Thursday, June 09, 2005

Podcastidental Inauguration...

Editor's Note:

Success!! I have a dear, dear friend who has earned a gold star for every inch of his soul, for donating some of his webspace for moi to use for my podcast. I'll have it up and running on Saturday morning by the latest... See, it benefits to give away some designed stuff for free.

A mere ten days before my first Blogiversary (Ugh, I hate that word.) I've finished mixing together a podcast for the Glamazon Shoe Diaries. I'm moderately excited, and since Devin told me where to find the software to record AIFF vocal tracks it's been much MUCH easier, he then ran off to discuss the benefits of french fry particulars in North Texas... So I muddled through on my own.

I did this whole show in about three and a half hours, including mixdown and converting it to an MP3. This IS my first foray into digital broadcasting, and the mic on my laptop isn't fantabulous. so pardon the somewhat shitty quality of the vocals. Other than that, you get a good feel for what I was trying to get across, and the segueways are nicely done, and the music is crystal clear thanks to the fact that I can directly import music into the program I was using and not record a recording... If that makes sense. That's what you learn working for volunteer radio, I suppose.

*Please note that the address in the RSS feed to download the Podcast is NOT the right address until Saturday, June 11th, 2005, sometime in the afternoon. Thx.*

That being said, I've gotten an RSS feed working nicely, (Special thanks to Mike G. who told me about Feed Burner RSS syndication, Thanks sweets!) I just need to get enough webspace to put the fucking thing up there. I've got a 67 megabyte file, and I get a whopping 20 megs per email addy from my Internet Service Provider. Even if I add up the two email addy amounts alloted to me, (which isn't possible...) I'm still 27 megs shy. Damn. The broadcast is ONLY an hour long, (57 minutes, to be specific.) and I'll be buggered if I only do 20 minute shows. That's just fucking boring. I mean, three, MAYBE four songs, and some talking? Come on now.

As it stands, the GSD inaugural podcast for release on Friday, June 10th, 2005, has some wicked old-school Hip Hop on it, (Naughty by Nature, Skee-Lo), Contemporary Hip Hop (Snoop Dogg), funk (Angie Stone), Blues (Tracy Chapman), R & B (Black Eyed Peas), Pop(Tori Alamaze) and some rock (David Usher, Coldplay) along with a bunch of other stuff. It's a nice mix, and I'm fairly proud of it.

Finances are tight, and I'm waiting for my Student loan to come through right now so I can get that working... Gee, I feel stupid. If anyone has a gig of spare storage that they want to ship down my way, I'd be exceedingly grateful, what with being a starving student and all. I'll even dedicate every podcast to the person that DOES donate space.

If not, then fuck it. Whatever, I'm not about to let my talents go to waste, and I've dated the podcast itself, so fuck it. It's available for people that want it through a fabulous free file transfer system called Dropload. Create an account and email me with the email addy you use to log in to dropload with, and requesting a the podcast de jour. I'll send it along as soon as possible. I have my ways, and it might involve me getting up and running sooner than I thought. That's fine with me, it will just take a little bit of effort.

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