Friday, December 30, 2005


Had a song playing on the radio or in the back ground remind you of someone?

Pretty common, I know.

What if almost every song reminds you of someone, that despite your efforts of trying to forget them... You can't.

What do you do then?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Heathen's Greetings.

Merry Christmas. Happy Hannukah, Happy Festivus, Feliz Navidad, happy Ramadan, and all that jazz.

Whereever you are, whatever religion you are, and however you celebrate, I hope it's a good one.

Cheers and much love,


(PS, apologies if I spelled any of that incorrectly.)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

stolen from the Mayor...

My ethnically enhanced global village name is Étiennette Anichka.
Take The Global Village Multi Culti Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Five thangs and accoutrement. from Sarathena.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
  • Ten years ago, I was fifteen. Being all angsty and shit. Probably drinking with Crystal, learning how to smoke, and getting mad at my parents because they "Just don't understand!".
What were you doing 1 year ago?
  • Working at a little bakery in Burnaby, after quitting working at Safeway after 5 years of servitude. Preparing for school and looking forward to 2005 with something akin to both huge worry, and excitement. Breaking up with Byron. Talking to Devin for the first time in months, about 20 minutes before getting my Kanji tattooed up my spine.
Five snacks you enjoy:
  1. Chocolate.
  2. Orange Suckers.
  3. Vegetable Thins.
  4. Toast and apricot jam.
  5. A latte and a various goody from Starbucks.
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
  1. Respect by Aretha Franklin
  2. Shook me All Night Long by AC/DC
  3. Summertime by George and Ira Gershwin
  4. Work It by Missy Elliot
  5. Closer by Nine Inch Nails
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
  1. Finish my education.
  2. Pay my debt and all of my friends/family debt.
  3. Travel and visit my friends around the world.
  4. Own my own restaurant.
  5. Invest
Five bad habits:
  1. Smoking
  2. biting my nails
  3. Shopping to excess
  4. My room can occasionally look like it's been hit by a tornado and then a freight train.
  5. I rush in most relationships.
Five favorite things to do:
  1. Sleep
  2. Sing
  3. Read
  4. Design
  5. Chat
Five things you would never wear again:
  1. Wide leg jeans.
  2. A pair of thigh high stiletto PVC boots that are too small for me.
  3. Exclamation! perfume. That shit is rank.
  4. A Fuchia sweater
  5. My hideous pink mary jane shoes that I can't seem to bring myself to throw away.
Five favorite toys:
  1. My 15" G4 Mac Powerbook.
  2. My iPod.
  3. Pinky. I'm not elaborating.
  4. My Wacom Pen Tablet.
  5. Photoshop.

What I learned in 2005.


It's nearing the end of 2005. (Genius, ain't I?)

That means there's things I have to get off my chest and clear the air, in order to settle some woes, some grief, and giggle over some of the stupid/amusing shit that's happened to me this year. These are things I've learned, and things that have made a difference to me.

There's that cheesy cliche, that says you learn something new every day. You certainly do, or at least *I* have in the past 365 days.

Without pandering, cosseting emotions/feelings, or worrying about stepping on toes, or anything of the sort, and without further ado, here is my list of:

What I have learned over the duration of 2005

• That no matter how much you want a relationship to succeed, no matter how close or how far you are physically/emotionally/mentally to that other person, if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. Also, that vilifying and insulting the person that hurt you online probably isn't the most mature thing to do even though it might have been satisfying at the time.

I'm sorry, Devin.

For what I said/wrote, I owe you an apology, if nothing else. Even though I have apologized as directly as possible considering the distance between us, I was honest, I shouldn't have smeared my personal shit (and your personal shit) in a public forum for my own vindication. I hope your happy with Amanda.

I had to leave this with a clean break, I guess.

• That no matter how much you WANT to succeed at a chosen profession, sometimes, that's just not the way things are going to work out, and it really really hurts when you let it sink in. Really hurts.

• That even after a year of having your nipples pierced, winter is still awfully nipply, and that Grandma can't see your tongue piercing, because she is too short. *smirks*

• That classmates soon become family, and that they miss you when you leave. Thanks guys. I miss you too. Watching you guys graduate and being a bystander was difficult, but I'm still really proud of each and every one of you.

• That Aretha Franklin is still the balm to my soul when I'm hurting inside. Toss some Seal, Sarah McLachlan, Michael Buble, Renee Olstead, Sufjan Stevens, Josh Groban, Jamiroquai, and Al Green on there, and we're back to a seblance of normalcy again.

When did I turn into a 45 year old woman listening to “QMFM: Vancouver’s Adult Contemporary Favourites”? Man alive.

• That sometimes even when your friends are in far off places; they are still right there for you when you need them. Erik, Mitch, Jerilyn, Dean, Mike G., Scott, Seanly, heaps of others. I'm outrageously lucky to know so many wonderful people. My IM lists and Email address books are loaded with amazing human beings, and even though I know most of them only through electronic means, they are still every much as real as a person standing in front of me.

• That a bath in a 2 person soaker tub is a daunting task. You can get lost in one when alone. This problem needs to be remedied. *ahem* That being said, having the lights out with 4 lit candles and a laptop playing ambient music on the countertop while soaking? Sounds like a darned good idea. I'll be back in an hour.

• That blogging for 24 hours straight, while for a noble/charitable purpose, is damned hard. Anyone that says it isn't should try it themselves. They'll change their tune rather quickly.

I couldn't have made it without the help of my Ontario and Texas cronies. Devin Pike in the morning for waking me up with style, Mike Guerrero, Mitch, and Erik for the middle hours, Ian late, and Jerilyn Freeman for cheering me on those last very difficult, wee hours of the morning. All of this on the last week of term two... I must have been insane. I still raised a lot of moolah for the Canadian Cancer Society, and I am sorry about the delay in sending out the prizes. Things have been hell lately.

