Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Margaret Cho: Revolution

Okay, so I ranted and raved about how fabulous Margaret Cho's last Stand up DVD, "Notorious C.H.O." was. How I almost peed myself laughing because she was so funny.... (You can read that previous post here.)

Well. I have to say, her latest DVD release, "Revolution," was a slight dissapointment.

Margaret alternates between stunningly brilliant comedy, and voicing her opinion on several topics varying from Homosexuality, politics, and body image. However, she seemed to focus more on the inspirational aspect of her routine more than her stand up itself. Not that I disagree with anything that she discusses, but I rented the DVD for the comedy, more than the inspirational parts.

I think now that she's gained popularity and has a larger viewing audience, she's somewhat migrated from her original aspect, and using her celebrity status as a comedian, to voice her opinion that was more subtle in previous performances, turning the stage into her own personal soap box.

She'll always have her fanatical followers, myself included... But I honestly hope that she goes back to her original format.

On a rating out of five, I would give it a three.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay,
I finally got a chance to read some of your "scripts", I felt like I was talking to you, and I was listening to every word you were saying, not getting interrupted, by some "important" chore at work, like having to make up a variety pack of six muffins for Ms. Blake!!
I found your site very amusing, I'm still laughing at your comment, "customers insist we do make the product" WE DON'T.
I'll get back to read more, right now I have to go and do more of my other job, this job is more gratifying, housework, laundry, washing floors, waiting for a TEENAGER to come in from school, then off to the pumpkin patch, she still is a kid.
Keep up the writing, don't give up, your nightmares are a way of telling you what your conscience is saying every minute of the day, don't ignore them, learn from them.

Thats Life.
Isobel (your Mom at work)

How is your Mom?