Friday, September 24, 2004

Taking cybersex to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL...

Music of the moment: Big Sugar,"Hit and Run" (Greatest Hits Compilation.)
Mood of the moment: Highly amused


I have to give Mizz Melissa and Mizz Elizabeth full credit on this article that Melissa found online today. Liz sent it to me after Melissa sent it to her, as an offline message on Yahoo. I think my sense of humour is starting to corrupt those women.

Now, understandably enough, I burst out laughing when I read it, but it does put a whole new twist on Cybersex. It's both interesting, and freaky-deaky at the same time.

I dunno if I would want to install this thing in my USB port on the back of my computer, and have my signifigant long distance other pumping away on the other end. Or have it sitting on the desk while not in use, and go off like some sort of psychotic sex toy, as the author of this article has commented. I'm sure I would jump when it started buzzing away out of no where.

And! could you imagine if someone, somehow, hacked into your vibe when you were using it? Sweet Jesus on a cracker! You'd be virtually fucking someone you didn't know! And what happens, if you gave someone access to your account or IP address or whatever the hell this thing uses to function or recieve stimuli, and then decided later on that they were a shitty "lover"? Perhaps they finished too quickly, or just didn't cut it for you, or that you weren't interested anymore, could they still access your toy? *shudders* Imagine coming home to see that thing shakin' and twisting all over the place because you left your computer on! Oh, my mind is going rampant here... I'm disturbed and laughing my ass off at the same time.

And since when does a realistic "lover" have pearls and somesuch nonsense? Could you cuddle your toy when your virtual coital activity has finished?

I must admit, however, that I thought of this kind of idea ages ago... (I'm a sick, twisted and perverted little bitch... I need no excuses... Mainly because I have none.) However, I found it a little more than slightly lucrative.

Well. There goes my ten million dollar invention, dammit.


As for the rest of my day...

Work was insane. If you want any baked product(or Deli, for that matter) at a reduced price, just go to Safeway. Apparently the people in charge of marketing, decided that EVERYTHING needed to be on sale ALL AT ONCE. Muffins, Lemon merengue pies, "Dreamy Creamy" super kickass cream pies, carrot cake, brownies, bread, buns, Doughnuts, la la la... It's a low carb diet enthusiasts nightmare.

I had to work with Val, decorating today. She's still kinda miffed that I got her boyfriend banned from entering my store location. (Long story, I may have written about it in a previous post, but I honestly forget after over 28,000 words and over 85 entries in a little over 3 months. Let's just say that he pushed the envelope a little too far. I'm all for flirtatious teasing and banter, but unless you're my boyfriend, my knockers stay OUT of the conversation. Especially when your girlfriend is out of earshot and you know that you're not going to get a slap upside the head because she can't hear you go off about them. I might have a magnificent top rack, but you don't need to inform me of that fact. Hot cowboy or no. Thank you very much.)

Needless to say, the first four hours of my shift were a little tense, and the last three hours were VERY hectic. Although it was nice to see Matty, he's the cutest lil' peice of jailbait in the whole store, and I got a huge hug because he missed me for the month I was off work. Apparently the consensus at work is, that it was very quiet, and very boring while I was gone. At least "the boys" missed me.

Oh! And I found out that lemon filling, when you have your hands in it long enough, makes you look like you chain smoke 7 packs of cigarettes a day, albeit up to your wrists, and leaves you smelling like Mister Clean. FUN!

Congratulations are in order to Crystal B. Who passed her Road test with flying colours yesterday, and accomplished parallel parking (perfectly, I might add.) for the first time EVER during her actual road test. I saw my "nephew" Kirk (her son) yesterday too. He's going to be five in less than 5 weeks. It's starting to freak me out that he's old enough to be in Kindergarten, and speak perfectly understandable sentences, when I can still remember carrying him around Vancouver in his snuggly. His hair, is spikey and would look neat with gel in it. Crystal laughed when I said that. It looks wicked cool. (Yes, Davey boy, I stole your saying.) I didn't know that you could capture autumn sunshine in a haircolour, but apparently, he's learned how.

The hair colour title "strawberry blonde" just doesn't cut it.


A kiss is when soul meets soul on lovers lips.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girly's amazing what you can do when the bosses are out of the office.