Jeri, You truly are a sister of my heart. I think we talk enough that you realize what I mean by that. Devin, I really did love you. (and still do in my own way.) More than I let on. Blogging for 24 hours straight with you "by my side" was an experience I'll never forget. Mike, you are a total gem, you saved my bacon when I would have sold my soul for a chocolate bar and a Coca Cola, and the only guy to ever call me "Toots" which tickles me pink. Thanks guys.

• That I cannot take the world upon my shoulders, and asking for help, while embarrassing and taking my pride down several notches, is sometimes necessary.

• That it rains more in Dallas in May, than it does in Vancouver in May. What's up with that? Either that or I took the rain down there with me.

• That from what I've found, Erik is still by far the best person in the world to eat cheap pizza make fun of the muscle-headed jocks pandering to the meat market as they holler outside the Bourbon, whist we canoodled on Friday nights watching South Park, the Simpsons and the Daily Show. Mmm. You're also the best kisser in the universe. Evar. Bar none. Sorry guys, not trying to crush any egos here. (and sorry Mr! Erik, not trying to be a loose-lipped Lucy, either, but honestly... Mmmm.) Some nights, those memories alone keep me company, and they are very valued. Saying goodbye to you for a while... Well, that was one of the hardest things I've done in a long, long time.

• That Four AM work sessions doing photo manipulation inspire interesting results; and I like working until four AM much more than getting up to go to work at four AM. That's just medieval, people. Don't we have robot slaves to do work like that now? Jeez. Get with the times.

• That at times, I'm more impulsive, naive and erratic than when I was 16. That scares the holy bejesus out of me.

• That once you go black, you can go back... (though, I'll admit, black is pleasant...) But once you go FAT, you never go back.

• That I love too many people, in all the wrong ways. Interpret that how you like.

• That "I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die." is the best Johnny Cash quote evar, and thanks to Lloyd, it always makes me giggle. Also, that Johnny Cash was a damned good entertainer.

• That you can want a kitten so bad you play with them in your dreams. Seriously.

• That I've developed a deep, true appreciation for culture, but still only seem to get mine from a container of strawberry yogurt.

• That a trip through the Vancouver Art Gallery is a very enjoyable first date.

• That I've had the pleasure of chatting with instructors that have very enjoyable senses of humour. (Especially when they are tipsy, late at night on MSN.)

• That writing is a joy in my life, and I'm working on a novel at the moment so that I can share my joy.

• That there is nothing wrong with my body except for the way I look at it, and I don't give a fuck about anyone else that thinks otherwise.

• That I'm tired, lonely, lost and confused; that my head is cluttered, and I feel like I'm thinking through a heavy fog or cotton batting some days. Other than that, I'm doing swell, thanks.

• That I've never been as disappointed in myself the way that I have this year, and my parents still love and forgive me, even though I fucked up so badly that I don't even love and forgive myself, and I don't know if I can.

• That nothing beats a good squeaky cell phone Buddha when you need to perk up, or throw something at someone's head. (Is that blasphemous? throwing Buddha at someone, or am I helping them find the path of enlightenment by seeing things my way? Hrm. Dilemma.)

• That I'm aware this is much too serious, but hey, this was a crappy year for me, okay? Probably the worst on record.

• That I worry so much that it's brutal on my health, both mentally and physically.

• That it's okay to visualize a Sopranos style death threats and terrorism upon a debtor, but should remain only in your head. I wouldn't last very long in prison.

• That no matter how many people in your life pass away, you'll still remember them. Rest in peace, Noga, Grandpa. You'll both be missed, and I’ll never forget you.

• That I can look forward to attending my ten year High School reunion, heaps of money in debt, potentially working as a Radio Shack product pimp. Hooray. Excuse me while I go feed some pirahnas with my head or have my still beating heart ripped fresh from my chest ala Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom.

Actually no. It's a good company, and I'm glad I work for them. It's just a bit of a blow to my ego to make minimum wage.

• That I can watch Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion every month and never get tired of it, even though it's a ridiculously stupid movie, and laugh every time.

• That the quote "I invented Post-It's" from the aforementioned Romy and Michel flick, and the song "One Headlight" will forever ingrained in my memory, and be associated with Crystal D. and our jaunts around town in her z2x. You the best, girl.

• That Mariah Carey is not the best music to listen to while feeling particularly bleak. Lord that woman whines. And yes, I do think her new album is rather good. For a Mariah Carey album.

• That I've had the privilege of knowing the sexiest men imaginable in my life, over the past year (and the two prior to it). Ones that are polite, intelligent, sensitive, considerate, caring, attentive, quick witted, dark haired, and dark eyed. Men that make me laugh, and turn me on in the same sentence. My Neurotic Monkey; Dean, and The Wiggler!?! Mr! Erik. Thanks Gentlemen. I'm a lucky girl. Now, you both have to live here, and you all have to be cool with sharing, damnit. Not only are you guys good friends, but fantastically sexy beasts each in your own right.

• That I have a fantastic readership of a few devoted people (at least the ones that comment here, at any rate.) that enjoy reading about the trivial stuff in my life including my tantrums and low spots. It's nice to write, but it's even nicer to know that the people that come back to GSD frequently enjoy reading it. You guys see me go through some pretty random crap, eh? Thanks for coming back again and again. Also, a big thank you to the people that link me, for no other reason than being myself and writing about my trivial life. Thank you. Let me know via email or as a comment here with a link to your page, and I'll link you back.

• That the Glamazon Shoe Diaries is the top blog in Vancouver, according to blog Hot or Not. That's pretty rad. Thanks to everyone that voted.

• That I quote random pop culture nonsense when I’m tired, without realizing it in conversation.

• That laugh lines are the sexiest wrinkles.

