Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Random questions...

I stole this from Orion_skie, I don't think she'll mind...

* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No. However, I have had so much to drink (my 24th Birthday party at Mavericks) that apparently I made out with half the bar, regardless of gender... At least that's what I've been told.

* Missed school B/coz it was raining: Hello? I live in Vancouver. The answer would be a resounding no.

* Set a body part on fire for amusement: I'm embarassed to say this, but yes. I lit my finger on fire after pouring perfume all over it in Grade 10 math class. Truthfully, I didn't think it was actually on fire, because the flame was invisible... It freaked the hell out of me, but didn't hurt thanks be to the Gads.

* Been hurt emotionally: Fuck yes.

* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes. I have a few secrets that no one will ever know.

* Ever thought an animated character was hot: The Tick is the shiznit. Yum. Marge is pretty foxy when her hair is down.

* Cry during movies: Yes. It's a rule that no one mentions it. I tend to be sensitive about people noticing, especially when the movie is a comedy. I'm such a pussy girl.

* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Yes, tapes, posters, collectors cards, even a sleeping bag. I was pissed that I missed the concert in Vancouver on September 8th, 1992. The fact that I even remember that is embarassing.

* Been on stage: Yes, in theatre, Choir, Vaudeville, Musicals, and Karaoke. I've also done stage management which means I get to tell those Prima-donna actors and actresses to shut the fuck up. It was great.

* Cut your hair: Yes, it grows really fast, so I usually get it chopped every 3 weeks to a month or so, however I'm trying to grow it out. I just hate that "Mullet" stage that I have to suffer through. I'll probably have hair down to my shoulders in early October.


* Shampoo: Pantene Pro-V, Outrageous, and Neutrogena.

* Color: Any shade of blue. I'm partial to a light sage green as well. Lately I've been wearing a lot of pink.

* Day/Night: Night. I'm most definitely not a morning person and do most of my best work in the afternoon and late into the night.

*Summer/Winter: Summer. I actually prefer autumn the most, but that wasn't an option.

* Fave Ice Cream: Haagen Daaz chocolate chocolate chunk.

* Fave Subject: Is choir a subject? Choir and theatre... I'm so friggin' artsy.

* Drink: Non-Alcoholic - Gingerale with cranberry cocktail and a wedge of lime, Hot Chocolate;
Alcoholic - Double vodka Gingerale cranberry cocktail and a wedge of lime, Smirnoff Ice.

* Fave persons to talk to online: Devin, Melissa, Mark.

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: Pink T with "Sweet 'n Delicious Cupcakes" written on it in sparkly burgundy, Tan khaki Clamdiggers, white zip-up european collar track jacket with burgundy accents, Hot pink Mary-jane shoes.

* I'm feeling: Tired, Horny, lonely...

* Eating: Double stuffed oreo cookies and a glass O' milk.

* Thinking about: How many people are messaging me while I'm trying to finish this fucking entry. (That's okay guys!) How long it took me to get home. (OVER three hours. Ugh.) Devin, (As usual.) and the various postions I would like him in.How much I want a hug.

* Talking to: Use the term "talking" loosely, I'm chatting with Nikki, Mark, my Cuz.

--------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------

* Cried: Yes.

* Worn a skirt: The last time I wore a skirt was Friday.

* Met someone new: I've only been at school for three weeks. Practically everyone is new.

* Cleaned Your Room: Uuuhhh... I've been meaning to do that. I ended up sleeping all weekend cuz I felt like crap.

* Drove a car: HA! That would be frightening.

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: Sometimes?

* Your friends: Always. They're my family.

* Santa Clause: I want to.

* Tooth Fairy: Fuck no. The bitch gypped me every year. Did you know that my cousins get 5 bucks a tooth now? Jeebus. I only got a quarter.

* Destiny/Fate: Yes

* Angels: I believe that some people are angels.

* UFO's: You gotta believe in something right? I believe my P.E. Teacher in Grade 8 was an alien.... Or maybe she was just a royal bitch.

------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I have a soulmate. He's just not here right now.

* Like anyone: I like almost everyone. It's just not the other way around.

* Who's the loudest: Me?

* Who's the shyest: Charlene! (from school!) That lady needs to talk more!

* Who do you go to for advice: Mark, Melissa. Other people that I can't think of right now.

* Who do you cry to: Myself.

* What's the best feeling in the world: Being surrounded by friends in a good environment. Laughter. Mutual harassment in a lighthearted banter.

* And last but not least, your birthday: May 1st, 1980, at 10:15 AM in Burnaby BC, Canada. (Taurus, year of the Monkey)


Charlene said...

Reading the part about yout 24th birthday at Mauvericks brought back some memories. That night was complete INSANITY. I don't think I've ever been quite that drunk at a bar before. The bar owner was even worried about me. Thank god my husband was willing to come pick me up (literally pick me up, off the stairs where I was passed out in Allison's lap.)

Linds said...

I still have all the booze bottle caps that were lined up along my stove ventilation hood, in a ziplock. There's about 45 or so of them from everyone.

I think you and Allison were the guilty culprits that started doing that, everyone else just sorta followed suit...

Elizabeth and I didn't even notice that they were there until we started packing the kitchen up to move into the new apartment. I kept them for posterity, because the rest of the evening is a complete haze.

I think I was trashed before most of the people were there. That was a damned good birthday.

That party, coincidentally enough, was only the second birthday party I've ever had in my life, and by far, the most entertaing/intoxicating thing I've ever done with pretty much every single friend I have attending.

Charlene said...

Ah ha ha I can't believe you still have those bottle caps. Allison and I started it, but we were just being silly drunks, we didn't know it would catch on. Too funny.