Wednesday, July 26, 2006


As I'm sitting at the bus stop waiting patiently to go home, I notice a man sitting in the covered stop, wearing coke bottle glasses, dress pants, a pair of beat up runners, the Eau of Hobo no. 5, and a winter parka. I wait, patiently to get on the bus, allowing him to go on in front of me, regardless of who was waiting there first, and he breezes past the bus driver.

I use my ticket to show I'm paying my fare, and sit down. Whatever. It's welfare wednesday, and the majority of the lesser incomed individuals are out prowling the streets, armed to the teeth with a government cheque that is burning another hole in their pockets.

He's standing for the next minute, flipping the bus seats up to look underneath, and then finally sitting down with a great gusto filled sigh, mumbling to himself. I look to the man sitting on the seat near him and he says to me:

"He never thinks he has to pay." *gesturing towards bespectacled, parka-man*

My reply? "It's the end of July in the middle of a heat wave and he's wearing a winter parka. that should be a big fuckin' red light right there that he doesn't think like the rest of us shouldn't it?"

I mean, honestly.

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