• That finding your first gray hair is exceedingly traumatizing. Especially when you are in public and your best friend finds it for you, sprouting ungainly and proud out of the middle of your scalp. Then, having her pull it out for you as you flap your hands around in horror squawking at her to "Rip the damned thing out! " It's not the way some would age gracefully.

• That if you then proceed to dye the holy hell out of your hair, hoping that colouring the rest of it will nullify the aging process, here's a hint: It won't.

• That I love using a semi-colon when writing, but am unsure as of WHEN to use it in proper sentence structure. Semi-colons; they look so swanky!

• That I have to accept that everybody doesn't remember everything about me, like I try to about them.

• That I need to practice my guitar more, just so that I can say " I can play guitar! ", instead of "I can play guitar... Badly."

• That it takes about nine hours to do a complete podcast, from initial gathering and choosing of music, to arrangement, to final mixdown. You guys get to hear a lot of hard work when I put one of those out, hence why I only do one every two months now, when I have time. I'm going to try to learn how to do enhanced podcasts and make them heaps smaller in file size within the next few months.

• That I could have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids. *shakes fist*

At any rate, those are a few things that I can think of, off the top of my head, for the things I learned in 2005. I hope your year was a lot less tumultuous than mine... since my entire 2005 has seemed to hold such promise, and then turn into one giant cock-up.

I hope your next one is even better. Mine too, for that matter.

Much love.


Friday, December 16, 2005

Yearly Inoculation

Hi Everybody.

This is my 2005 Year End double disc compilation, “Yearly Inoculation”. (Or rather, it’s the online, digital equivalent. The MP3's, will be up for TWO WEEKS, and then taken down, never to be put up again.) You can save them to your computer by right clicking and choosing save the URL source. These liner notes and front and back cover art are available via PDF format here.

Why two discs? Well, I have listened and added so much to my music collection, either through purchasing my own over the years, or getting entire albums as gifts from people from school and personal acquaintance, that know my proclivities for musical abundance, and open-minded receptivity for new stuff. My collection is nearing 4500 songs on my laptop alone. For some that collect music, that might not be heaps of music, but for me, it suits just fine. That, and it takes up half of my hard drive.

I spent at least nine months listening to everything in my collection at least 100 times over, from classical to contemporary pop, to blues, rock and rap, (not to mention trance and country, I have 74 genre's on my iTunes, at the moment.) that every song I picked for this compilation was there to help push me through some sort of either crisis, or in the background while working, and they all stuck in my memory as a wicked tune.

Here's a listing of the tracks, and a reason for why I put them on the compilation.

1.) "John Wayne Gacy Jr". by Sufjan Stevens from the album "Illinoise".

My very good friend who I love dearly, Robert Dean, sent me this entire album with the promise that I'd love it. He wasn't wrong. Vocally reminiscent of Paul Simon, Sufjan Stevens sings a heartbreaking ballad about John Wayne Gacy Jr. For those that might not sympathize with a serial killer, (neither do I, for the record) this song is both eerie and beautiful, at the same time. The line "Oh My God" literally sends shivers up my backbone.

2.) "Don't Smoke In Bed" by k.d. lang. From the album "Drag"

This was scooped from an album that my landlord Greg let me borrow and subsequently import into my mac. k.d. encapsulates the dreamy, sorrowful meaning behind the lyrics, and her velvet vocals go all over the place. Her high notes and vibrato are to die for. This is how good I wish I sounded. The strings have a very chilling, sad pitch to them that contrasts uniquely with the bass and electric guitar, giving a unique bent to a classic jazz/blues style song.

3.) "No Fun" by The Black Keys, from the album, "The Moan"

If you heard this, and then I told you this was two mid-twenty something white guys from the middle US, would you believe me? The vocalist plays the guitar and does the bass line with his thumb, and the other member does the drums and percussion. Raw and gritty vocals appeal to me as much as smooth skilled voices. Kudos to Erik for introducing me to this group.

4.) "I Will Not Forget You", by Sarah McLachlan, from the album "Solace"

I'll admit, I own every Sarah McLachlan album out there, including rarities and stuff you can't find most other places. Her celtic sounding vocals are soul stirring to me. At any rate, this song reminds me of my trip to Dallas, to see Devin in May. I'm not going to elaborate on more details other than that statement.

5.) "These Boots Are Made For Walking" By Nancy Sinatra.

This one hit wonder by Missus Sinatra has been the introduction to the Glamazon Shoe Diaries Podcast for almost every single 'cast I've created. What better a song for a blog 'cast like mine, and what better song to put on the 2005 year end music compilation?

6.) "Pretty Donna" by Collective Soul, from the album "Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid"

This unexpected, short, and very beautiful strings piece is in the middle of the first rock album from one of my absolute favourite bands. Needless to say, when I saw them live in 1999 at Edgefest, I didn't happen to hear this song. I don't think they keep a 12 piece orchestra with their gear on the tour bus.

7.) "Pussy Control" (Uncensored Club Mix) by Prince.

Yep. I heart Prince. Why is this on my compilation? Because it makes me laugh every time I hear it. 'Mama didn't tell them what she told me, "Girl you need pussy control."' , and I LOVE the chorus.

8.) "Desparado" by Clint Black.

While I like the Eagles version of this song, I prefer the Clint Black version to the original. I find the piano more moving, and I really like Clint's voice.

9.)"I Wanna Be Sedated" by The Ramones

How else could I start my 24 hour Blogathon to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society than with a song like this?

10.) "Sister Awake" by The Tea Party, from the album "Tangents"

I love Jeff Martin's voice. He might be arrogant, but damn. What a voice. I love the Eastern instruments used in this song. I love the lyrics. I love how epic this song feels. 'Nuff said.

11.) "Flip Fantasia (Cantaloupe)" by Us3

This song is a mixture of modern jazz, hip hop, and sampling mixed together. It makes me want to dance, and honest to gawd, I know every single word in it.

