Thursday, September 16, 2004

A dream is a wish your heart makes... But what is a nightmare?

First off let me start with my horoscope for today from

"As the stars change position, the fog begins to roll in, clouding your judgment. You have a big decision to make, but something that was once clear plunges into a swamp of moral ambiguity. You don't yet have to choose between right and wrong, but you may still want to keep your moral compass out and ready just in case. Sleep on it, and listen to your dreams."

At least twice in the past week, I've had some really disturbing nightmares. Usually involving violence, and always at about eight thirty in the morning. The one that woke me up this morning was particularity disturbing, where I had to chase down a serial killer, and then kill him. The catch? He was getting younger as the dream progressed. When my dream started, completely ominous in tone, He was an adult. At the point in time that I was able to kill him in my nightmare, suddenly, he had reverted to the age of a six year old. I was crying at the end of my dream, and remember yelling at him, that I loved him, and that it wasn't fair of me to have to do this to him. I forced myself to wake up before he died.

And woke up horrified, naseous, shaking and almost in tears.

I adore children, I really do. More than most people know. This dream really fucked me up. This dream made me wonder what the fuck was wrong with me.

Sometimes, a dream is just a dream. SO, what the hell is a nightmare? What did this particular one symbolize?

I'm still shaking.


Anonymous said...

Usually bad dreams are a result of something you are worrying about, and usually the worry is quite different from the dream. I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with you at all, or that you have a problem with children or anything, it was just a dream. Were you watching TV before bed? Sometimes that influences my dreams.

Oddly enough I was awoken from a nightmare early this morning as well. Mine invloved two enormous black elk that were on a murderous rampage in a nearby park. I had to track them down and kill them, though I woke just as they were attacking me, before I shot them. The similarity is a bit bizarre no?


Linds said...

Very odd similarities. I was thinking about the previous few days, which have been chaotic, but I was discussing how my friend would make a good father once he decided to have children, right before bed last night. I was also feeling melencholy, and rather lonely, from being overtired before I fell asleep as well...

Apparently Melissa had a nightmare too. I would blame the weather, but it's bound to be different in Edmonton.

Anonymous said...

Your conversation sounds like it definately influenced your dream (mine was influenced by a zoo show I was watching yesterday). I hear the weather there is dark and rainy, here it's pretty warm and sunny, so maybe I'm having sympathy bad dreams :)
