Sunday, July 30, 2006

Brown Thumb...

Current mood: thoughtful
Current music: "What A Diff'rence A Day Makes" - Diana Ross - From the album: Blue
Entry tags: dad, family, home life, typical linds

I don't know if I've ever said this before, but you guys should know, that I'm a total daddies girl.

Before my dad picked up Astronomy and photography (which he's totally crazy about now) as his big hobby, he used to garden.

When I was five, we moved from a crappy apartment, into the basement suite of my Mom's parent's house. The house had huge back and front yards, that my Dad promptly took over and dug half a dozen flower beds in, thusly ruining any chance of me playing soccer in the front yard without worrying about going ass over teakettle, and falling into a flower bed.

From as young as I can remember, I've never had to actually go out and buy a pumpkin for Hallowe'en, because my Father has attempted to grow bigger and better pumpkins each year.

And it's not just pumpkins, it's *huge* 11 foot tall sunflowers, half a dozen different varieties of roses, marigolds, snapdragons, lavender, bachelor's buttons, and every herb imaginable, including organic catnip for my parent's two cats. Chives, leeks, tomatoes, cherries, plums, potatoes, carrots, a palm tree, and even a few very small oranges, from what I can recall, though the tree didn't fare that well in the damp climate that is the lower mainland.

My dad used to record over my cartoons on VHS as a kid with gardening shows. Needless to say, I wasn't pleased with the results of my favourite cartoons.

My dad has the ultimate green thumb, So what the hell happened, and how come I can't even keep my virtual chia pet alive more than two days? How did I get stiffed on the genetics for gardening, when I picked up the genetics for handwriting?

Oh, don't get me wrong, I try. The last plant I managed to keep alive more than 2 months straight was the waxy succulent that my cousin gave me for Valentine's day. I used to murmur endearments to it while I was plucking the dried up flowers off of it.

Perhaps it's a patience issue. My dad is probably one of the most patient, calming people I've ever known in my life. Sure he used to yell at me when I was a kid, but what dad didn't? He can piss me off like *that*, and also console me when I'm inconsolable.

The thing I'm realizing, is that my Dad is almost 50. He'll be 50 in 2008.

In my mind, he's still the big strong man that used to carry me to bed when I had a nightmare and crawled into my parents bed at night when I was six. In reality, he still is. It's just a different type of nightmare, and he's not actually physically picking me up, anymore.

He's got a big full red and brown beard, and hair at least twice as long as mine. He's tall and husky and gives a fantastic hug, when he's in the mood to hug. He reminds me of a lion mixed with a teddy bear. He's got a wonderful, full, vibrant laugh.

He's had knee surgery to replace tendons, he has gout in his left foot, and has been doing a very successful job at lowering his cholesterol. He spends his 40 hours a week at work walking around, inspecting construction for the city he lives in, where he started from the ground up as a garbage man, and had his 25th anniversary with the city last year. He put himself through night school. I remember him doing "homework" when I was growing up, though it was a mess of blueprints for the city work he was doing. He skipped dinner with the mayor in order to attend my uncle's second wedding.

He's loyal, caring, capable, brilliant, thoughtful, loving and generous, and I don't think I tell him how much I love him and appreciate him enough.

When they say that every girl want's to marry a man like her father, give or take a few things, that's pretty much bang on the money. I'd be a lucky woman if I could marry someone as amazing as my dad has been over the past 26 years of my existence.

Thanks, Dad.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Hills Have Eyes...

And I have a weak stomach.

I lasted a grand total of 30 minutes, until the creepy guy in the gas station blew his head off with a 12 gauge shot gun, and then I walked into my bedroom.

Funny, I can't really sit down while watching a horror movie, I have to keep moving. I think it keeps the heebie jeebies from getting to me.

And I know, I've posted a lot today, I must be bored.

*contented sigh*

I just spent the evening last night and the duration of the day until about an hour ago with Jay.

We went for breakfast this afternoon (yeah yeah, I know that really is considered lunch) at a restaurant in Richmond, and then proceeded to go for a roughly 40 minute walk around Gary Point at the waterfront in Richmond, when I decided to pick some very pretty wildflowers to give to my Grandma when we stopped by her house later on to pick up my mail that had been accumulating over the past few weeks.