12.) "Mary" by the Scissor Sisters from the album "Scissor Sisters"

This kickass band is all over the genre platform. From epic 80's style ballads, to disco, to this little gem, which is by far my most favoured track on the entire album. Kudos to Devin for introducing this to me, and extra kudos to me, for picking up the album on the fly, even though when I originally listened to it, to hear what the hell he was raving about in Virgin Records, I cringed at the cover of "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd that they did. It’s since grown on me immensely. Lyrically, “Mary” could make me cry, it's so simple, and so beautiful.

13.) "Lost Cause" by Beck, from the album "Sea Change"

This dreamy, somewhat sad song, is Beck when he's heartbroken, from an album that got roundly booed by critics because he wasn't his campy, crazy self. All I have to say is what the hell is wrong with the critics? It's fantastic lyrically, as opposed to his on the fly, in your face, somewhat nonsensical stuff. (Don't get me wrong, I dig his other stuff too. I should, I own it all...)

However, this is one of my favourite tracks on the album, and the video is bizarre enough that it matches up with the rest of his other album styles, replete with a robot with Beck's face shooting sparks from various body parts, while it falls from the sky in slow motion wearing a parachute. If you missed the weird in there somewhere, you need to re-read that paragraph.

14.) "Tired Of Being Alone" by Al Green, from the Dead Presidents Soundtrack.

Oh, Mygod. Sooooo good. Anyone that dares to defy me, you're wrong. If tell me that you haven't felt like this at least once in your life, you're flat out lying.

15.) "Love's Divine" by Seal, from the album "Seal IV"

Seal has a voice that is like raspy velvet. It's pure, soft, gentle and powerful all at once. Lyrically, this song is beautiful, and the piano is simple and sweet.

16.) "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash. From the album "The Best of Johnny Cash"

Johnny is classic country, though some would argue with me and classify it as Folk. This song has one of the best lines ever written in music history. In case you've never heard it before, the line is "I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die."

(This is the liner notes for disc 2/2.)

1.) "In This World" by Moby from the album "18"

That odd, bald, vegan Moby seems to find the most fantastic vocal tracks to sample from the gospel, blues and old black slave spiritual songs. This tune makes me want to sing with her.

2.) "Little L" by Jamiroquai, from the album "A Funk Odyssey"

Jamiroquai has one of the purest, most enjoyable voices I've heard from a “newer” artist. His first album "Traveling Without Moving" was released in 1996, and he was largely unnoticed by the average mainstream music listener as anything other than “That guy that wears them weird hats in his videos.”.

I think that he is one of the only “new” artists that has come up with something relatively new in the current music market, by pulling his influences from funk and disco rather than sampling them, and taking an interesting modern R&B spin on unique, original songs. He has increased in popularity since "A Funk Odyssey" was released in 2001. If you don't want to boogie listening to this, you're missing out. The hand claps in the chorus are the most fun part of the song for me. To be honest, I listened to both albums SO much in the past few months, I’d like to put more on here.

3.) "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day from the album "American Idiot"

Green Day has decided to play some more gutsy punk rock. Instead of talking about having the time of their life, or how they’re a basketcase, they’ve leaned towards the Punk tendency to cut strips out of poor political decisions/leaders, etc. and say what they think.

In my opinion, the opinion they’re putting forward on “American Idiot” is bang on the money, so of course, I'd like it. "Boulevard..." isn't necessarily one of those songs, but the album "American Idiot", is by far one of the best, most inventive, politically savvy mainstream rock albums I've ever heard. Ever. In my entire life.

This song was the one that caused me to purchase the album, and I've never looked back or regretted picking it up. I guess there's something to be said for mainstream radio after all.

4. "(You Caught Me) Smilin' (w/Scar)" by Sly and the Family Stone, from the album "Different Strokes by Different Folks"

Dad, before you get mad at the fact that someone hacked up a classic funk song, you should know that Sly himself produced this, in collaboration with contemporary Hip-Hop and R&B artists.

You should also know that this entire album put a wicked spin on a lot of the older Sly and the Family Stone songs. Not that there was anything wrong with the originals. This song got me going again after a 12 hour writing stint, where I was starting to burn out and needed something to get me going again. It did the job, so don’t be hatin’, yo.

5.) "Groove Me" by King Floyd, from the album "In Yo Face! The History of Funk Volume 1"

I must thank Erik for introducing and subsequently getting me hooked on Funk. Thank you, Erik. I was missing out on a huge part of music history and a great style and sense of rhythm and soul until you funked with my heart... I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.

6.) "It Don't Bother Me" by the Fjords, from the album "The Fjords"

Meet Luke. Luke is the lead vocalist and guitarist for the Fjords. Luke said hello to me one night on Yahoo messenger at two am, and damn, I wish he didn't live in Saskatchewan. Unique vocals, interesting lyrics and the sound of the song got me hooked on "Don't Bother Me", which I found to be the best and most solid of the three he sent me. I've since told him that CBC Radio 3 might be interested in putting his song on the fantastic podcast they put together weekly, featuring new Canadian talent. You can find out more about the Fjords by going to

7.) "Hard Latin" by Kenyon Hopkins, from the album "Sounds from the Verve Hi-Fi".

With it's hot, cha-cha feel, "Hard Latin" goes to show that not all electronica is a bad thing, and not all electronica is "The same damned thumping beat" according to my mom. "Sounds From the Verve Hi-Fi" is an album I dig immensely, and is great for background music while working either writing or designing. Like St. Germaine, It would also be smashing for background music at a social gathering.

8.) "Talk" by Coldplay, from the album "X&Y".

While this album got mixed reviews, and largely sounded like the previous Coldplay album "A Rush Of Blood To The Head", (you shouldn't be surprised that it does.) However, that being said, I really enjoy the dreamy, atmospheric guitar in this song, and lyrically, I dig it quite a bit. “Talk” was the best song on “X&Y”, in my opinion.

