Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And To Think...

The day has just begun.

Two customers and an hour into my shift later, I looked at my temporary manager, (I'm not at my usual store today.) and said in a bright voice "Gosh! It's spectacularily busy today!" All he could do was laugh.

Linds, baby, you've got many miles to go before you sleep. One day off, is not enough.

I revel in my day off, and admittedly, I did nothing productive all day long. Tuesday, was wonderful.

Tuesday consisted of me, sleeping in until two pm, reading the remaining 500 pages of my novel in about three hours, taking an hour long shower that I think emptied the hot water tank entirely, going for a coffee at Starbucks, taking pity on my roommate who decided to cripple himself at work and gave him a back rub, creating three kickass music compilations for the house system, reading another half of a book, and going to bed at one thirty in the morning.

The only thing vaguely work related was piecing out how to phrase my ad in the local arts and culture paper, for upcoming bodywork that I'll be doing. That and agreed to create a logo for work in kind, from a client.

Was it good for you? Because it was certainly good for me.

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