Friday, January 14, 2005

*Hack, Hack, Wheeze*

Well, I guess I had my run of luck during the Christmas Holidays, and managed to not get ill ONCE during the whole damned thing.

Ah my darlings, how things change.

Scene begins on the second day of class. Boom. My throat is telling me, "Take Advil(tm), I hurt."

I'm dreading my annual bout of Strep/tonsillitis.

Strep would have been better. At least I could take antibiotics and be fine in three or four days. Instead, I'm coughing, I'm sneezing, I'm sniffling. I feel like one of those people I usually despise when I'm on the skytrain during rush hour. I sound like one of the many cheap hookers on Hastings.

You know what I'm talking about. Those ones that have the bleach blonde hair and black roots,hideous 1989 puke-green high heels, (back from her Grad) neon pink mini skirt, leopard print dress shirt, replete with the "sport-jacket" (shoulder pads included, of course.) All of which was purchased at Value Village for five bucks by her pimp, ("I spent five whole dollars on you woman! That's 25 blow jobs by Friday, ya hear me?") who thought it looked fabulous on her. (nice visual eh? Fun fun!)

If you've ever seen the movie "Love Potion #9" with the then very young Sandra Bullock, then you know what I'm talking about. (No, not Sandra's scientist character, the Hooker character, fer fucks sakes.)

I have to admit, that particular piece of Fromage is one of my favourite movies. Sad, huh? I hope I'm not the ONLY one that likes that flick. (GEEKS UNITE!) The song rules too.

Onnnnn another page...

Classes are slowly but steadily increasing for me right now. I have this horrid, looming suspicion that I'm not going to have any social life whatsoever when things kick into full gear. Actually, it's more of a certainty.

Not that I really have one right now. I've neglected my "Karaokarial duties" for a little over two months now. I miss The Dufferin. Too bad they don't have Karaoke there anymore. (Boo! Hiss!) Where else am I supposed to go hang around with "queers" who love showtunes as much as I do, while Ryan is out of town? I mean honestly. The Beatty St. Grill just doesn't cut it for me on my friday nights. I need my Homo fix.

Apart from that, I'm drooling at the bit to redesign this mo-fo when I've got the mad skillz to actually figure out what the hell the HTML coding in my blog outline means. Do you have any idea how long it took me to figure out where to put that "Is my Blog Hot or Not?" bit in there at the top? At least 20 minutes. *winks*

I plan on pulling that whole "Pimp My Ride"-esque treatement on this Lil' Ol' Blog of mine as soon as I get some time and the know how. The Glamazon Shoe Diaries gets a TLC's "What Not to Wear" five thousand keystroke makeover. (Don't ask why I'm going on this stupid reality show metaphor right now. I really couldn't tell you, other than I think it's funny, and that I'm blatantly advertising how incredibly GEEKY I am.) All I know was that I got to watch "What Not to Wear", and "Trading Spaces" while I got my ink done last Saturday. Considering how much I don't like television, combined with the lovely pain of needles peircing my skin, and stabbing my spinal column over and over and over again until my spine felt like hamburger, it was a GREAT session. And BOY do I want to scratch my back.

(**Note to self. DON'T SCRATCH! Bad monkey.**)


I'm reading Jaqueline Carey's fourth book titled "Banewreaker" on and off over the past week or so, as well as "He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys." by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.

The link for Banewreaker on

the link for "He's Just..." on

"Banewreaker" is FAN-freaking-TASTIC, just like all of Jaqueline Carey's previous books. I was so impatient to get it that I bought it in hardcover. (I did the same with her 2nd and 3rd books for the Kushiel's Dart series.) Other than fekking around with Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, I've been staying up past my ten o clock beddie-bye curfew almost every night reading it.

As for "He's Just Not That Into You", I found it to be a combination of humour and seriousness, (which admittedly, was the goal) and the overall quality of the content being so-so. I finished it in about three hours. It is a real eye opener however.
You have NO idea how often I've seen men behave badly, just like in some of the examples.

Greg truly is a funny man, but he's definitely a comedian moreso than a relationship Guru. It's lovely that he has a "great marriage" to a beautiful woman, but honestly, that's rubbing it in the face of the poor saps (like me) that seem to find the REAL winners. The examples that they give, i.e.) letters from women to Greg, asking his advice, are fairly obvious. I find that most of the letters must be one of the following.

A.)Written by very stupid women.

B.)Created for the book.


C.)Created for the book, but written by very stupid women. (Or men. I'm not discriminating here.)

I think that Sex and the City writers, should stick to writing Sex and the City episodes, and stay out of the relationship book game. (Fuck, who am I to criticize, I bought the Goddamned book now, didn't I?)


Is a toss up between Seal --- "IV" and his greatest hits on a 2 disc set, and (of course, because I don't leave home without her) Aretha Franklin -- "The 60's" greatest hits collection.

Aretha Franklin is the cure-all for anyone's emotional woes. Get this fuckin' cd. Seriously.

Anyhoo, Catch Y'all on the Flip flop. I've been busier than a three peckered rabbit this week, and feel like curling up with my copy of "Banewreaker" underneath my duvet on my mmmmmm... Bed... With all my pillows.... screw reading. I'm hitting the hay. It's time to STOP looking at this screen for a while, and fall asleep listening to some Aretha.

Much Love.


PS. Omfg. I rule. Only two spelling errors in this whole thing. Yessssss..... I am so smart. S-M-R-T.

1 comment:

Linds said...


Damn this computer. You're going to have to type the whole friggin link in. Or you could Google "He's Just Not That Into You" and "Banewreaker." That's what I did in the first place.