9.) "Black Coffee" by Ella Fitzgerald.

Ella has a timeless, gorgeous quality to her voice that leaves me in awe. For years, Ella has been my vocal icon, along with Sarah Vaughan and at times, Billie Holiday. This song is mournful and lovely at the same time, with definite period lyrics. I first heard this song when I was 16, and it’s stayed one of my favourites since then.

10.) "Love To See You Cry" by Enrique Iglesias, from the album "Escape"

Yes. I'm a girl. Yes, I'm a girl that has an appreciation for exotic men. Well... ANY men, really, but I’m digressing here, and it’s starting to get a little warm.

I love the dark overtones of the lyrics, with the latin beat behind it and spanish guitar. Sometimes the sweetest pleasure is pain, and love often doesn't come without one or the other,. Most of the time, they mix together. I love this whole album, including the spanish versions of "Escapar", and "Heroe".

11.) "I Get Lost" (acoustic version) by Eric Clapton, from the "Story of Us" Soundtrack

I admit, I had to download this one. A couple of years ago, I had a Best of Eric Clapton CD, (I think it was "Eric Clapton Unplugged" although I'm not certain.) 25 of my favourite CD's got stolen from my purse at work, and I refused to buy the albums I had already paid for once, again. (With the exception of Lauryn Hill's solo album, “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill”, and Fiona Apple’s “Tidal”.)

The CD that was stolen had a somewhat dance version of this song on it, as the extra track. I loved it, and played it over and over again. This acoustic version is still good, but not as good as the one I enjoyed so much, which is impossible to find. At least, it’s hard to find online.

12.) "Slow Like Honey" by Fiona Apple, from the album " Tidal"

I've purchased this album four times, because it is an intregal part of my music collection, and every time I lend it out, the people that borrow it seem to find it’s the case for them, as well and never return it.

The slow, sensuous and haunting lyrics, Fiona's smoky vocals, and unique melody are what keep me coming back to listen to this album again and again.

13.) "Another Round" by the Foo Fighters, from the album "In Your Honor"

The first disc of this 2 disc release is typical Foo Fighters, angsty, somewhat growly music. The second album, and my favourite of the two, is like “Foo Fighters Light”. All the quality, and half the angst. In other words, It's the Mellow Foo's.

I think that's the new quote of the week, right there. The Mellow Foo's. Anyways, this song is fantastic, with it's simple guitar, basic drums and bass, and harmonica. to borrow a phrase, I dig the hell out of it.

14.) "Chinese Food In the Hood" by The Fugees, from the album "The Score"

This skit is actually attached to the end of the song "The Beast" on the Fugee's album, and through the magic of sampling, I cut it out, because every time I hear it it makes me giggle. in particular, the line "This ain't channel 5, Nigga!"

15.) "Everyday People" by Arrested Development from the album "3 Years, 5 Months And 2 Days In The Life Of..."

At the risk of putting too many Sly and the Family Stone covers on this compilation, I'm going to have to say, I don't bloody well care. I LOVE this song, and I had to search for this song online, since it's near impossible to find in stores. I'm still on the hunt for "Mr. Wendal", by Arrested Development. This brings me back to Grade 7. Frightening, eh?

The Newest album released by Arrested Development (“Among the Trees”) is pretty hot as well.

16.) "Sorry" by Madonna, from the album "Confessions on a Dancefloor"

There are very few artists whose new album releases I anticipate like a fat kid wanting cake, and "Confessions..." by Madonna was one of them. I pestered sales associates at music stores with my request for the album, weeks before it had been released, and every time "Hung Up" came on the radio my ears perked up.

While "Hung Up" got my attention at first, "Sorry" stuck a chord in me lyrically, so it was the song I decided to put up on my compilation. I predict this will be one of the singles released rather soon from this album on mainstream radio.

17.) "Que Sera, Sera" by Sly and the Family Stone, from the album "Higher!"

Que Sera, Sera, whatever will be, will be, the future's not ours to see, que sera, sera. I figured it was about time to put a real Sly and the Family Stone song on the set, since I've bastardized the lot of it with two (effing awesome) covers.

The smooth vocals and soft swing of the instrumentals and organ in the background make this the perfect music to relax to after a long hard day. I guess it's true, whatever will be, will be, and it's something I had to learn the hard way around lately.

18.) “Change” by Tracy Chapman from the album “Where You Live”

Huh. Tracy Chapman put out a new album. it’s not super, but it’s not bad, and by far the best song on the entire album is the first song, “Change”, with it’s swinging style, simple acoustic blues guitar that has some very pretty riffs, and easy drums, focusing on Tracy’s unique vocals. Lyrically, it’s pretty poignant, and has somewhat a pretty positive message. It’s thoughts that everyone has when hindsight is 20/20 and what they would have done to make things better.

Well, that's it. No more tunes for YOU! I hope you enjoyed the compilation, and if not, you're missing out! give these ones a chance, and I’m sure you’ll grow to love them.

Special thanks to (In no particular order): Robert (aka. Dean), Erik Begg, Greg, Jeffy, Oliver, Johnathon, Luke, Devin Pike, Dr. Ryan Maynard, and anyone else I missed, for either recommending or providing the music over the year, that I grew to love so much for this compilation and the stuff that I regrettably had to leave aside.

To my clients in design: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part in creating or remaking the look of your company. For a large part, this music was playing in the background while working on your stuff, feeding my creative frenzy.

As always, a thank-you to my Mom and Dad, who forgive me despite the ridiculous shit that I do, and the stupid decisions I make every single day. I'm not the best daughter, but you love me anyways, and I'd be remarkably alone without that love and acceptance. This year was brutally hard on me mentally, and you guys are still here.

