Sunday, May 22, 2005

Borrowed Quotes...

I read a book about six months ago in December, after a particularly nasty bout with a loser of a boyfriend I dated for a grand total of a month and a week for the duration of the Christmas holidays. It fizzled remarkably fast, and I began to notice a trend in some male behaviour, especially regarding the below quoted material in particular.

The book is entitled "He's Just Not That Into You." Normally I deplore any sort of relationship "guru" style books that pop up on the literature market, especially when written by two of the writers from the television programme Sex In The City. I greeted this book's debut with scorn and a sneer before I started feeling... Well... I guess like I was putting more into my relationship than anyone in their right mind should be putting into it and getting NOTHING in return. I picked it up, in a fit of disgruntlement and the need to figure out just what the FUCK goes on in the heads of men. It was a last resort attempt to get some help. In ways I'm glad I bought it and read it, and in other ways it's a stinging reminder of the failures I've had in some of my past, and current relationships.

It's a difficult thing to swallow, that burgeoning pride that we develop as we mature. We would rather surround ourselves in cushiony lies and half truths, when deep inside we know the truth and we would rather not accept it. It's such a fucking hard lesson.

I read it in three hours, cover to cover. Granted, I disagreed with SOME of the stuff written in it, and I believe I went so far as to say that the 'women' writing in examples of problems they were having were coming from incredibly stupid individuals if they were indeed authentic. That being said, I agreed with some of the statements in the book, in particular these ones. I have to thank Chrissy, who posted this in her own blog for reminding me again, of these wise, eye-opening, heart-wrenching words that I would have preferred to forget, if I had any sort of agreement with the phrase "Oblivion is bliss." Unfortunately, I'm of the mind that almost all knowledge is worth having. Without further ado, here goes nothin:

"The word 'busy' is the relationship Weapon of Mass Destruction. It seems like a good excuse, but in fact, in every silo you uncover, all you're going to find is a man who didn't care enough to call. Remember: Men are never too busy to get what they want."

"Do all his apologies count for something? Well, you can choose to believe he is sorry. You can choose to believe he will change. But in my book, lying, cheating, or hiding is the exact opposite of the behavior of a man who's really into you."

Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo

Sometimes, I fucking HATE being me. Yeah, I realize I might be overreacting, and this could all be one giant PMS/Hungover/overly-emotional-as usual Linds brain fart. (And hey, fuck you if you're offended by that, grow a backbone. I'm a chick, I'm allowed to say shit like that, and I'm not one to keep my mouth shut when I've got an opinion.) That being said, when you feel like you're emotions are being tugged on to an unfair advantage by someone else, you have EVERY SINGLE RIGHT to say something about it, male or female.

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