Saturday, July 22, 2006

Well, Crap.

Jay and I didn't get to go see Al Green.

It's not that we didn't have tickets, because I bought them close to 2 months ago, and it's not that we both weren't looking forward to chilling out together, watching the Reverend doing his thang...

I got a phone call at roughly two-thirty in the afternoon, from a very woozy sounding Jay, telling me that he inadvertently tried to remove three of his fingers on his left hand at work.

I didn't handle the disappointment very well, sad to say, but it was more of a combination of worry, exhaustion from too much work and getting up very early the morning of to get ready for the evening, and the fact that someone had stolen approximately six hundred dollars worth of product from our store about ten minutes before he called me.

I freaked. Admittedly, It was not mature, it was not polite, it was not understanding. *sighs*

I apologized profusely, and he accepted, even offering to buy the tickets from me so that I wasn't out the 200 bucks from purchasing them. Very generous and understanding of him.

he promised to go see another concert with me another time, and I'll find something else for him to give to him for his birthday.

I'm just glad he's okay, and that he still has all of his fingers, though bruised and cut up. My poor baby. Thank god he's right handed.

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