School is very interesting so far and I'm learning how to do a helluva lot with my Laptop, I can't wait until I can do MORE!

More, more, more!!!!

In the meantime right now I'm sitting here, uploading software upgrades into this hot little computer, and chatting online for the first time in almost two months while farting around in class. (With permission of course.) GREAT! I'm stoked.

The net gets installed into my house on Saturday, and when that happens its rock and 'effin roll babies!

I got Kanji tattooed all up my spine this saturday just past, and it looks phenominal. from the top to the bottom, it says, "Love, Dream, Music, Friendship"

Friendship is two symbols. all total the number of Tat's on my back alone now is eight.

I can proudly say that I sat there for over an hour, getting ink done, and not one tear came out. It hurt like a sonofabitch though. I plan on getting a few pictures taken of my entire back when it heals fully.

I plan on posting the entries I've hand written over the next few weeks, all of which have been dated and time stamped so when they are entered in it should go according to date and look like entries that were put in on the dates specified. (If that makes sense.)

Elizabeth, if you're still alive a message one way or another would be terrific. :P

Catch ya cats on the flip flop.




Anonymous said...

The link is on the entry right above this one. (Hack, Hack, Wheeze.) By the way, YOU are stunningly hot.

Linds said...

And I'm not annonymous. I'm me. *grumbles*