Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Hazards of Mall Employment, Part 2.

6.) "Would you like to take a survey?" Malls are plagued with what I like to call "Survey Vultures". Middle aged (and older) women linger in main passageways in the mall, Survey Vultures try to snag you on breaks, before work starts, on the way to the bathroom, you name it. Survey Vultures type VERY SLOWLY. It's almost painful to watch. I've conceded ONCE, and only once, to have a survey done, and only on the promise of potentially recieving chocolate. I never got my chocolate. Man was I pissed. Stupid survey vultures.

7.) "Could you come in on Saturday, because that would be grreeeeat." Oh, the ever awkward, "I can't say 'No.' to my boss without looking like an arse" question. Do I really want to spend more time than necessary in my place of employment, on a day that I would have off... Dealing with more customers, as opposed to doing my own thing, in my house, with my friends or *gasp* by myself? Hmm... Good question. It's a shame you can't be brutally honest. "Sorry boss. I would, but I don't want to."

8.) Shoplifters. Surrey is a den of sin and inequity. full of White Trash, (complete with 4 or 5 vehicles on the lawn,) 14 year olds dressed like prostitutes, (some, sadly enough, are prostitutes) the homeless get stiffed, beaten, abused and generally treated like dirt left right and center, there's heaps of welfare families and lower income residents, both Elderly and young. Grow-ops, Meth kitchens, Drug users and dealers abound and it's sometimes intimidating to walk home after dark, no matter what gender and what age you are. Surrey is quickly becoming comparable to the Lower East Side of Vancouver.

Despite efforts to "Clean up" the city, progress is slow, and there is a desperate need for shelters, drug counselling, daycare for single parents and social programmes. The lack of funds, employment opportunities and the fact that if you're a single person on welfare in Canada, you get 800 dollars a month. Comparing a minimum wage (8.00/hr) 40 hour work week to that, you're topping welfare by approximately $400.00. That's $400.00 below the poverty line. That's horrifying. That means that numerous individuals, from the granny next door, who looks sweet and innocent, to the homeless off the streets reeking of Hobo #5, are lifting products from the store.

To be continued...

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