We saw some people flying kites at Gary point, since it's quite windy near the waterfront, and using them in the most ingenious ways, like using them to pull a large trike type of bicycle, and also skateboards with big ol' wheels on them around the grassy field area near the waterfront.

I'm kicking myself for not bringing along my camera.

I feel relaxed. I enjoy spending my time with him, he calms my soul and encourages my paroxysms of laughter throughout the day.

I've been browsing my usual sites over the past hour, and Devin is trucking along nicely in Blogathon 2006, Mitch, the mayor of Mitchieville has posted up a youtube video of a mash up from Led Zepplin's "The immigrant Song" and Kelly Clarkson's "Behind these Hazel Eyes" that some might consider blasphemy, but I actually quite enjoy. Go check out his site and take a look at the link he provides for the vid. It's pretty well done.

Ladies, and Gentlemen...

Boy's and girls...

I'd like or you to go and take a stop over at El Blog de Lost Amigos and support, drop a comment, or pledge some moolah to Devin's blogathon 2006 attempt!

He's blogging for the Hello Column Win Fund for Cancer research in Dallas Ft. Worth.

Good luck Devin!

And now for something completely different....

I'm going outside! Yay! A day off!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Little Miss Pissy Pants...

I woke up this morning, and wanted to cry. I wanted to cry because I had to get up.

I sniped at a friend who was chatting with me online whilst checking my email, because I was still so exhausted. Dammit. I'm not usually like that. Sorry Alex.

I was absolutely useless at my work until approximately noon, when I forced myself to go get a double shot frappe to wake my sorry ass up. Though, I accomplished huge amounts of progress at work today once the espresso hit my veins. I crashed and burned at approximately 4:45 pm, when the caffeine wore off, with another 4 hours and 15 minutes to go in my shift.

On the bright side, the computer section at work, now has every single pair of 2.1 speaker sets (That's approximately 15 sets of speakers) working on thier own switches and hooked up to the same computer, the back room is organized to within an inch of it's life, I called a plumber in to fix the toilet in the back room, Jay called me to tell me that he missed my voice at roughly 4 pm, which was really quite sweet.

Now I'm wondering why the fuck I'm still awake, when I should be eyebrows deep in blankets, chasing chocolate male swimsuit-models in my dreams.

Hey, that sounds like a good idea.


As I'm sitting at the bus stop waiting patiently to go home, I notice a man sitting in the covered stop, wearing coke bottle glasses, dress pants, a pair of beat up runners, the Eau of Hobo no. 5, and a winter parka. I wait, patiently to get on the bus, allowing him to go on in front of me, regardless of who was waiting there first, and he breezes past the bus driver.

I use my ticket to show I'm paying my fare, and sit down. Whatever. It's welfare wednesday, and the majority of the lesser incomed individuals are out prowling the streets, armed to the teeth with a government cheque that is burning another hole in their pockets.

He's standing for the next minute, flipping the bus seats up to look underneath, and then finally sitting down with a great gusto filled sigh, mumbling to himself. I look to the man sitting on the seat near him and he says to me:

"He never thinks he has to pay." *gesturing towards bespectacled, parka-man*

My reply? "It's the end of July in the middle of a heat wave and he's wearing a winter parka. that should be a big fuckin' red light right there that he doesn't think like the rest of us shouldn't it?"

I mean, honestly.

Monday, July 24, 2006

"I knew I should've taken a left turn at Albuquerque..."

Because I STILL enjoy a good Bugs Bunny cartoon. This is the one where Bugs ends up in Germany during ww2 and runs into the infamous Nazi, Herr Hermann Goerring.

Pay attention to the scene where Hitler is playing Klondike Solitaire. There's some nice subtle jokes throughout this one.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Well, Crap.

Jay and I didn't get to go see Al Green.

It's not that we didn't have tickets, because I bought them close to 2 months ago, and it's not that we both weren't looking forward to chilling out together, watching the Reverend doing his thang...

I got a phone call at roughly two-thirty in the afternoon, from a very woozy sounding Jay, telling me that he inadvertently tried to remove three of his fingers on his left hand at work.

