Thursday, February 23, 2006

Seven Songs...

Borrowed from Shatnerian, even though he didn't tag me.

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they are any good, but they must be songs you are really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they are listening to.

"Use Me" - Fiona Apple (live) - It's rare that I download songs off of the net, but when it comes to finding rare Fiona Apple tunes, I'll sink low enough. This is a cover of a Bill Withers tune, and Oh my god, it's so funky, it's got a great beat, fantastic lyrics and her raw vocals, the crowd whistling, clapping and cheering in the background give it a great atmosphere.

"Tired Of Being Alone" - Al Green - Al Green has a marvellous and unique voice with a phenomenal range. I can empathize with the lyrics in this song, more than I care to admit. The horns, background vocals, and simple, unimposing melody make this a great soul song.

"Lovers In A Dangerous Time" - Barenaked Ladies - I'm not very patriotic, but this song is classic Canadiana. I mean seriously... There's NOTHING more Canadian sounding than this song. It's right up there with Great Big Sea, and The Crash Test Dummies. I love the beauty of the lyrics, and the percussion in the song reminds me of a train. This song makes me ridiculously happy and relaxed.

"Sure Shot" - Beastie Boys- The three Jewish rappers from NYC pop out with this kickass song on their album "Ill Communication" and it's a fucking gem. I love Love LOVE the simple flute sample repeating in the background.

"Only" - Nine Inch Nails - Angsty, "I don't give a fuck what you think" lyrics, about how he's getting more mellow as he gets older and how "There is no-fucking-you... There is only me." as the time goes by. Hmm. Now... where's Chris Strange when I need him. *winks* I got this album (With Teeth) for Christmas from the 'Rents. Plus the vid has a Mac in it. How can a mac nerd like me resist?

"Chicago" - Sufjan Stevens - Damn you Dean, for making me like this artist. Sufjan has a goal to create an album for every state in the US. I think he's done 4 or 5, so far. His unique folk voice is reminiscent of Paul Simon, from Simon and Garfunkle, and I love how beautifully he sings.

"Your Song (Tim Love Lee semi bearded mix)" - Groove Armada - Dreamy ambient electronica, which samples from 1940s and 50s vocals, as well as having drowsy muted trumpet. This is from the album "The Chillout Guide" and is great for when I give massages. It's actually in my iTunes playlist for my massage hour long sessions.

I honestly don't feel like tagging people. If you want to do this, go right the heck on ahead. Just leave me a buzz in the comments box if you do, so I can get some new tunes under my belt.

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