Friday, September 24, 2004

Nighty night...

I just had this unreal nightmare... it was long and confusing, and I do want to get back to sleep, but woke up to get some water, and check out what the symbolism of a few parts were online, since my dreams seem to be so frequent, and freakily memorable lately.

Anyways, to cut to the chase, because I'm fucking tired...I'm chilling with Liz in the living room, I get drunk off of three sips of beer, Liz goes to bed, I get hungry, I'm trying to be quiet, but that's just NOT happening... So anyways, It involved me putting mayonnaise (Actually it was McChicken sauce from Mickey D's, but everyone knows that's just mayo, it's a drunken staple in our house. I never thought that I would dream about mayo, let alone that it would be in an Online Dream Dictionary...) and my microwave breaking down, with my subsequent throwing out of said dirty, smoking, busted down, bitch of a microwave, that continued to try to cook things, including my hands, like microwave possessed, even after unplugging it, by whipping it around my head, and tossing it off the balcony. (By the cord no less. Apparently I'm Superwoman...)

No nothing kinky. Unfortunately.

So according to this dream guide, apparently to see or eat mayonnaise in your dream, represents disappointment in your waking life. It also indicates the occurrence of insults and disrespect in some situation or relationship. To see a microwave represents quick and logical thinking. Or so I gather from the brief scan through that site I did while sorta groggy and squinting because I'm not wearing my glasses.

Apparently my subconcious is telling me that I'm not happy with my situation right now, and that my quick and logical thinking is degrading. No shit.

Happy thoughts.

Fuck, why can't I dream of winning the Lottery like normal people? No, I have to microwave Mayo, inebriated.

I KNOW I'm not happy with my situation. Can't my brain just let me fucking chill out for the evening? Or does it constantly have to rub my nose in my unhappiness? I spent the hour before I fell asleep staring up at the ceiling, THINKING until I fell asleep. Sometimes I just wish I could turn the brain off for the night.

But then again...


Charlene said...

Aw poor Lynds! Makes for a very unrestful night eh?

Oddly enough I've been having a lot of nightmares lately too. Three last week and three this week (two of which were last night). In one last night I had a new female boss who was molesting me, and in the other my sister was drunk, fell out of my car, and got run over by another car. She was fine but I woke up screaming.

Eric thinks I'm worried about not having a job and not enough to do. I'm going to go check out the dream diary link.


Linds said...

Damn you for making me not chew the window peice on my gum whenever the hell I want. *grrrr* :P