Monday, July 03, 2006

A Marvel of Coordination...

Wake up. 6am. What the hell is up with that? Ignore waking up, go back to sleep. Sleep more. Wake up again. Decide that it's time to get up. Get up and get juice, wearing bathrobe.

Go outside, to sit on the back patio. Put glass of Juice on table. Sit down. While sitting down, bump table, knocking full glass of juice over, spilling onto cement, table and chair on other side of table, in the full sunshine.

Curse fluently under breath.

Go inside. Get changed. Trip over cat winding around ankles while trying to go outside. Scratch cat's head, pick up cat and gently toss inside the door again. Close screen door. Get hose. Attempt to spray cement. Hose is turned off.

Curse fluently under breath.

Walk THROUGH juice, to get to faucet on wall. Leave sticky orange footprints to faucet. Go back and get hose, spray juice off of table and chairs, cement and then follow down to where the faucet is. Realize your feet are STILL very sticky. Wash feet. Re-wash footprints left behind again. Grab empty juice glass off of table outside. Walk into screen door.

Curse fluently under breath.

So remind me, *Why* did I get up this morning?

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