Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Pip-pah-pip-pip, DEAD.

As of Tuesday, I've been back in class. Today I had the opportunity to get at least 2500 bucks worth of software, and I took it. (Well, considering I paid for it, I damned well better.) It felt like Christmas. Seriously. Apple Production Suite is so pretty, and SO heavy!

Flash animation seems damned fun, and for anyone that has a basic grasp in Adobe Illustrator, it's a breeze. I'm planning on doing a brief minute long cartoon starring a black dude, afro comb in hair, doing karate kicks etc. (Yea, inspiration hits me with weird ideas. This particular one kicked me in the arse on the bus coming home.) If you've ever seen the music video for the Gorillaz in particular "Clint Eastwood" that's all done in flash style animation. (To hear the song, watch the intro, enter the site, and go play around on the jukebox in the office... Or just go to the second link to watch the music video. However, browsing the "lobby" is pretty neat. You'll see what I'm talking about. This is exceedingly detailed flash animation, creating a game out of a website. You can get stuck there for hours if you're bored.) I'm thinking something along those lines, but definitely my own, a video that is approximately one and a half to two minutes long, far, far less detailed, (Hey, I'm a beginner, cut me some slack) and with pupils, so it's not so creepy looking... Although, that kinda turns me on.

At any rate, other than that, life is a COMPLETE disaster, but I'm muddling through. Thank god I can think quick in a personal crises. The sad thing is, I tend to think more logically when I'm in an absolute panic. It's just that sometimes, things don't work out the way my brain figures they WILL end up. C'est la vie.

I'm attempting to quit smoking, and it's not very fun. I usually smoke about eight to ten cigs per day, and I've cut down to two or three per day, not purchasing my own, and only buying off of classmates and friends when I know I'm going to freak right the hell out if I don't. Cold turkey is SUCH torture. Please, non-smoker friends of mine, I will give you a brief, very well intentioned warning. If you have never smoked, if you don't know what it's like to quit, as much as your support is appreciated, CONSTANTLY bringing up smoking and the attempts to quit smoking, will drive someone that is quitting... Well, batty. We love you, but this is definitely a small version of our own personal hell. Sure, we deserved it for being stupid in the first place, but if you love us, keep your trap shut.

As an aside, if you want to go play with a very tasteless Charles Manson Tamagochi, (You remember, those virtual pets... big in the mid 90s, I believe.) at any rate, go check this out. You can feed him, (Crust of bread! Glass of water!) deny his parole, have him peek out between the bars of his cell, inject him with... Something... I dunno if it's drugs or what... Probably. You even get the luxury of cleaning up his shit.

Ah, it's as stupid as the Tamagotchi's of the olden days. Now I remember why my virtual kitty, died. (gimme a break, I was a kid.)

I've been listening to a lot of Patton Oswalt's stand up comedy. For those of you who have no idea who this guy is, he's a relatively short, cynical, hysterically funny comedian that plays the character 'Spence' on King of Queens. It's a pity that his character isn't played up a little more in the show. Yes, this is one sitcom, that when it's on television, I will watch and enjoy. It doesn't hurt that I think Kevin James (Doug) is absolutely adorable. (Ach! What a gorgeous man! Seriously! *fans herself*) I highly recommend you hear Patton's skit on 80s metal bands, as well as his skit on midgets. The 80s metal skit had me in tears I was laughing so hard, on the way back from Salt Lake City to Vancouver. I was getting an awful lot of odd looks from the very conservative looking older southern couple seated across the aisle from me.

"Squibbily-Flabbily-DOO!!" -- Patton Oswalt

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