Sunday, June 12, 2005


Music of the Moment: "Swing This Baby!" A various compilation of modern musicians doing Swing music.

Fuck the Podcast for now. Apparently I'm technologically retarded, and Mr!Erik and I tried several methods to create an .xml feed for the damned thing. (Which is *VERY* difficult via MSN, for those of you not in the know.) It's probably something *VERY* simple, that I'm just not seeing right now. Dev has been sent a pleading email, begging for assistance, with many promises of lurid, adult-oriented behaviour and batting of eyelashes. So now, I just wait until the guru responds.

At any rate, Podcasting aside, I've snapped about 2 dozen more phenomenal photos of Graffiti, and am seriously contemplating doing a photographical series on Gastown. It seems that I'm obsessed with brickwork and narrow, intimate spaces of brick wall covered with greenery, as well as the character of that small part of the city, dirt, homeless people, and stench included along with the charm of the cobblestone streets and old buildings. I wandered about "Blood Alley" the oldest part of Gastown yesterday, and fell in love with it, (having usually only seen it from the balcony of Club 23 West during SinCity Fetish night.) while snapping Erik's band photo for his newest album, "The Pantload" tentatively scheduled for release on the 15th of July. I've agreed to do the design for the front and back covers of his jewel case, and the stuff I tinkered with today looks pretty damned good. It's a good trade, considering I get to use it as a portfolio piece, as well as trading bandwidth and storage for the GSD podcast online, when I finally figure out what the fuck I'm doing.

I never expected Photography to be such a budding passion for me, but considering my father has an 8 megapixel digital camera that NEVER (and boy, do I mean NEVER, except for when he sleeps,) leaves his side, it should be expected. If I start to spend hours upon hours staring up into the sky with a telescope, you have permission to call me "Larry".

Homework abounds, and I'm surprised I've finished part of my freelance design stuffs AND an assigment in about four hours. I've been rather lax at finishing my assignments, and I'm getting irritated with myself for it, putting my own pleasure ahead of my responsibilities. (Tsk tsk, Madamoiselle Linds.)

I'm desiring the purchase of an external hard drive, since my laptop is getting somewhat sluggish. This would help with storing all the music I don't listen to (I have over 4500 songs, but don't listen to ALL of my albums, so about 1500 of them are now stored on CD-R's as data mp3's.) as well as helping me with all the photographs that I've been schlepping into my computer over the past four months. I'm really anal about file management, so most of it is organized, it's just... Well, a LOT of stuff. I never thought I'd be complaining about having too much music, or even acknowledging that there was such a thing. (I still don't think there is, but whatever...)

At any rate, thoughts are bubbling, and it's time to get back to work. Hope Y'all (y'all?) are doing well, I'll catch ya on the flip flop.

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