Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Over the past few days....

I've had this extreme rush of hyper activity in my brain.

My creative monster was unleashed with this blog, and sometimes it takes over. It's a refreshing way to feel, after the way I've been lately, but at the same time exceedingly overwhelming. I'm literally vibrating with energy.

I think it's more that I feel inspired, Liz read my horoscope for today, saying that it was a highly creative day. A good day to start writing that book I've been pondering. Sure I could write a book. My mother has. The only thing is, what the hell do I write a book about?

I find the cyberculture fascination with blogs, and reality online, quite interesting. I've got my passions, and people seem to enjoy reading my blog entries, based on my life, and my experiences. I suppose it's the theory that everyone has a tale to tell, and that you can learn something from everyone... I'm obsessed with learning. I think I have an addictive personality. By saying that I mean not that I'm addictive, but that I become addicted to things. (Not drugs etc... But more on an intellectual level.)

I'm constantly seeking stimulation. I thrive on communication.

Erik once called me a "Communication Whore" something that I don't disagree with, or even remotely take offense to. I am a communication whore. I'm usually seen chatting, blogging, text messaging, talking on the phone, talking in person, singing, somehow expressing myself any way I can. I often wonder if it's just a grab for attention, or if I would wither and perish (figuratively) without this sort of behaviour.

I'm rambling. Whatever. I use this thing as an outlet. I'm not apologizing for it. *Winks*

I looked at the stack of CD's I took out of the CD book I was borrowing from Liz, and the amount of discs I've listened to in the past month. It's over 60 discs. That's just fucking insanity. I've written my reviews, you can read that I've actually LISTENED to them. They don't usually play in the background. There is always music playing when I'm home. I've had to replace my headphones three times over the past year because they have broken one way or another from overuse.

I'm thinking that from now on, I am going to list what I'm listening to as I'm writing, or specific songs that inspired me to write what I'm writing, or suit my mood.

to start that trend off, at this moment in time, I'm listening to Missy Elliot -- "Under Construction."

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