Monday, September 06, 2004

The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth.

I just spent the entire day, helping my friend Crystal acquire an absolutely cum-worthy computer.

This thing has everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. It's nice. And I get to spend time on it helping her understand how to use it to it's full potential.

On the way home tonight, she actually unwittingly inspired this entry. We were talking about nerds or geeks. It inspired me so much, I actually couldn't fall asleep until I wrote it.

You hear the word "nerd/geek" and you think pencil necked, four-eyed, pocket protector, armpit high pant waist, nose buried in a book, basement bound, chat junkies with an addiction to "real" nude pictures of Britney Spears, or Allysa Milano, and Dungeon and Dragons. Rather like the "Revenge of the Nerds" heroes.

In essence, My first ex-boyfriend. (well minus the basement bound, but whatever. Close enough in comparison to make me laugh. At least NOW I can laugh at it.)

Nerds/geeks, are not limited to this. Nerds/geeks should not be confined within this classification. There is nothing wrong, with being one. I'm a geek. Pretty much everyone I know, and care about is one.

Nerds are intelligent. Often to the point of being misunderstood. Often to the point of becoming lost in themselves because THEY are having a hard time understanding themselves.

My most recent Ex-Boyfriend, Erik, is gorgeous, tattooed, and sharply dressed. He's also a Dungeons and Dragons playing, brilliant, politically savvy, intellipunk rocker. However, you would NEVER know how much of a nerd he was, from looking at him. True, you get into conversation with him, and if your IQ is less than... Oh, say, 120, and you're up Shit Creek without a paddle. You won't get half of his subtle jokes, and there is one in almost every single sentence he speaks. It's not to say that he's arrogant about his intelligence, quite the opposite... It's obvious from a five minute conversation with the man that he's very, VERY intelligent, and has a lot to say about the way the world works (or subsequently, doesn't...) However, you can chat with him on any subject, and have a satisfying conversation. GAD I love people that are born an Aquarius.

It's time to change that judging a book by it's cover nonsense.

I don't know exactly what the point of this is. Maybe it's just something that possessed me to write about it, but I have a soft spot for the geeks of the world. At least the ones that aren't so socially inept that conversation on a casual level, isn't completely impossible. I love an intelligent person. I love the fact that people, even though they love to tease the social underdogs of the world, still rely on Geek energy and ideas, for what they have so far.

I love the fact that I ALWAYS fall in love with a geek. I LOVE it because I am one, and I see my similarities in them. As much as I might get embarrassed if they are a little socially inept, it's the sweetness that lies underneath that dorky-ness, that charms me. It's the romance they crave, even if they don't know how to show it. It's the shy person they seem to be, hiding someone passionate inside. Or the people that embrace that passion and remain dorky, that delight me the most. It's the fact that the majority of them are lonely, Just like I am. Even if I have someone, I never forget what it's like to BE lonely.

I love the fact that my nerd loves me, as madly as this nerd loves him. I'm glad he's back, because I missed him fiercely.

1 comment:

Neighbour of Teh Hoors! said...

Hey there!
I'm Hangover Monkey and My Neighbours are Hoors ;)

I was just mucking around on blogshares and saw you'd linked to me - so I thought I'd just leave a comment saying thanks ;)
I put up a sort of disclaimer at the side last night saying sort of that "I'm not laughing at them I'm laughing with them" sort of thing. :D I really don't want the poor hoors thinking I'm picking on them :(

As for Geeks inheriting? I think that is very true indeed. A large percentage of my ex's have been geeks too ;)