A big shoutout (in no particular order) for the year to:
The “local yokels”: Crystal D., Crystal B. and Kirk, Elizabeth, Melissa and Luc, Allison and Graham (and baby to be!), Lisa and Perry, Larry, Mark, Doug and the crew at
Endyne Productions, Damien, Shannon, Andrew and Jessica.

School Girly related: Haig Armen and Johnathon Strebly for being the best damned teachers I’ve ever had in my entire life, the Entire EMD10 class, Vanessa, Michel ,Joaquin, Nick, Nikki, and Oliver. I had a good nine months with you guys. I’m sorry I couldn’t pull through the whole way. Shit happens.

The Ontario Crew:Mitch, Scott, Chris Strange and Guy in Girl's Clothing, Sorry I couldn’t make it down for New Years, but work, she interferes.

Erik Begg, for being my ever so gracious host at, who hosts my podcasts, and lets me use storage space online, gratis. You guys should thank him for getting all this free music. I miss you like hell, Erik.

Statesiders and the “Texas Cronies” (past and present): Devin Pike, Marty Yawnick, Mike Guerrero, the sister of my heart, Miss Jerilyn Freeman, Sarathena, Steve for designing (or rather, is in the process of designing) my next tattoo...

And gad help me if I've forgotten anyone because I probably have. Sorry if I left you out.

You know that unfortunately, you can't pick your family members, and in some cases, it's a good thing I'm not related to you guys because the things I say to you (and have done with you depending who you are *leers*), would never fly with my folks. That being said, I might not be rich in dollars, but I'm rich in friends. Thank you all.

Happy Holidays, whatever religion, whatever beliefs you have, and wherever you are in the world.



This album is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather, Gordon Moxam, and a recently departed
friend I've known since the age of five, Noga Zuniga. You will both be missed, and never forgotten

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." -- Beverly Sills

All songs are creative property of the artists that created them, and the songs
in this compilation album have not been, and are not to be used for personal
financial gain. Respect creative copyright, and where available, purchase
the music you listen to, okay? Deal.

Please don’t sue me, I already owe enough money to everyone and their dog.

Yes, the dog too. Don’t ask. It’s a LONG story.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I am

In the process of posting up my year end compilation album. It should be rocking and rolling by Friday evening at the latest.



Monday, December 12, 2005

To the Customer

That just talked to me for FOURTY FIVE MINUTES about thisclose to me about absolutely trivial nonsense that I don't give a shit about... with spittle flying out of his mouth all across my glasses, Please, Please PLEASE!!!!! BRUSH your teeth. Personal hygiene is a good thing. A gooooood thing.

That is all.

I'm still giggling over this post.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Worky worky worky worky worky worky worky worky worky worky....

I think you get the gist.

However, I've got a treat for you guys, because I love you SOOOO much!

Take a look at this here link and tell me how many santa's in those pictures you think are wasted. I didn't have time to search the lot of them, but I found at least two in the fifteen I went through. thanks to Seanly for tossing this my way, and making me think nasty thoughts about Santa.


I have two major entries coming, one that you should be sure you have approximately 100 megs of space for on your computer, since it's the double disc compilation (or rather, the digital equivalent of that) that is going to be tossed up here for two weeks, and then be removed. At the moment I'm researching for the artwork on the front, and dealing with everyone that misses chatting with me on msn, yahoo and AIM on the sides.

I am still writing the book, and I'm busting my ass at work, doing lots of shifts.

Eep. Okay. Gotta run kids, but I miss ya!


Friday, December 02, 2005

OH, Oh, oh.

I just reread my last entry. Yeesh. I tallied up that I wrote the word "Fuck" or a variation thereof, I.E.) "Fucking", "Fucked" approximately 18 times in one post. That's roughly 350 words, half a dozen of the spelled incorrectly; not to mention the two completely unfinished sentences. I'd delete it, but according to King Seanly, I rant "with style". Sure, if style consists of unfinished sentences and a heap of curse words, I'm the queen of style. I'll keep it because it's raw, and uncensored, and it might offend a few people. Like I said, I'm tired of cowtowing to people.

Consider it the equivalent of an online tantrum; a real tantrum (that a five year old would envy) plus Linds equals very rare, and few and far between. The last one I had was utterly silent, approximately 5 to 6 months ago, in my room at three in the morning, when I fucked up a project I had been working on for nine hours straight that was *perfect* and due the following Monday. It's amazing how you can singe paper with vicious thoughts.

Okay, I really just tossed shit around, messed up my room, screamed into a pillow, sat there feeling pathetic after I had burned myself out and then buggered it all up, and then cleaned the entire mess I just made up again... But still. burning things with your mind? Damn, Gina!

I've spent the last few days experiencing 12 hour shifts at work. That being said, because I started at the middle of the week, after payroll cutoff, I have to wait two more weeks before I get ANYTHING deposited into my bank. I guess there won't be a Christmas this year, kids.

I've ALSO spent the last few days writing. Something broke in me a few days ago, and I think it was writers block. Thank god. The ten or so paragraphs that I posted up here, for the first section of my novel have transformed themselves into a relatively fully completed chapter, and I've come up with a format to be able to write my characters as realistically as possible for character development, and made tentative relationships between certain introductory characters.

The two major characters, Suzie Q. and Nate Carter, have become more fleshed out, thanks to my character development, however, due to intellectual property and copywrite, I'm not going to give this out to very many people. and I am removing the segment I have posted up. Consider that brief period of time a sneak preview, because it is gone as of immediately after I post this entry. (or at least the segment where the body of the post was.) It's rare that I edit my posts, but I think I have a good thing going right now, and I'm not about to lose it to anyone else.

A couple friends have proofread the originals, and actually, the friends of mine that have read it, drive a mac, since I'm writing on a mac based programme, called "Pages" which is the equivalent to Microsoft Word, but wholly uncompatable with ANYTHING else. Stupid fucking programme.