I didn't handle the disappointment very well, sad to say, but it was more of a combination of worry, exhaustion from too much work and getting up very early the morning of to get ready for the evening, and the fact that someone had stolen approximately six hundred dollars worth of product from our store about ten minutes before he called me.

I freaked. Admittedly, It was not mature, it was not polite, it was not understanding. *sighs*

I apologized profusely, and he accepted, even offering to buy the tickets from me so that I wasn't out the 200 bucks from purchasing them. Very generous and understanding of him.

he promised to go see another concert with me another time, and I'll find something else for him to give to him for his birthday.

I'm just glad he's okay, and that he still has all of his fingers, though bruised and cut up. My poor baby. Thank god he's right handed.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

But I Am Le Tired...

I am getting burned out. Too many long shifts. Not enough good nutrition. No energy to cook food. Not enough good times with friends. We need more Effing employees at my store!

I need a holiday. Oh, Mexico... Why can't you and I be closer to each other?

I wonder how much it costs to stay for a week at an all inclusive resort in Acapulco? I just want to tan, and read, and eat, and drink margaritas, and sleep in, and see neat things, Maybe visit the Mayan ruins, Maybe get West Nile from some passing mosquito. I want to swim in the pool, and flirt harmlessly with whoever I chat with, and have a good memory of my trip, because my last vacation was pretty crappy, too short and not satisfying. It was also over almost a year and three months ago. I can't go until November. I want it so bad NOW that I could almost cry.

Aw crap, too late. I'm leaking.

And surprisingly enough, I want to go by myself, too. I don't want romance, I don't want a companionship there, I don't want to worry about anyone else, whoever is with me, or inadvertent drama. I don't want phone calls, or email, or customers, or problems. I don't want to THINK, because I can't get away from THINKING. FUCK I HATE THINKING!!

Too much going on, and I have no time for me. I just want to be, and enjoy. I want to read two or three books, I want to do what I want, when I want, where I want, without wondering what people think. I don't care if I look pasty, or fat, or horrible in a bathing suit, or if people think I'm some sort of freak with my tattoos and whatever, I don't want to feel like everyone expects something from me, everyone is waiting for me to do something. I'm holding my own pity party right now, and I don't fucking care.

I just want to be. I want to be me. I've lost myself along the way, somewhere.

Where did I go?


Everything is money money money, I owe the bank, I owe friends, I owe my parents, I owe BC and Federal student loans. I don't even SEE my paycheque anymore. I spent eight dollars on myself, on my own interests, in the past three weeks. Eight bucks. I bought a journal. It was on sale.

My parent's don't talk to me about anything other than money anymore. it's not "how is your relationship going?" or "How are you doing lately?" it's "Have you made the payment to the bank yet" (the answer is yes) "How much are you making an hour now?" (The answer is not enough) Is that the only thing that matters?

When did we stop enjoying life, and start attaching a monentary amount to everything? How come we can't enjoy just walking along the beach at sunset, and smelling a flower, and petting the neighbors cat, feeling the sun on your face when you look up, watching a bird bathe in a fountain... things that are free? I have been trying to enjoy them lately. Simple things that get overlooked, because we're rushed, and we're stressed and we don't know how to live anymore.

I don't own my life anymore. It belongs to everybody else. My parents, and the bank, and the people I owe money to, and my work, but not to me.

I got a promotion. I got my training book (It's an effing bible) today. Or rather, I talked to the Regional district assistant to the District manager... What kind of title is that? And printed off a whack of PDF's that were emailed to me using the work printer. technically it is work related, so it's cool.

I now have the means to educate myself and I don't feel like "sticking it to the man" anymore. I just want a good, well paying, benefit supplying, enjoyable day job. Because don't get me wrong... I like my job, I just don't like stupid people. I want that Salary job. I want some security. I need it.

I am now Assistant Manager. My ends weren't supplying my means, or vice versa, because I'm tired at the moment, and I took a step up, because if I have to pretend to be the A.M., and have to do all the tasks of an A.M., I might as well get paid like one. I am the Ass-Man. AssMan. Azzmannnnn... A.M. am. Oh gawd. I don't want to get up tomorrow. I want to board a plane to Acopulco, and feel the rush of my worries leave my shoulders. I want to sleep without grinding my teeth together from stress, and stop crying at nothing when I'm alone, I want to feel my shoulder muscles relax for the first time in months, because the rocks under my skin aren't normal, natural or healthy. I want the busy-ness in my brain to just fucking CHILL.

