Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Parts 2, 3 and 4 of My 100 Things...

And so it continues...

26.) I think Snoop Doggy Dogg has the hottest voice in the universe.

27.) I also think he's butt ugly.

28.) I have a horrible addiction to books and music. I need a new bookshelf and CD rack.

29.) I take obsessively good care of my CD's. Very few of them have scratches, and after I import them into my laptop, they rarely leave the CD book I have for them.

30.) I only drink Vodka for my hard liquor, and don't mix my types of alcohol when drinking.

31.) I don't like beer all that much, and rum gives me the worst hangovers in the universe.

32.) I was very quiet, shy and had only one or two friends for the majority of Elementary school and Highschool.

33.) I have 18 years of vocal training, the results of that training giving me a range of between six to six and a half octaves, from second soprano (very high) to lower tenor.

34.)In grade 12, I did a feature solo in my Jazz Choir for the song "Operator" by Manhattan Transfer.

35.)I got a standing ovation by my peers in the daytime performance in front of my whole school, and a standing ovation from the parents attending in the evening performance. My dad cried and that in turn made me cry in front of everyone. I wasn't embarrassed.

36.) I refuse to audition for Canadian Idol, and it irritates the hell out of my mother.

37.) She doesn't know that I'm going to audition JUST for her next year when they come into town.

38.) I really don't want to, but I want her to be happy more than anything.

39.) I am my own worst critic on everything from singing, writing, creative process, to my own bodyshape.

40.) I am going to attempt to run the Vancouver Sun Run in 2006, if I finally get my arse in gear and start training for it NOW.

41.) The likelihood of me actually being able to RUN the entire marathon is very slim due to a knee injury I received when I was a baker.

42.) If I don't actually end up running the duration of the marathon, I'm still going to finish it, even if I have to walk.

43.) I believe in marriage.

44.) I think that most people can't actually commit to being with one individual for the rest of their life. I think it scares them.

45.) As much as I believe in marriage, I don't know if I will ever get married.

46.) I think that every woman is a barbie girl/princess/glamazon in their heart, no matter how unattractive/modest/timid they may feel about themselves.

47.) I don't think there is anything wrong with them being a barbie doll/princess/glamazon.

48.) I'm feeling MUCH better today, and I'm glad I am.

49.) I'm old enough to know better, and young enough to do it again.

50.) I've always wanted to go to New Orleans.

51.) It's probably smelly, loud, and dirty, but I want to go anyways.

52.) My birthday falls on an international workers holiday in every country and continent other than North America.

53.) I want to go to Cuba for my birthday one year.

54.) I enjoy smoking cigarello's.

55.) I have a few Romeo Y Julietta cigars from Cuba that I smoke occasionally.

56.) I enjoy sitting on the porch on a warm summers day with a glass of lemonade and a good book.

57.) My father loves to garden, and the majority of the front and back yard in the house I grew up in was flower/vegetable beds.

58.) My Dad always saves me a pumpkin every year to carve for Hallowe'en.

59.) I've always wanted a bonsai tree, but I'm not green-thumb gifted like my father.

60.) My dad had to resuscitate my hanging ivy, and the lady that sold it to me PROMISED me I wouldn't be able to kill it. She lied.

61.) He won't give it back to me, because he's afraid I'll attempt to kill it again. :(

62.) I'm going to steal it back when I have my own apartment. (tee hee.)

63.) I'm not very partial to dogs, because I've been bitten by about seven of them.

64.) Dogs, however, are very partial to me. (Other than the ones that have bitten me.)

65.) I have magic cat petting fingers, and I tend to make friends with cats after about twenty minutes of hanging around them. Even if they are 'snobby' or 'timid'.

66.) I want a big 75 gallon fish tank with kickass castles and plants and stuff for my future fish, because I always enjoy watching them swim.

67.) I made friends with a very pretty parrot in the pet store. He wolf whistles at me.

68.) I call him a flirt.

69.) Hee. I'm on number 69.

70.) I'm listening to India Arie right now. I love her sultry alto voice.

71.) I'm a cuddle addict. Cuddles beat sex about 75 percent of the time.

72.) From my experience, Devin, The Jewish Princess, Erik, Melissa and my Dad give the best hugs in the universe. EVER.

73.) I love people at the drop of a hat.

74.) However, I've only been in love (real, "head over heels, crazy about them" in love) with three people.

75.) Yes, there is a difference between 73 and 74.

76.) I used to be a controlling, domineering, close minded bitch when I was 18-21.

77.) I decided that mentality really sucked, and now I'm a little (okay, a lot) more relaxed.

78.) I have a fondness for telling dirty, inappropriate jokes at work to select co-workers.

79.) I've never, EVER gotten in trouble for it.

80.) I wonder about everything all the time.

81.) I was told recently by a friend that I don't act 25. Apparently I act 19.

82.) I don't know how much I appreciate that.

83.) I wonder if that's a bad thing.

84.) I think that if you take yourself too seriously, and never learn to laugh at yourself, you are going to get old before your time.

85.) My favourite Shakespearian sonnet is Sonnet 116.

86.) I like it because it tells the way that love SHOULD be, and not how most people think of it as.

87.) My favourite poet, is Robert Frost.

88.) Coincidentally enough, that's my dad's favourite poet as well. (I had no idea.)

89.) My dad can sing opera like Andrea Bocelli.

90.) The first time I heard him sing, (I was 16) I was stunned.

91.) I got my parents interested in collecting music.

92.) My family, despite how crazy they drive me, are one of the focal points in my life.

93.) My friends, writing, creativity, Devin, music and education are the others.

94.) Most of the time I get bored easily, and have to have a few things going on at once.

95.) I am left handed.

96.) I'm moderately disorganized, but usually know where everything is.

97.) I get frustrated with myself a lot.

98.) I have to tell myself all the time, that "Everything will all be all right in the end, and if it's not all right, then it's not the end".

99.) I make mistakes all the time, but usually don't have a problem admitting I made them.

100.) Soul filled music is the best stuff for me to write to. For this entire entry, I was listening to self titled album by India.Arie.

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