Sunday, May 29, 2005

Questions Por Vous?

Sicker than a dog!

1. How often do you get sick?

I get sick about twice a year. Usually I'm whalloped by a cold in the beginning of January, right after I think I've avoided the current flu/cold of the season. It hits me hard, usually with a really nasty barking cough and a headache. I also find I'm attacked by my annual bout of tonsillitis in April. Other than that, I'm fairly healthy throughout the year.

This obviously doesn't include hangovers, which are much more prolific in amounts than actual, certified "illnesses".

2. Do you take a lot of over the counter medicine?

I'm a big fan of Advil (as I've stated numerous times) and also Neo-citran, which to my shock, isn't available in the United States. It's the best shit EVER for a cold! Ever! There's nothing like powdered tylenol, honey and lemon, a decongestant AND a sleep aid mixed with hot water. Holy Christ. This stuff knocks you out faster than NyQuil©.

3. Have you ever been in the hospital for an extended period of time?

No, (lucky for me.) I despise hospitals. I will, however, stay by someone's bedside for as long as possible when they are hospitalized.

4. Are there any diseases that run in your family?

Cancer runs very high in my family. As does Diabetes. This does not bode well for the smoking, chubby Linds.

5. What is the best remedy for the common cold?

Sleep! Water! Advil! Neo-Citran! Whining! Repeat until healthy.

Muh feets is itchin'!

1. You have the summer and plenty of money to travel abroad. Where all would you go?

Ooooh baby, Linds is going to a bunch of "new" places: New Orleans, New York City, New Brunswick, New Zealand, Nova Scotia (To visit the rest of the Linds kin) Austrailia, Dallas, England, Scotland, Ireland... Wait. I only have the summer? Damn. Fuck that. I'm going for a year. With unlimited funds!!!

2. What foods would you be sure you got to eat?

Food? Hell, anything cooked, anything unique, and anything that doesn't have the viscosity of a Sunny side up egg. (Eww.)

3. What landmarks would you be sure you got to see?

The Statue of Liberty (NY), Bourbon Street (NO), Sydney Harbour (AUS.) pretty much anything in New Zealand, all of my relatives in Nova Scotia (Trust me, we're landmark worthy, a huge section of the population in Nova Scotia is related to me in one way or another.)

4. What airline would you use?

One that doesn't crash. Preferably First class. that'd be sweet. Other than that, I don't give a flying fuck.

5. Would your knowledge of other languages influence where you went? (i.e. would you be more likely to go to France if you spoke French?)

My french is mediocre at best, (Although, I'm good at faking an accent.) And though I'm learning the basics of Spanish thanks to a fellow student of mine, I'm by no means a cunning linguist. The same can't be said for some of my ex-bf's who are cunning linguists indeed. Erik knows latin, and has been known to make me babble in tongues. (LOL! I can't believe I'm writing that... It's too funny to resist.) Other than that, I think I'm pretty much screwed and stuck in mostly English speaking places.

Gah! Emotions are for the birds!

1. What made you happy this week?

Happiness is a yellow fish. Uhm, no, okay seriously then... I spoke to The Mayor on the phone, and he had me laughing. Those caaaarazy Ontario boys sure are funny. I finally got to see Granville Island Market for the first time in my life. It was neat.

2. What made you sad?

This week was an emotional disaster. I'm not going to get into it.

3. What made you angry?

Hrm. quite a few things. I've been having some serious thoughts about having to deal with regarding something pretty private, so it's been a veritable hayday for my thoughts/emotions/DISASTER! DISASTER!/chaos/crying on the phone to my dad/talking to a bunch of people. It's all good. Okay, not really but whatever, I'll manage. It's amazing what a Venti Extra Sweet Vanilla Latte from Starbucks© will do.

4. What are you looking forward to in the next week?

Spending some time with a very good friend who I haven't seen in a while on Friday. Getting an hour long swedish massage on Wednesday. Having more skills taught to me in class, in particular Flash, Dreamweaver and Final Cut Pro. The possibility of my income tax return arriving this week in the mail. (Purdy, purdy puhleese!! By Tuesday would be just peachy, thanks Mister Postman.)

5. What are you not looking forward to?

Uhhh. More homework. I didn't really get to see the sunshine at all this weekend, and it was stunning outside. Damn. I'm also not looking forward to having to deal with previously mentioned hellacious issues mentioned from last week, this week. *sigh*

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