I need a caretaker. A Linds-babysitter. I want the crusts cut off of my peanut butter sammiches, mammy. Mmm. Peanut butter.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Two More Days...

Until I get to go see Al Green with Jay!


I think I'm looking forward to it more than he is. Or he might be. I dunno.

What's really nice, is that I don't have to be at work until 9 on Friday. Plus I think I get the weekend off. Wow. Weekend off and early shift on Friday? That's like, a miracle.

I'm rambling. I'm tired.

Yay! Al Green on Friday!!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I feel: exhausted exhausted
music: Blessed quiet.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
“stage. It was an exhausting performance, even for the audience;”
(From Jovah's Angel, by Sharon Shinn)

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can...what do you touch first?
My Deoderant. lol.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Part of the TV show, House.

4. WITHOUT LOOKING, what time is it?
10:25 pm

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
10:26pm. Booyah.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The sound of the TV from the living room, my landlady flushing the toilet or taking a shower, (one of the two) the fan on my desk.

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
10 minutes ago, coming back in from doing some grocery shopping with my room mate. Nothing like going through the till with Razor blades, lunch meat, cigarettes and bus tickets.

8. Before you came to this website, what were you looking at?
My Email.

9. What are you wearing?
A blanket. Jewelery.

10. What did you dream last night?
I dunno, but I know that my alarm clock didn't go off this morning.

11. When did you last laugh?
while having a conversation about the supposed regularity of bowel movements with my roommate.

12. What's on the walls of the room you're in?
I've got pictures! Lots of art, both original and prints, a cork board, calendars, a few small shelving units.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
I saw a 40 some odd year old hooker wearing silk booty shorts walking around the mall today. Maybe that's not weird, so much as disgusting. She asked me where the eye doctor was. I was hoping it was so that she could get her eyes fixed and pick out a less than skeezy outfit.

14. What do you think of this survey?
It's a survey.

15. What's the last film you saw?
“Cars” with Chris, a few weeks ago. It was cute.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
A trip to Mexico, with side stops in Dallas/F.W. area before departure to a well deserved holiday.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
I get a headache almost every night.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
The desire for humans to annihilate each other.

19. Do you like to dance?
Yep. I do. I'm not as coordinated as Elizabeth, or as classy as a few of my other friends, but put some alcohol in me, and I'm not too shabby at it. Oddly enough, I'm better in breakneck heels than I am in flats.

20. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Abigail (after my deceased twin sister) Hope.

21. Boy?

22. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Yep. Every damned day.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Yo Ho, Yo Ho... A Pirate's Life For Me...

Here be me wee cute stuffie of Captain Jack Sparrow, fresh from the depths of Davey Jones' Happy Meal.

Yes. I solicited Mickey D's today, but only because I was desperate for grub, moving furniture, and the fact that they did have this adorable stuffy Jack Sparrow, which has a remarkable resemblance to Johnny Depp, don't you think?

Please note, his rather dapper shoe-insert sword, embroidered soul patch, and embroidered on beads. Not to mention the Deer-in-the-headlights eyes. The felt jacket and shoes are charming, however.

I sat in the truck next to Jay as we drove through, whining "Do they have my Captain Jack, yet? I want my Captain Jack.... *leaning over Jay, hanging on the trucks window ledge... (to whit I'm sure he didn't mind my boobs on his crotch)* Hey! Do you guys have any of the Captain Jack toys in yet?"


"Sweet! I'll take two!"

I promptly tossed one to Jay, for tolerating my whining.

I must mention in an aside, that the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" inflatable sword that is one of the other toys available, is very large, silver, and phallic like.

Jay was seen waving it at random cars passing the other direction of the truck and yelling something like "Yarrrr! be afeared of my large silver dildo, with easy to grip handle!" Even better was him holding it directly out from the truck, to do manual turning signals.

*sighs* Could I find a more perfect male for me, or what?

