Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"I've got GIANT Brass Cojones!"

Music Of the Moment: Sarah Slean -- "I Will Love You" from the album "(_)" {'in parenthesis'} God, this song makes me cry. Ugh, I'm such a pussy GIRL. Bob Marley -- Album: "Natural Mystic" That's right, Mon.
David Usher -- Album: "Hallucinations" I heart David Usher.

Why is it that getting a one hour long Swedish (Bort, bort, bort!) massage left my body feeling exactly the same as if I had gone swimming and pretty darned much exhausted myself? It's that warm, sore feeling that seems to reach all the way to your bones and make you all happy/sleepy inside. I guess my muscles were pulled, stretched and kneaded from the knots they have been in for the past two weeks, and they are lodging a formal complaint. Not that I'm listening.

Much. Actually, it's kind of pleasant.

It could be that I've spent the last two days busting my ass on various projects for both assignments AND for myself. I created a pretty damned funky piece of flash animation as an introduction to G.S.D. for an assignment, and the thing is it only took me about two hours to make. The touching up of said slapped together assignment is still underway, so Jeri, that piece I sent you last night is different now. It's a little more subtle, and a little slicker. Dev described it as very "Sex In The City", which surprised me. I also created a movie based on the Burning Man festival held in Nevada every year, where flaky hippies and flaky ravers conglomerate into one congealed, stoned mess of dusty humanity to watch shit like a giant wooden man creation getting burned down to the ground. I had to cut, arrange, edit and mix together clips to the beat of a song. What better song to pick than a trance cover of the Doors, "The End" done by Tube tech. A perfect mix of Hippie and Raver. Both instructors were pleased with my creations, and you know what that means... That means Linds is happy. It also means I can catch some shuteye since I don't have heaps of homework for the next two days.

On a totally different page,

Melissa! I had no idea you were all wounded from work! I think you should SUE your lawyers! (Is that a proper usage of irony? I can never tell.) Get better soon sweetie, I know you can't type right now, so I'll just assume your smiling from the outpouring of lurve in this entry.

The "Win A Date" Contest that was up briefly (okay, only for a day...) is going to be put on hiatus, and probably changed around to have one of my lovely galpals as the victim... erm... I mean WILLING participant of the game. It's still a damned clever idea, and I'm not about to let that slip out of my over saturated brain. Gimme a few more days and it's up again.

I'm actually horribly torn right now, feeling the effects of the green eyed monster that I battle with (and believe me, I'm a typical Taurus sometimes, and jealousy can be a really REALLY hard thing to shove back into the recesses of my brain where it belongs instead of gibbering and drooling all over rational thought...) I'm as human and as fallible as the next person, and sometimes it's infuriating.

The Mayor was telling me that it's only natural to feel the way I do about hating to be alone, and that people are pack animals by nature. In ways I agree with him, but somehow though, that seems an empty, unsatisfying excuse to be the way I am. There has to be something more to the reason why I feel like I do, and I need to pinpoint what it is. There's time where I wish I could just... Bottle up my passion, my worries and the things I revel in and just be numb, I guess. All the stuff that seems superfluous and eventually ends up harming me, all those stupid over imaginative thoughts, where my mind gets carried away and it literally feels like torture in my head at times when I'm my loneliest. Where I worry myself with anxiety, stressing over simple, stupid things that should be left alone. That being said, if I did that, I wouldn't be passionate about anything, and that would leave me up shit creek without a paddle regarding my creative. That would also probably make me about two thirds less interesting as an individual, for both the people that know me, and myself. I don't think intelligent people are content not questioning everything that crosses their path... Or maybe that's just me. Whatever it is, I need to get this crap sorted out before I drive myself batty...

Some would say that's not very far of a drive. Fortunately I take public transit so I'll be a while getting anywhere.

I think it's about time for me to pick up a few things in my room, fold some laundry, and curl up with a novel until I fall asleep unwittingly listening to some music. Yes, that sounds lovely.

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