Sunday, June 12, 2005


This is the Meme that Pediddle requested of me last week-abouts. I've been busy, but have given myself the time right now to finish this. Better late than never, I suppose. Here goes.

Rules are:

the #1 item from the following list, bump everyone up one place and add
your blog's name in the #5 spot. You need to actually link to each of
the blogs for the link-whorage aspect of this fiendish meme-age to kick

1. third world country
2. BTW...
3. Soliloquy...
4. regurgitation
5. The Glamazon Shoe Diaries

Next, select four unsuspecting victims, list and link to them.

1. Unfortunate Serendipity
2. Churn: Creating Nothing from Nothing
3. Mitchieville
4. My Stars In The Sky

Now - the subject of This Detestable Meme is "Five Things I Miss From My Childhood"


1.) Not having financial worries. As it stands right now, I owe a frightening amount to both Canada Student loans, British Columbia Student Loans and my financial institution to further my education. While I don't regret going to school, and I appreciate that I've found my niche in life career wise at such a young age (or at least I *think* I have) it's still terrifying to realize that I'm fully 100% responsible for every single penny that I'm currently in debt for. It's something that as a child, you never really worry about, or even think about.

2.) Summer Vacation. Hot damn! Do you kids realize how friggin lucky you are to NOT go to school for the best two and a half months of the year? Cripes. It's two and a half months of not worrying about homework, about sleeping in, hanging out with your friends, playing in the sunshine, crawling the mall and staying up wayyyy too late without fearing repercussion. I'm jealous as hell.

3.) Aiden James Varga. He was my best guy friend from grade five or so, until grade nine when he moved up to Shushwap, in Northern British Columbia. I miss him like hell sometimes. He was the only guy that didn't torture me because I was overweight, and just accepted me for who I was. It was refreshing, and I adored him for it. I'm sure it was a serious case of puppy love, but everytime I smell the cologne he used to wear in early highschool, (Polo, by Ralph Lauren, I believe... Pretty swank for a 13-14 year old.) I always think of him. We had a lot of innocent fun together, and I used to sleep over at his house in Coquitlam on the weekends staying up really late and goofing around. I also miss his older sister and his parents tons too.

4.) Choir. I have no time now, but from the age of six to eighteen, I've been in at least 11 choirs, ranging from the regular choir classes offered in Elementary and High school, as well as professional and specialty youth choirs that only allowed individuals to join that passed an audition. It was a phenomenal learning experience, and I developed friendships that were interesting and fun. To this day I run into people (often at various Karaoke Joints) that I sang with in Elementary and High School. I garnered at least 20 extra credits towards graduation merely from participating in these, and my vocal range developed from soprano, to low tenor to second soprano. My grad year Jazz Choir won silver in the national choir competition in it's first year of running.

5.) The ability to have unconditional trust in adults. Most adults don't seem to have ulterior motives with children, at least not the decent ones. In adult life, it's a totally different story. You face backstabbing, heartbreak, a myriad of disasters large and small. I'm still in shock at times at how I've lost a large part of my innocence due to the behaviour of both myself, and the adults that I know. It's one of many reasons why I adore my nephew. It'll hurt like hell when I see him learning the things I'd rather keep him protected from.

There ya be. Hope this gives you some more insight into my noggin.


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