Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Many Miles To Go...

Before I can sleep. Or at least rest my weary head on my pillows.

*le sigh*

The coworkers left for Kamloops on the long weekend just past, leaving us severly understaffed. Drag. Though, I'm going to get 24 hours of overtime in this next paycheque, which is not so much a drag. 12 hours today, 12 hours tomorrow, and 12 hours Friday. I anticipate myself coma like by the end of the week.

Speaking of the many miles that I go on every day, Jay got me a present. It was most unexpected, and appreciated.

My 20 gig iPod has been giving me the dirtiest attitude for the past 2 months, finally up and quitting on me about 2.5 weeks ago. Needless to say, I'm not thrilled over the fact that it's now a 400 dollar 'chuffing paperweight, instead of the source of my sanity prevention on mass transit.

Enter Jason, calling me up on Monday saying "I've got a present for you."

Me: "What is it? Whatisitwhatisit? Oooo! Tell me what it is? (Picture me bouncing on my bed like a three year old at Christmas... Actually, on second thought, don't.)

Jay: *laughs* "No tellsy! Wait 'til I come over."

Me: Sooooo... You're coming over when, then?

Jay: *Laughs* I'll be there in half an hour.

Jay picked me up a 2 gig mp3/mp4 player. That means, If I wanted to, I could watch little movies on my wannabe Nano. Sweet! Many kisses and things were a result of said gifty-ness. What a good and thoughtful man he is.

For those of you not in the know, I moved back to the tasteful side of the river on Canada Day, (That's the 1st of July, for my American comrades out there) but continue to work in the asshole of British Columbia, known as Surrey. At least until my boss gets some new people underneath him, and trained properly. (that had overtones of kink ALL through it, didn't it?)

Jay helped me move my entire load of stuff, excepting my bookshelf and dresser, since it's been gorrammed hot out, and I don't feel like charring myself kentucky fried. at any rate, back to the daily grind. ciao.

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