Saturday, July 15, 2006


By far, the best scene in Baz Luhrmann's "Moulin Rouge" for it's emotional depth, creativity, sensual dancing, cinematography, editing, arrangement and usage of music.

Friday, July 14, 2006


I've been remarkably impressed with the programming on Sirius radio, since I've set up our location to have it playing through the speakers in our ceiling and surround sound system at my work.

In particular, the BBC1 channel plays a wide range of music, from hip hop, dance, r&b, and everything in between, and has charming hosts in between sets. Most of the music they have been playing is the stuff that I listen to on a regular basis on my own time.

Go check it out, if you haven't already.

Alex in progress 2

Alex in progress 2
Originally uploaded by Duchessdocktrash.
a second step in my work in progress with alex's portrait.

Eyes, mouth and jawline aren't quite right yet. Another few hours of tinkering and he'll look more like himself.

Yeah? Well, Fuck You Too.

My previous classmates (and sadly enough even a few instructors) who I was quite close to while going to school, have decided to not reply whenever I message/email them anymore.

I've got one thing to say: Just because I didn't fully complete the same program that you did, or that you taught, doesn't make you any better than me. Get off your goddamned high horse.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Be Patient, Grasshopper.

It takes a while to load, but it's done very well.

Stick men action!

Everything 'Bout The Girl...

