Monday, May 23, 2005

Like Sands Through The Hourglass...

Album Of the Moment: Eric Clapton -- Songs compiled from "Cream of Clapton", "Eric Clapton Unplugged" and various Eric Clapton and Friends performing together.

Restless again, and avoiding doing my assignments. A foolish decision, really, considering how much I pay for my education; yes, I realize I chastised the hell out of students that do likewise in a prior entry in Glamazon Shoes. That being said, I'm not in the right frame of mind to actually sit down and create. believe it or not, it takes a certain mentality to sit here and make something out of nothing, and right now I'm too distracted to do anything of the sort. This isn't the typical write an essay based on what Chaucer wrote without plaigerizing. (Christ, I am a snob, aren't I?)

Life revolves around Venti Vanilla Latte's, Iced Tea, cigarettes and chocolate. That, and coming to the conclusion that too much caffeine makes me grouchy, and not enough of it turns me into a zombie. I've come to the conclusion that I'm the virtual equivalent of a booty call for a couple of people, (All men whose names start with D, I'm not referring to you, so relax.) and I really don't like it all that much.

I'm proverbially balls deep listening to blues music and classic rock lately, which is probably shocking to some of my readers. Yes. I like music that is older than I am. That era produced music that was actually GOOD. Review THIS! Fizzled, spat, and died a horrid tragic death, due to no traffic, and I'm not terribly thrilled over that development. Such is life. I'm thinking I'm going to post music reviews in Glamazon Shoes, and toss up a copy of it on Review THIS! for the helluvit.

Spring is in the air, and I'm getting hit on like mad. I really couldn't care less. Sure, it's flattering and all, but I only want one man.


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