Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mmmmm... Hazelnutty.

My cousin tossed me a box of gourmet chocolate hedgehogs around Valentines day that she'd gotten from an admirer. Now... My cousin is a vegetarian, a health concientious individual, and exercises a disgustingly huge amount. My cousin viewed this box of chocolates that are 140 calories per 'hog with disdain.

She then tossed them at me with the warning of calorie intake, her athletic, taloned fingertip stabbing the box onto my chest in warning, and told me to get them out of her sight before she made a decision she regretted immensely.

I know I'm a whore for chocolate, but these are rich. So I brought them to work with me, and left them here, since I don't need an inch on my ass for each chocolate in the box.

Hey, even I have limits regarding chocolate.

I thought they'd been devoured. I thought that everyone at my place of employment had gorged themselves on Gourmet truffle goodness while I'd been wasting my time, sitting on my ever-widening-ass waiting for massage clients for three weeks.

I was wrong. Carlene was rummaging in the back room, and lo and behold, Truffles are HERE! Huzzah! 4 left! Well... There was four left. Now my ass is two inches wider.

Though... I think I cancelled them out by slogging through the godforsaken SLUSH this morning to work.

You see... Normally I take public transit everywhere. Vancouver has a well developed, albeit very pricy transit system that I take full advantage of.

I made the concious decision this month to NOT purchase a bus pass, and walk to work. Granted, this means I'm trapped in Surrey for a month, but the fact remains, that I saved myself 69 bucks for the month, and guaranteed myself to get some exercise. I don't mind walking. as a matter of fact, I walk quite quickly, usually making some people practically run beside me to keep up. I enjoy the majority of my walk, I like the fresh air. I've lost 7 pounds just walking at a brisk pace back and forth to work, in the past 2 weeks, so apparently it pays off.

What I DON'T like, (and this should be obvious, since I've lived in Vancouver and the surrounding area since 1980) is the fact that Vancouver weather is unpredictable. Or at least, the sunshine is. It rains here. Bucketfulls. Oceans-worth. Lakes-full. Dumps. Pisses down. Floods.

Today, it was rain, and snow. mixed up. Cold. wet and miserable. I own what I *thought* was a reliable, fairly heavy duty rain jacket.

Oh sure, it kept my head, shoulders and upper body, completely dry. What I didn't expect, was the fact that the jacket ended right below my crotch. And that's where the water went.

So with great glee, I arrived at work this afternoon with a wet, cold crotch, upper thighs and back of my thighs. I walked (stormed in, would be appropriate) grabbed a travel hair dryer from the shelf, went into the back, plugged the fucker in, and stuffed the hair dryer down my pants.

Glamorous, I know.

That got the majority of my corderoy pants dry. I never realized how HEAVY cords were when they were wet.

The most taunting fact of this event? Four hours later, it's blue skies and sunshine out there.


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