1. So far who did you talk to the most today? My manager, Corey.
2. What is the best name for a butler? Charles.
3. What is the thing you are picked on most about? My laugh.
4. What was your last weird encounter?I have weird encounters all the time.
5. What’s the weirdest story of one of your scars? I was chasing a friend down the sidewalk on the way to school when I was in grade 2, when I fell on a large rock and smashed my forehead right below my hairline on the crosswalk post.
6. Do you remember the part from Bambi when Bambi learns to say bear? No...
7. What color is your toothbrush? White. And it's electric; Boogie-woogie-woogie.
8. What is your middle name? I have two. Jaqueline Marie.
9. Can you eat well with chopsticks? It depends on how coordinated I am that day. If it's rice, then the answer is never.
10. What odd things creep you out? Ghosts, moths. Being alone at night.
11. Have you ever felt an earthquake? Yes.
12. What do you do with the hot grease when you’re done cooking bacon? Dump it down the drain and run hot water for a few minutes.
13. How many good friends do you have? Approximately 10 very good friends.
14. What’s the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? I don't know?
15. What color are your socks today? White. Ooo. Fancy.
16. What is your favorite word that starts with the letter G? "Gargh!", though it's probably not a real word, is it?
17. Who do you blame for your mood today? Me!
18. If Ricky Martin had a trademark what would it be? Livin' La Vida Loca.
19. What is something scientists need to invent? A cure for Cancer, AIDS.
20. What is the closest object to your left foot? A chair. The cat.
21. Who is your favorite Golden Girl? Uh... I'll have to ask Ryan that.
22. Do you have an inside joke that has to do with numbers? No... What kinda question is that?
23. What is the longest amount of hours you have slept in a row? 22. Yes, seriously.
24. What story do you tell most often? How everytime my friend(s) and I go past an apartment building I lived in when I was five, that I used to live there... I seem to have selective memory that way.
25. How do ugly people make you feel? Uhh, not so ugly?
26. Where was your mother’s hometown? Vancouver, B.C.
27. Where was your father's hometown?Burnaby, B.C.
28. What are the posters on your walls? roughly seven pieces of original art, a pillow clock, and some design that I've done while attending school.
29. Say two words that rhyme. Banana-rama
30. Do you use online terms in real life? Sometimes. In particular LOL, and OMG, But only sarcastically.
31. What do you think people think of you? I don't know. The last time I checked I wasn't a psychic. Why don't you guys tell me?
32. Do you think this year will be better than the last? Please. I sure as fuck hope that nothing can be worse than last year.
33. Who is the 1st person on your incoming call list and how do you know them? My mom's cell. And it's pretty obvious how I know her, since I am her crotch-fruit.
34. Do you know who Salad Fingers is? *shudders* Yes. He's super creepy.
35. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? I've done many, many stupid things. Don't ask me to list them, please. It would take all night.
36. What is your favorite commercial of the moment? I don't watch TV, remember?
37. What does it take to make you cry? Kindness towards me, when I don't expect it, usually. Something that touches me. A good orgasm.
38. What are you looking forward to? A better future than now.
39. Have you ever cried because you thought you were ugly? Yes.
40. Who did you kiss today? No one.
41. What do you like to do when you are alone?Read. Goof off on the Internet, Sleep, Design.
42. Who are your 2 favorite characters on Full House? Uncle Jesse, because he was hot, and ... Do I have to pick a second one? 'Cause, really, I don't have another one.
43. What is missing from your life? Requited Love.
44. Would you be ashamed if you wore hippie clothes? I don't think so.
45. Grab the closest book, what does the 7th sentence on the third page say? All of my books are still packed, sorry.
46. When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? When I was a kid.
47. If it was your last day on earth what shoes would you wear? The most comfy ones I own. Probably my blue pumas, or slippers.
48. Do you own a Super Nintendo? I used to. I gave it to Damien.
49. What do you think of Law and Order? My dad likes it. I remember falling asleep when I was younger hearing the theme song coming from my parents room.
50. Can you name all 7 dwarfs? Sleepy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Doc.
51. Who is the hottest drummer you know? I don't know.
52. Have you ever pretended to be Jewish? I've mimicked a yiddish accent a few times, does that count?
53. What was the last thing you thought you lost, but ended up finding it? My keys. They were in my purse, (exactly where they were supposed to be) the whole time.
54. What were you doing at midnight last night? Unusually enough, Sleeping.
55. If you had a ball of clay what would you mold it into? A bowl.
56. What does your Milkshake bring to the yard? All the boys, baby.
57. Do you have any famous relatives? I'm distantly related to Anne Murray, and also Robert Goulet. (Both 3rd or 4th Generation cousins on my dad's side of the family.)
58. Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers? Fingers. White meat only for this girl.
59. Pirates or Indians? Pirates. Fuck yeah.
