Saturday, June 25, 2005

Shocking, Indeed.

Is this not the funniest, most offensive protest sign you've EVER seen someone holding up?

I see this dude on a daily basis, standing outside the Vancouver Art Gallery. He stands out amidst the twenty different protests a week being held outside of the art gallery, ranging from freeing political prisoners in various countries, protesting the decline of free speech (?) and the non-availability of two-ply toilet paper in most public bathrooms. I understand, it sucks when your finger breaks through the T.P., and 2 ply would solve most of the worlds problems like poverty, racial inequality, and world hunger. (Well, maybe only hunger if your five years old, me, and locked in the Chevron gas station with your mother.) At any rate, most of the protests held in front of the Art Gallery would be better off located in front of various consulate buildings, but I don't think the hippies involved would know where to find said consulates. Cut me some slack, I used to BE one of those "hippies". (Okay, sorta. Okay, not really.) My dad used to call me a commie pinko, just to rile me, when I was in a political youth organization.

I heart my daddy. Really. I do. He makes me think when I could just blindly accept things as truth.

I digress. This dude stays out there, with his charming cardboard sign day in and day out, protesting the corrupt, crude female genitalia of Tony Blair. No no, Obviously I know why he's protesting. Why he's protesting ALONE... Every. Single. Day. Is another thing entirely. I guess he's retired and doesn't like watching soap operas and The Price Is Right. (Who the hell in their right mind DOESN'T like The Price is Right?)

Most pedestrians give him a wide berth. Understandably so. I tried to snap a pic of him surruptitiously, but to no avail. The crotchety old fuck knew I was taking a picture of him. At least he didn't gnaw on my arm or beat me solidly about the head and shoulders, like he looks like he'd rather be doing. He's still got an ample amount of flyers available that are *FREE*. Goodness. I dunno about you, but I think he's going to have those ones for a while. I'm sure it saves him a bundle at kinkos.

On another note, I went and played tennis with Crystal today, and my god, I'm going to hurt tomorrow. My ass is already aching. (From running, perverts.) It's been a few years since I've played tennis, but I plan on giving her another run for it tomorrow night, if I can walk. As for changing around GSD again, I haven't found a satisfactory template to modify the fuck out of as of yet, or the time to create my own, and I'm coming up and drowning in midterms. Soon my pretties, soon. I might wait until I've finished second term until I change templates, when I change URL's. Fun fun!

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