Thursday, September 09, 2004

Recommended entertainment...

I was browsing a website, and honestly now, I don't remember what it was... It might've been porn, but I don't think so.

Anyways, I digress... It had a link for a UK site named Bad Gas. Its entertaining, slightly tasteless Brit humour. (The most entertaining type of tasteless humour, of course) And if you have half an hour to kill, it's fun to browse through. It teaches you things like how to do a "Lynndie," or how to start your own business as a "Money Church" or "Southern Chicken" joint.

This is the link.

And Devin sent me a link for Star magazine online. for the record breaking "Most nude people on a Roller Coaster." I like the stripper's white cowboy boots. This is the link.

All I can visualize is a lot of jiggling, slapping flesh. *shudders* Clothing does have it's protective purposes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blech, I hope they cleaned those seats off really well before the next ride!