60. Pulp OJ or No Pulp OJ? It depends on the day.
61. Drive or Ride Passenger:Passenger.
62. Regular Hot Dogs or Cheesy Hot Dogs: Cheesy.
63. Beach or Pool:Pool.
64. Renting a movie or Going to the theater: Renting a movie.
65. Ever push all the buttons in an elevator? Nope.
66. Ever bake with an easy bake oven? Yup. I made cakes and such with lightbulby goodness!
67. Ever gone to school when you didn’t remember you had the day off? Nope.
68. Ever "Jungle Boogied"? It's my text message ringer on my cell, and as for the other meaning, I've went black. I came back.
69. Ever owned a Spirograph? Yep.
70. Last TV show you watched? The Matrix on TV.
71. Last food you ate? Sesame toast with Raspberry Jam, and a glass of milk.
72. Last thing you bought?I haven't bought shoes in ages.
73. Last thing someone bought you? Jay got me a 2 gig mp3/mp4 player.
74. Last thing you laughed at? My room mate slurping her tea.
75. Last person that spent the night at your house? Jay.
76. Last thing that gave you chills? Almost getting hit by a cop car chasing a criminal last Wednesday on the way home from work.
77. Last song you sang out loud? A spoof of Macho man by the Village people. It was "Toasty, toasty bread, I want to eat, the toasty bread..."
78. Last time you ate ice cream? Last week sometime.
79. Who was the last person to text message you? Liz
80. How tall are you barefoot? 5' 8-3/4"
81. Have you ever been unfaithful in a relationship? Yes.
82. Do you own a gun? No.
83. If you had a mental disorder, what would it be? Oh, a psychosis of some sort. Perhaps obsessive-compulsive, numeric dyslexia... Is lazy a disorder?
84. How many letters are in your crush's name? 5.
85. What do you think of hot dogs? Lips and assholes.
86. What's your favorite Christmas song? O Come O Come Emmanuel.
87. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? A 7 pump vanilla latte.
88. Do you do push-ups? Sure! I own about 17 of those kinds of bras!
89. Have you ever done ecstasy? Oh, can I please have cocaine, speed, comet, and rat poison in my body, as well as wanting to fuck everything that moves, while sitting there zoned out stroking the back of my hand for hours? Can I? Please?!?
90. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Sort of?
91. Do you like the rain? Yes. I like to walk in it.
92. Do you own a knife? Yes.
93. Do you have A.D.D.? What's that over there?
94. Full initials? L.J.M.L.
95. Name 4 thoughts at this exact moment.
1) Holy fucking long quiz, Batman.
2) I want a smoke.
3) I am tired. I should be in bed.
4) My body hurts.
96. Name the last 4 things you have bought today and how much they cost:
1) Mama Burger, A&W, $2.17 plus applicable taxes.
2) Orange Soda, Shoppers Drug Mart $0.91, including taxes.
I didn't buy anything else today.
97. What time did you wake up today? 6:30 A.M.
98. Can you spell? Fastidiously, and with panache.
99. Current worry? Relationship, Stress, Money, Work, Moving the rest of my stuff, Family, friends, India, Politics.
100. Current hate? Stress. Money. Humanity.
101. Favorite place to be? Curled up with Jay watching a movie in my bed. Hanging out with my friends.
102. Least favorite place to be? At work, hour 9 of a 12 hour shift.
103. Where would you like to go? London. Spain. Italy. Honolulu. Disneyland.
104. Do you own slippers? Yep.
105. Do you burn or tan? Burn, then tan.
106. Green or blue? Blue.
107. Last time your cell rang? 6 pm. It was my mom.
108. What songs do you sing in the shower? The one I remember last was "We Belong Together", by Mariah Carey.
109. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Ghosts.
110. What's in your pockets right now? Cell phone, used bus ticket, lighter, aloe chap stick, hair elastic.
111. Last thing that made you laugh. didn't I already answer this question?
112. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Heh. New Kids On The Block sheets.
113. Worst injury you've ever had? I was pushed by another kid in elementary school down an incline. I sprained my wrist so badly that I had to wear a cast for 2 months.
114. What is your GPA? Probably not very good, since I didn't give a fuck in highschool and never did my homework.
115. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3
116. Who is your loudest friend? It's a tie between Murray and Liz. (hee-hee.)
117. Who is your most silent friend? I don't really have "silent" friends. It's kind of hard for me to be friends with an extremely quiet person.
118. Do you wish on stars? Yeah. *sighs* I think it never works because I have too many wishes, and confuse the stars.
119. What is your favorite book? "Ender's Game", by Orson Scott Card.
120. What song did you last hear? Paul Oakenfold "Faster, Kill Pussycat" (It should be noted that this is named after a really bad Cult B film called "Faster pussycat, Kill! Kill!, and also, that Brittany Murphy sounds pretty damned good for an actress breaking into a singing career.)
121. Do you have a bad reputation? I used to. I've been shedding that faster than you can imagine.
122. What song do you want played at your funeral? Whatever people pick. I want a fucking DJ there. I might be dead, but you're not. Party it up a little.
123. Where will you be in 5 years time? Maybe married. Doing design, possibly with children. Most likely, alone, still working retail, bitter, full of spite.
124. What is your favourite thing to wear? Perfume, and skin.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm Not *Quite* Goth Enough...

