Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stirring up the Men Folk and Random Bits of Nothing...

I'm pissing off men left right and center today... It's kinda fun. *giggles behind her hand like a japanese schoolgirl.*

I just want to know what bratty, teasing, female decided to inhabit my brain today, because it's slightly out of character.

Hey! I said slightly, not entirely... Of course, the only man who's retaliating the way he should, is the only man that's ever actually made me scream in bed. Fitting, I think.

Things are boring in Glamazon shoe territory when celibacy rules. Damnit. It's like that Sienfeld episode, where George gets smarter from celibacy, and Elaine gets dumber... This shit is true.

I've had the song "Joey" by Concrete Blonde stuck in my head for DAYS. "Oh Joey, I'm not angry anymoooooore..."

Dean feigned jealousy over me chatting with an old classmate, telling me that he was going to "Go talk with the gas man about... Oh I dunno, Huffing." (This is paraphrasing, sorry, doll.) I laughed until tears came out of my eyes.

I'm for some unreasonable reason, quite mad at Devin right now. Mainly because whenever he chooses to acknowledge me, he's a snarky little bitch, when there's no need for it. I am mad at myself for STILL checking his website.

The Mayor is telling people that he's done with Mitchieville. He'd better be joking, because I need to view half nude women on a daily basis at work. We are not amused.

Emily has decided to start writing again in OddVitamins, and I'm thrilled. It's about 'effing time, Missy. There's certain snark that is necessary in the world, and I'm too flaky to tackle the political issues that you do even though I agree wholeheartedly with your views. I don't have the balls to deal with people disagreeing with me in my comments. It stresses me out.

I am not meant to use BitTorrent programmes. I have absoutely NO idea what I'm doing. The day has come where technology has bested me. Damn you technology.

I've had the image of my hottie boom-a-lottie old HTML teacher flashing in and out of my head like an animated gif the past week and a half. Yummm.

I did 90 sit-ups, (and almost died) 40 minutes of Yoga and 20 minutes of Meditation last night, and woke up happy this morning. It was kind of nice.

I'm going to go home, and stop bothering the poor people at the blenz.

Ciao n' kisses.

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