Thursday, February 09, 2006

Force of Habit.

Wholeheartedly stolen from the ever so delectable Daniel from Don't Feed The Monkeys, and then ad-libbed by myself.

I have bad habits, and things I don't like to admit about myself. Not your typical bad habits, stupid ones, like the fact that I smoke, curse a lot, or that I bite my nails, but we're delving deeper, Deeeeeper, twirling, twirling into the abyss that is my psyche.

Bring a flashlight.

1. It takes a lot to get me angry. It takes persistant, and relentless pushing to get me to snap. That being said, when I get pushed too far, I am the equivalent of the bull in a china shop. When I'm irritable, I have absolutely poisonous thoughts. Ones that scare me. I rage in my head. I'm sure if you looked at me closely enough when I was in that sort of mood, I'd have red eyes.

Granted, since I've started working on my New Years Resolution, to learn how to relax, this is becoming less and less an issue. Of course, I'd never actually ACT upon those thoughts, but the fact that they're there freaks me out a little.

2. I'm a gigantic tease. I love the lure and the chase. I love to flirt and to be flirted with. I don't necessarily want it to go beyond the flirt, though. Unfortunately for some of the male counterparts that are involved.

3. I get depressed easily. Sometimes it seems like fate (or whatever you choose to believe in) lets me get a few feet up, and then slaps me down laughing. That's okay though. I've learned, that you can't let things get you down for too long, and it's gone from me moping about my situation for a few days, to getting over it within the hour.

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