To have the ability to resist the death glare this very, uh.... Statuesque... Sure... Lets say statuesque... six foot three, very tattooed, ugly goth girl was giving me. For the ENTIRE time his... Uh, I mean, her, very ugly boyfriend required any help.

I took some pleasure in grinning evilly at her and flirting *shudders* with her boyfriend in front of her for almost the whole time she was staring at me with her expressionless, dead, hate filled eyes. Hey, I mean, there was no reason for her to look at me that way in the first place. I might as well earn it, dontcha think?

I'm pretty sunny in personality, most of the time, and this bitch wasn't my cup of tea. I mean, honestly, does staring at people with hate in your eyes really do anything good for your soul?

Perhaps I should have tickled her to make her smile, but I was afraid she might pound me into the ground for so much as batting an eyelash in her general direction.

Freaky bitch.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alex in progress

Alex in progress
Originally uploaded by Duchessdocktrash.
A screen capture of work in progress, for one of the more animated individuals I know, named Alex.

I told him, "you're a cartoon, you know that?!", thus, inspiration.

"I know Kung Fu..."


I am watching the matrix on TV, with the lovely, edited dialogue.

"Ju-jitsu? I'm going to learn Ju Jitsu?"

*zaps of ju jitsu into Neo's brain*

"Holy smogs!"

A few moments later...

"I know Kung Fu."

Funny, I think I've only seen this movie once.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

in progress...

Some pics from setting up after the move. Things are still a little crazy and hectic, but I snapped a few piccies for the folks that still read GSD. There's something on the lense of my cam, so the white circles are dust. Crappy. Things are still a bit of a mess, but it's getting together very quickly, now that I have a few days off.

piles of boxes, and the rest of my art setup in the room. It's palatial compared to my old place in Surrey.

View from the door, I'm still setting stuff up, the screwdrivers and hammer aren't usually there, some stuff is still in boxes. Check out my bday prezzies up on full display (the clock, and the purple and red doll above the stereo on the glass shelf.) Yes, I now have a TV, but strictly for movie purposes. My closet is hiding behind those cotton sheer curtains.

A hastily made bed with HEAPS of pillows. The illustrious "man-eating,(it matches it's owner, hee hee!) bed of sin". Porn star blanket, my mac powerbook, and lots of art.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Many Miles To Go...

Before I can sleep. Or at least rest my weary head on my pillows.

*le sigh*

The coworkers left for Kamloops on the long weekend just past, leaving us severly understaffed. Drag. Though, I'm going to get 24 hours of overtime in this next paycheque, which is not so much a drag. 12 hours today, 12 hours tomorrow, and 12 hours Friday. I anticipate myself coma like by the end of the week.

Speaking of the many miles that I go on every day, Jay got me a present. It was most unexpected, and appreciated.

My 20 gig iPod has been giving me the dirtiest attitude for the past 2 months, finally up and quitting on me about 2.5 weeks ago. Needless to say, I'm not thrilled over the fact that it's now a 400 dollar 'chuffing paperweight, instead of the source of my sanity prevention on mass transit.

Enter Jason, calling me up on Monday saying "I've got a present for you."

Me: "What is it? Whatisitwhatisit? Oooo! Tell me what it is? (Picture me bouncing on my bed like a three year old at Christmas... Actually, on second thought, don't.)

Jay: *laughs* "No tellsy! Wait 'til I come over."

Me: Sooooo... You're coming over when, then?

Jay: *Laughs* I'll be there in half an hour.

Jay picked me up a 2 gig mp3/mp4 player. That means, If I wanted to, I could watch little movies on my wannabe Nano. Sweet! Many kisses and things were a result of said gifty-ness. What a good and thoughtful man he is.

For those of you not in the know, I moved back to the tasteful side of the river on Canada Day, (That's the 1st of July, for my American comrades out there) but continue to work in the asshole of British Columbia, known as Surrey. At least until my boss gets some new people underneath him, and trained properly. (that had overtones of kink ALL through it, didn't it?)

Jay helped me move my entire load of stuff, excepting my bookshelf and dresser, since it's been gorrammed hot out, and I don't feel like charring myself kentucky fried. at any rate, back to the daily grind. ciao.

Monday, July 03, 2006

A Marvel of Coordination...

Wake up. 6am. What the hell is up with that? Ignore waking up, go back to sleep. Sleep more. Wake up again. Decide that it's time to get up. Get up and get juice, wearing bathrobe.

Go outside, to sit on the back patio. Put glass of Juice on table. Sit down. While sitting down, bump table, knocking full glass of juice over, spilling onto cement, table and chair on other side of table, in the full sunshine.

Curse fluently under breath.

Go inside. Get changed. Trip over cat winding around ankles while trying to go outside. Scratch cat's head, pick up cat and gently toss inside the door again. Close screen door. Get hose. Attempt to spray cement. Hose is turned off.

Curse fluently under breath.

Walk THROUGH juice, to get to faucet on wall. Leave sticky orange footprints to faucet. Go back and get hose, spray juice off of table and chairs, cement and then follow down to where the faucet is. Realize your feet are STILL very sticky. Wash feet. Re-wash footprints left behind again. Grab empty juice glass off of table outside. Walk into screen door.

Curse fluently under breath.

So remind me, *Why* did I get up this morning?