However, I am requiring some assistance, preferably from my southern pals in arms, especially the kiddo's down in Texas. I need a location for my novel, preferably in a medium sized, Southern Texas town. Any suggestions will be considered, especially if you can provide me with the links to a Google map of the location, and/or some sort of website for tourism for that particular town. I'll be exceedingly grateful, and credit you in the notes, kapeesh?

Anyhoo. I'm going to bed. I had a meeting in Langley today for work and it was supposed to be my day off. I'm bagged.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pathetic Livejournal Equivalent.

Why is it that even when you end something as simple as a casual relationship, you always feel like shit? Passive agressive bullshit and moping blah blah blah, everything I say taken the wrong way, bitch, moan, complain. Things looked into more than they should be, taking what I say and disregarding it. Saying what I feel up front, or having to dance aroudn the issue and say it diplomatically. I'm so mad. I don't mean half of this. I'm so damned mad. I'm so fucking frustrated.

This is more than what I usually reveal in here regarding my life. Fuck it, here it comes.

Whatever. I'm sick and tired of making EVERYONE ELSE happy. I'm so FUCKING SICK OF IT. Y'ALL CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES if you expect me to care about what you think about me. Oh Yeah? Fuck you if you think I'm being selfish. I'm damned well ALLOWED to be selfish, once in a while. I'm tired of pussyfooting around and making EVERYONE else happy and I'm MISERABLE inside.

I'm working, I'm going to work five days a week and get my shit in gear, and make eight dollars an hour, and fuck whoever doesn't like that shit. I don't fucking well care about what you think anymore. I need to figure out who I am, I need my life in order because it's all fucked up.

I'm tired of the drama, I'm tired of being expected to be someone, or spend time with someone when I just need to figure out who the fuck *I* am. I'm so tired of being a failure, I'm not in school anymore I fucked that up, and my parents are so dissapointed in me though they pretend they're not. My dad talks to me like he's walking on eggshells, at least my mom has the decency to not talk to me like I deserve respect when I've fucked up so badly and say it like it is, to my face, because I FUCKED UP., and I fucked up BAD. That I'm not in school anymroe and I feel so ashamed, I feel like an enormous failure, and I needed to admit it. I've never felt so ALONE in my entire life when I'm surrounded by people that care about me, and it's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can do to make it better, because I fucked up, okay? I made the mistake, it's my mistake to fix. But the thing is I don't know if I can fix it. I don't know if I know how, and I don't want to ask for help because I should be able to do this on my own, right?

No of course I'm not going to do anything stupid, okay? I'm too scared of dying. I lie. I tell people I'm not afraid of death, but when it comes down to it and all it would take is swallowing that bottle of pills with vodka, or taking a long hot bath with the razor blades or the toaster, or all that stupid shit, I'm not going to do it, because I'm too afraid. It doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, though. Hey, at least I'm honest.

This has been building and building, and buried inside of me festering like some sort of infection, and I can't say anything and I can't admit anything because it's a weakness and I can't be weak, not again, I fuck everything up. everything I touch, every relationship I've had every
I miss Erik. I miss Devin. Erik moved away and Devin basically took my feelings and emotions and fucked the dog behind the shed regarding them. Goddamnit. I'm so mad. I'm in tears in the goddamned mall. I'm so fucking pathetic. I'm so fucking stupid. I could have done this right and I didn't. I could have done a lot of things right and I fucked up all over the goddamned place.

No, don't call, okay? At least not until after eight pm. It costs too much in the day time.

Caution: Writer at work.

I've got the first portion (which admittedly is probably somewhere in the middle, rather than the beginning) of my first novel underway. What genre? Hell, I donno. it could be romance, it could be mystery, it could be suspense, it could be hardcore pornographic, for chrissakes.

Here's an excerpt, which at the moment, seems more like a romance, but knowing me, I'll be changing that up half a dozen times until it doesn't even resemble anything close to it. It's looking rather "Romance Novel-ly" at the moment. Most likely, that will change.

It has no title, and I'm pro anyone handing me suggestions, however, if I veto it, just take it in stride, eh?

This excerpt has been removed. Apologies. -- Linds aka. Editor.


K.D. Lang is one of the most talented female vocalists out there.

Of course, this is just my opinion, but hell, she's the female equivalent of Mel Torme with her velvet lined voice.

This album is great, and I've given you guys a taste of the magic of Mizz Lang's cunning linguistic and vocal talent.

The song is "Don't Smoke in Bed" and amusingly enough, the entire album is smoking related. with songs ranging from "The Air that I Breathe", "My Old Addiction", "Love Is Like A Ciggarette", "Your Smoke Screen" and "Smoke Rings", and a pack er, I mean, Heck of a lot more.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to step outside, and have a ciggy.


Friday, November 25, 2005

Tired Feet

Tired Feet
Originally uploaded by Duchessdocktrash.

I promised tired feet, and I darned well delivered. I told you those were my real shoes. My really crippling shoes. taken by the lovely Melissa, from my Stars In The Sky.

Just Call Me...


I'm employed now. Hooray. My feet hurt. Like hell. Didn't I just bitch about that a few posts ago? I'm getting stale here.

At any rate I'm blogging from work, probably not a wise idea. I just wanted an update up here, seeing as I don't think I'll have a day off until New Years Day. Yikes.

Muchas love, kisses, 'n all that stuff.


Monday, November 21, 2005

It's About Bloody Time!

I've gotten around to recording another lurvely podcast. I know, it's been eons, but the unknowing staff and store of Blenz coffee has graciously allowed me to upload my podcast and xml feed as well as supplying me with endless free java.

Okay, not endless... And not free, either... But you get the gist.

