Monday, June 13, 2005

A Quickie...

Okay, so before I say ANYTHING, I want you guys to go read this "Best Of" post, up on Craig's List. There's a reason. Indulge me. Read it and then come back to read the rest of this post. It'll still be here when you get back.

So, yes, I found this post to be hysterically funny, and there is a very justified reason for it hitting home for me.

When I was five or so years old, I was out with my mother on a day trip. As five year olds are wont to do at innapropriate times, I had to go to the bathroom. My mom pulled me into a local gas station, forgot to take the key in with her, leaving it in the door handle on the outside of the door. Proceeding to lock us INSIDE the bathroom because I was running hell for leather for the john.

Once she realize we were locked in, she pounded on the door (the bathroom was in the outside back of the gas station) and was yelling for help. Dumb five year old me, was getting more and more panicked, the longer no one came to our rescue. I looked up at my mom, with pleading big brown eyes, and said:
"Please mommy! I don't wanna eat toilet paper for the rest of my life!"

And promptly stuffed a few squares in my mouth, to prove the point. What point exactly, I'm not quite sure of. Two minutes later, (Not even) the attendant came to our rescue. A scrawny, tear streaked five year-old (Yes, I was scrawny, at one point in my life) and an very exasperated, buxom young mother emerged unscathed.

To this day, I still can't use the bathroom in that particular Gas Station.


I can't BELIEVE I just wrote down this story.

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