Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm a Technological CRIPPLE!


So today I spent a large portion of my late morning and early afternoon sorting bottles with the Cubscouts (my five year old nephew is one of the scads of little boys associated with them.) It's amazing how you can differentiate between higher class areas of my neighborhood merely by seeing what bottles are returned for recycling. I sorted through about 800 bucks worth of cans, wine bottles, liquor bottles, beer cans, juice tetra packs, and a myriad assortment of other beverage containers. Thank god for rubbers.

Gloves, sickos. Gloves.

I watched the new release "Lemony Snickets an Unfortunate Series of Events" with my girlfriend Crystal, and I was slightly dissapointed in the movie. Granted, they left ample opportunity for a sequel, but left you hanging in a most dramatic way, I was tempted to stomp my dainty size 11 foot, and fling my very short, hair that is trapped underneath my bandana. Some of the scenes were beautifully done though, a veritable feast for the eyes. However, I'm glad I didn't go and see it in theatres. Speaking of watching movies in a theatre, I highly recommend "Kung Fu Hustle" imagine a fairly well done Kung Fu movie that was attacked by Mel Brooks. I saw this one in Dallas with Devin and Gedde. Both hunky boys, too bad I wasn't in the middle. (Ooo, that was dirty.)

Once I arrived back at home, I decided to fiddle with my computer with the intention of making my icons prettier. (Yeah, I'm a girl.) Lovely thought indeed. I changed it around some. I was satisfied, but there had been something irking me regarding the way my name was displayed on my Finder (This is Mackintosh geek speak, btw.) Lo and behold, the technological retard that I am, I change it around thinking nothing of it. I restart my laptop, and EVERYTHING on my desktop is gone. Oooh, that wasn't supposed to happen. Uhm... Maybe if I restart it again, it could be a glitch.

No. No it's not a glitch.

*Commence shitting pants.... NOW.* (I did not actually shit my pants. That's hyperbole.)

Granted, Mac's are super easy comps to use, and nothing was really 'missing' persay, everything was just... Well, NOT where I left it. I admit, my mind went *panicpanicpanicpanic!* (I did, indeed, panic.) I debated on phoning Devin for a few minutes, but thought to myself, "Self" I thought, "Fix your own damned mistakes, and if you're really stuck, make that phone call." I figured it out... sorta. I did lose ALL of my bookmarks, and I'm sure there are a zillion things out of whack now with my laptop until I run a few repairing programmes, but I saved my own arse. Let's hope. I know that my business files are still there, and so is all the other stuff I had done. Thanks be to the gods.

At any rate, The Jewish Princess and Chris, my part time design employer, are going to take me out and get me quite, quite inebriated. Not too shabby a deal.

Ciao for now.

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