Monday, September 20, 2004

Holy Moses...

Lots and lots to post, I had a horrifically busy weekend, and have neglected this blog in the process.

Friday afternoon I convinced my mother to attend Karaoke at the Duff with Liz and myself. She was nervous, but she did a damned good job. Even if she doesn't think she did. Way to go MOM!
I think I shocked her a little when we went next door to the dance club, and she saw me dancing. Whoops. Oh well. At least she knows her lil' girl has fun. She met a large group of my friends, all of whom loved her. It's hard not to love my mom.

I think the highlight of my evening was Liz doing a phenomenal job of "Alone" by Heart, followed by me. My only response, was "How the fuck am I supposed to go on after THAT?" And then proceeded to do the best rendition of "Respect" I've ever done at karaoke. I guess I can pull it off at times. I was happy. My mom was impressed, and as far as I know, had a good time. Which makes me VERY happy.

I was awake for a little over 23 hours on Friday, so I slept in until one PM or so, and was still shaky when I got up, but luxuriated in the bath, for at least an hour and a half, because I had a wedding to attend.

My Uncle Marc was getting married to his long term girlfriend Jessica. Oh my god. I can't say enough how gorgeous of a ceremony it was. Everything from the food, to the lighting, the restaurant, (Le Bistro Chez Michel in North Van at 224 West Esplanade.) Jessica's dress, the view from the balcony, everything was beautiful. I decided to go stag, since something prevented the person I wanted to attend with me, from coming.

I'm horrifically romantic at times, (Okay, okay. All the damned time... *sighs*) and I should have thought to bring some tissues. Thank Gad my Uncle Garnet anticipated this female need, and stuffed his pockets full. I started crying at the beginning of the ceremony, when Marc, lit a candle to symbolize my Grandpa's presence at the wedding. He died in 1997 on Valentine's Day. I never realized how much I missed him, and I think it hit me really hard. I also teared up quite a bit when my uncle got caught up in his vows.

I've been a participant in both of his weddings, and I think, now that I'm older, I realize how much the two people that are getting married actually DO love each other. When you're a kid, you think "Oh, they're just getting married so they can be like mom and dad..." No. It's more than that. So much more that kids never realize.

I got to spend time with my younger cousin Andrew and his very delightful girlfriend Jessica, both of them looked smashing. (Andrew, you Da Don. I kiss your ring.) And also, quite a bit of time with my six year old cousin Ashley. She's adorable. I keep on threatening her and her mother that I want to take her home because she ALWAYS gives me a cuddle, and seems to know when I'm lonely and gives me one. As a matter of fact, she's hard to not have cuddling with you. She prefers it over just sitting next to you. She's probably the sweetest demeanored little girl I've ever met. She's adorable. She looks like a cabbage patch doll. (Can you tell I love her madly yet?)

I met relatives that haven't seen me since I was six years old, some that hadn't seen me since Mamere's funeral, Some that hadn't seen me since my Uncle Jean and Auntie Eva got married, and some that hadn't seen me since my Grandfathers funeral in 1997. After my Grandmother introduced me to my Great-Auntie Jeanine, and another one of her sisters, The general consensus was one of "Oh My God! You're so tall!"

Surprisingly enough, in a few conversations with my Uncle Carlyle's wife Auntie Pat, she was telling me how proud she was of me for what I had accomplished and how I've matured. This blew me away. My mother was telling me the same thing on Friday night. I can't really see what they see in me. I've always felt, at least in the past five years or so, that I was definitely the Black sheep of the cousins, not really having a place in the family because I'm the oldest, The most opinionated, and the "bad influence" sort, because of my tattoos and my character, (I have quite the mouth, when I'm taken by the mood, although always watch it near children.) I feel that they are at a loss, that they don't really know how to treat me, being that I'm an adult now. The only answer they need is to treat me like they always have, with love and teasing.

I was actually quite nervous to go to this event because of the way things have been lately.

I did make an ass out of myself for the four years I was dating Peter, because my family didn't like how I changed for him. And I did change. I didn't know any better. I'm glad that's over. I learned so much from it.

I digress... (I tend to do that quite a bit, don't I?)

Congratulations are in order to my Uncle Marc, and new Auntie Jessica. (Although I've called her Auntie Jessica for at least 2 years now.) May you have a long, happy, successful marriage.

It was wonderful to see my family again.

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