Sunday, May 22, 2005

Ants Shmants...

Music of the Moment: Van Morrison Greatest Hits.

See, I'm a big sucker.

Let me clarify. I'm not talking about my oral fixation, (At least not this time around anyways.) I'm talking about the times when I'm a huge suck and feel sympathy for things/animals/people that don't necessarily deserve my sympathy. Like wasps, or the surly dog that's been mistreated and barks at you, the one mouse I had a battle with in my apartment, that I cried over when I found it dying from rat poison on my bedroom floor after work one day, or the homeless people that pretend to cry to scam people when they make about 20 bucks an hour. (The latter is a story I can get into another time.) or even, ants.

Granted, I don't like ants. They eat my food, crawl all over stuff, and multiply like mad. They sneak into a multitude of nooks and crannys, being so small, all that annoying stuff.

But imagine if you will, the viewpoint of an ant. Just for a moment.

Imagine living in a world where your only desire was to bring some big ol' fat demanding bitch of queen food, day in and day out, where you are prey to a multitude of gory, untimely deaths. The pink skinned things that sound like thunder and kill so many of our kind carelessly with the flat huge things on the ends of their legs, and it depends on your location. Imagine a world where you only live about three weeks to a month on average, because the lady she bitch wants that sugary goodness and all you're purpose in life is, is to make that female happy.

The elder ants, terrorize you from day one of hatching, with horror stories of "The Size 13 Shoe", and "The Evil Screechy Sparrow" and such stories along those lines. They tell you about the sweet tasting stuff that the pink skinned things dripped onto the ground, that tasted good, but devistated the entire colony in the house three doors down. About the prepubescent male pink skinned thing that tortured the colony with it's glass round thing on the sunshine days.

Barbarian pink skinned bastards.

Okay, and you're wondering what drugs I'm on right now. The answer is none. I'm just unhappy in my head and heart right now, and I'm trying to distract myself. It didn't really work all that well unfortunately. *sighs*

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