Tuesday, September 07, 2004

As an aside, some shamless promoting! (repost)

Just thought I would plug some Blogs/websites (again) of people I know, just for the hell of it.

An ex-boyfriend and good friend of mine Erik's website and Blog. Witty satire and Political thoughts, his opinion on obscure and not so obscure music, and also some of his own creative stewage. Thoughts from an intelli-punk Rocker.
"Love the sinner, but not the sin."
His site addy is:


Some other friends of mine, that I met through Erik are the Folks at M.U.F.T.I.the site is chock full of pictures, and exploits:


A Spinoff of the M.U.F.T.I. crew, a fellow Glamazon, (She's actually the one that coined the term Glamazon.) the Ultrahonig, Allison.

Her site addy is:


Last but never least, Devin. (I've made amends with him. It's all good. Life is too fucking short to stay angry.)

His site is:


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