Sunday, August 08, 2004

Re: Ungh... *Grumbles*

Yeah. It's Strep throat/Tonsillitis. Yippee-fucking-doo-dah.


I get it every year. No matter how many times I beg the Doc to rip the fuckers out, He says I have to get it eight times in a year to get them removed.

Eight times in one year?

I don't think he realizes how much of an inconvenience it is to have Strep, or how expensive it is to get antibiotics. I've developed an allergy to penicillin, so I have to get the secondary substitute for it.(Erythromyacin.) It costs twice as much. And there's also the fact that it bloody hurts and leaves you exhausted. Not to mention the time off of work. I left work after an hour today, got home, and died in my bed for a good seven hours.

A Co-worker this morning told me that she had heard that Strep Throat can lead to depression. Now since I've been feeling under the weather emotionally and mentally, I thought maybe the reason that I was more susceptible to getting it, was that I had been feeling depressed lately. Streptococcus is a common virus, highly contagious, and usually hidden in the virus for the common cold. Since quite a few people around me at work, have been suffering from the annoying summer cold floating about, I decided to look it up online. (Scroll up a bit on the link provided to read the beginning of the article from

I wish I hadn't. (I always say that, damnit.)

Not only is Strep linked to depression, but also Terets/Tourettes syndrome. So, If I start randomly cursing at inopportune times, and saying ridiculous things, (Not like I don't say ridiculous things already, but something a little more out of the ordinary I would think...) Let me know, OK?

Murray was saying he thought I might have Mono, which is associated with streptococcus as well, (Now, THAT would suck.) since I was very tired for a long, long time a few months ago and it still hits me every now and then. However, I've been sleeping more, so that should help. Y'know, I do recall joking about having it, in a previous post of mine. That could be possible, but I doubt it.

I am not a hypochondriac, at least I dont think so, and most of the time would ignore a mild illness, brushing it off as an inconvenience, but I've been feeling under the weather an alarming amount in the past six months. I just hope that Elizabeth doesn't get it. Or anyone else I associate with for that matter.

Anyways. It's off to the Doc's tomorrow, since I slept the majority of today away. I know the boss is going to demand a doctors note, even though I was obviously ill, sweating and feverish and sounding like someone had stuffed a trumpet mute down my throat. Advil is STILL a good friend of mine.

Shit, fuck, Tourettes!!!


Allison said...

Apparently you should be glad that your Doctor doesn't want to remove your tonsils. There have been many studies done that indicate those who have their tonsils removed have a greater chance of becoming deaf when they get older. Considering how much you like singing (and how much we like to hear you) as well as how much you like listening to music, I bet you will want to keep your tonsils. Hope you feel better soon!

Linds said...

Hrm. That would suck. Maybe I'll keep them as souvenirs.

Lord knows I don't need to be depressed, have terets/tourettes, AND be deaf. The next thing you know, I'm screaming obscenities, yelling that I want to kill myself, and not being able to hear it. *winks*

Man. I have such a dark sense of humour.