Monday, May 16, 2005

part 1/4 of my next 100 Things...

Fuck that only one 100 things list per person. As the Ever so loquacious Mademioselle Jerilyn said to me,

"...If there are only 100 interesting things about you, then you might as well curl up and die."

That being said, I'm doing it in four parts, since I'm not feeling too hot right now, and have a really hard time concentrating. Hell, I have a really hard time lying down, (shuttup, you!) let alone thinking.

1.) I'm an addict to stand up comedy. My favourite channel is the Comedy Channel the rare times I do watch T.V. it's on that, or Much Music.

2.) I listened to the skit "80s Metal" by Patton Oswalt 11 times on the way home from Salt Lake City to Vancouver and laughed until I was crying.

3.) I'm sure the people on board thought I was either a terrorist or insane, seeing as I was sitting by myself.

4.) I get inspired by modern Opera, and wish I had trained in it vocally.

5.) I might get on that one day. Preferably if it's profitable.

6.) I love stargazer lillies. When I buy them my whole house smells gorgeous.

7.) I love the song "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger." by Daft Punk. It's such a funk laden, unique use of mixing.

8.) I'm not feeling well right now, and I've been very dizzy all day.

9.) I'm sure I'm going to be fine within the next 24 hours, I hope.

10.) I am religious about my pedicures. I give myself one every week.

11.) I just painted my toenails "Hooker Red" on Saturday.

12.) That's really what the name of it is. I swear. That's why I bought the bottle.

13.) I corrupt all my friends and turn them into perverts.

14.) They've never gotten mad at me for it. I think they might even LIKE it!

15.) I enjoy shopping so much it's dangerous.

16.) I can cook pretty damned much anything you ask me to cook, and cook it well.

17.) I love workin' with my hands.

18.) Yeah, that's right. I'm REALLY good with my hands. On everything.

19.) I use expressions like "Rad" and "Dude" a lot. It would be more fitting if I was from the Southern coast of California. I guess the South West Coast of Canada is close enough.

20.) I've been browsing every day to see how much tickets are to Dallas again.

21.) It's roughly $445.00 CDN for a round trip.

22.) That's roughly $20.00 USD. Damned exchange rate.

23.) True or False: If all Zibs are Zools, and all Zools are Zorks, then all Zibs are Zorks.

24.) The answer is true. I think. That's what I put anyways. Damned IQ tests.

25.) I'll be really embarassed if that's wrong. Maybe.

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