Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Gooooood Morning Vancouver!!!

Long time no post. *smiles*

I'm sitting in the living room of the "swamp" (What is it with myself and the people I care about anthromorphizing the places we live in?)

I could tell you my vacation was perfect, and it's pretty damned close to it. I'm enjoying myself, I just wish I wasn't so damned tired right now. I can't exactly pinpoint why. (And get your mind out of the gutter, damnit.)

It hit me yesterday, that the people I read about, are real. That's pretty trippy. I was sitting in the back of the car with Devin driving, and Marty in the passenger seat, and I'm thinking in my head, Jesus, Linds. You're actually HERE. This isn't another random picture of Marty and Dev from the back of the car.

As it stands right now, I'm watching Star Trek The Next Generation, (yeah I'm a dork... Whatever.) Consoling a very talkative Edison (Who, btw, loves my dress shirts, They seem to make a perfect kitty bed.) and typing out a brief entry in Glamazon Shoes, with Devin sitting right beside me yakking on the phone. Stupid that simple things like this seem so unreal to me, but I've been waiting for a little over two years to do this simple little action. That's what makes it seem so unbelievable. Dev and I have been talking A LOT. Which is expected, I realize. And it's wonderful to have this unadulterated chance TO talk to him. Amidst many other things. I'm awash in a million different feelings that are a little overwhelming, but seem to be able to handle most of them. The most prominent being happiness. There are a few less savoury emotions mixed in there. However, I'm not going to mention them.

I'm going to get off the computer for a while now, I've been remarkably adept at avoiding using it for the majority of the time I'm here. (And let me tell you, it sure makes a smile cross my face when Devin drools over my laptop. I couldn't help but grin. Who am I to deny Dev playing around on a slick little machine like this.) I'm just happy to be here.

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