This is prerecorded for Friday, the 25th of November, and is a jumble of ambient, trance, dance, Groove Armada, Enigma, Avatars of Dub, Conjure One, some Nelly Furtado, Good Ol' Blue Eyes, some Old school Arrested Development, the uber politico Dead Prez, and a bit of other stuffs just for good measure.

Miss Nancy Sinatra with her walking boots, my typical intro, has stepped down this week, as I had some fun with one of my music programmes and created a new intro sampling some stuffs.

At any rate you can subscribe via iTunes, or any podcasting subscription software by copying and pasting this here link into your entry field, or download the 55- some odd meg file here. (apologies. I'm still trying to figure out how to shrink the size of the file, for you guys. I know it's enormous.)

Questions and answers.

From Sarathena's blog:

A is for Age: 25.
B is for Build: Is clumsy a build? Tall, proportionate... Yet overly so, in some areas.
C is for Career: Graphic designer.
D is for Dad's name: Larry.
E is for Essential items to bring to a party: A good wine for the hostess/host.
F is for Favorite article of clothing: Yoga Hooded sweater. Thin, black, comfy.
G is for Goof off thing I do: Chat online.
H is for Hometown: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
I is for Instrument you play: Guitar. Badly.
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Apricot, or Marmalade.
K is for Kids: None. That I know of, anyways.
L is for Living arrangement: I Rent one bedroom in the ultimate bachelor pad in Surrey. Pool table, Swimming pool, and two person jacuzzi tub, Suck that, bitches.
M is for Music I like: Everything, excepting Death Metal. I can't understand what those bastards are saying.
N is for Name of your first pet: Ginger.
O is for overnight hospital stays: a big fat zero. Thank Gawd.
P is for Phobias: large crowds, places I can't escape, relationships.
Q is for Quote you like: "One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzche
R is for Reason for blogging: I never used to write. I found that I learned a lot about myself from blogging.
S is for Siblings: None. I was born a twin, but my sister died before we hatched. I mean... Were born... That whole birthing thing... No thanks.
T is for Texas, ever been: Yes. 4 days that I wish I had spent with Jerilyn, instead of Devin. I would have had more fun.
U is for Unique trait: I can talk to almost anyone (including complete strangers) and have a good conversation.
W is for Worst traits: I smoke, have bitten my nails since I was six years old, and I am very self indulgent when the mood strikes me.
X is for X-Rays you've had: I've had about five or six X ray sessions, and two Ultrasounds.
Y is for Yummy food you make: AAA grade Steak, Wild rice with garlic butter sauteed diced onion, shitake mushrooms, garlic butter prawns and wild greens salad with a greek vinagrette.
Z is for Zodiac sign: Taurus. If you go with that sort of thing. I suggest visiting Sargon the Magnificent for a great horoscope.

But better to ask:

A is for Anal Sex: A resounding NO.
B is for Boxing: Stupid or entertaining? Would you do it for money? If so, how much? Stupid to watch, but sure I'd beat the hell out of someone.
C is for Compulsions: What are yours? Shopping.
D is for Deviant Behaviors: What is one of yours? One Night Stands. Or it used to be. No, I'm not quoting any numbers, gaddamnit.
E is for Ego: What is your biggest insecurity? My self-image.
F is for Favorite thing about yourself: My mind, my mouth.
G is for Gluttony: What do you find irresistible, or binge on? You guys know this. Do I even need to say it? Chocolate.
H is for Homosexual Acts: Ever experienced? Um. Yes.
I is for I.Q.: What is yours? I forget. Jesus that sounds stupid. I think last time I tested I was a 156 at about four am in the morning.
J is for Jesus: What is the first word that occurs when you think of him? Silly, as in "I've found Jesus! He was behind the couch the entire time! Silly Jesus."
K is for Killing: What's the last life you knowingly ended? I killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
L is for Lungs: Do you smoke? If so, what? Yes. Cigarettes, and occasionally the green. Hey, I live in BC fer chrissakes.
M is for Middle name: What is yours? I have two. Jacqueline Marie.
N is for Name of your first celebrity crush: Gawd. Ok. Jonathan Brandis. But he killed himself in 2003, by trying to hang himself... So I can't marry him anymore.
O is for Orgasm: When was your last one? Uh... A while ago.
P is for Pockets or Purse: What's in yours? smokes, cell phone, wallet, lip gloss, gum, Advil, receipts, bus pass, lighter, keys, the gun I used to kill that man in Reno; just to watch him die...
Q is for Question: What's one you hate being asked, or hate to ask? "Do you love me?" You know if I do. I'll say it. If I don't, you can bet I tried to.
R is for Right handed or left handed? Lefty loosey, Righty tighty. I'm a pretty loose woman.
S is for Swear words: Which ones do you most frequently use? Fuck, Shit, Goddamnit.
T is for Theft: What's the last thing you stole? That was so long ago I don't remember.
U is for Unusual pleasure you enjoy:
W is for Weirdest item you've purchased: squeak toy buddhas online. Yes, I did. *hangs head*
X is for eX: Is there one you think of? Yes, far too often, lately; and I wish he would leave my head alone.
Y is for Youth: When you were 9, what did you want to be when you grew up? An archeologist. Damn that Indiana Jones.
Z is for Zoo: What exotic animal would you like to have as a pet? A Tiger.

Friday, November 18, 2005


I was going to write something meaningful in here, for the lot of you rowdies... But then I nailed my knee on the desk, and all I see is a haze of red.

No. I'm kidding. Okay ya, I wailed my knee on the desk, but such is life. Suck it up, princess.

My cell phone squeaky Buddhas are on the way via airmail. Whoopee! I am very excited about that.

I'm glad to see you guys miss me, (because I don't miss you guys, at all. I lie. I do.) and don't think it didn't escape my attention that I get more comments on my posts when I'm not around to do any witty repartée. I think you guys plan it that way.

At any rate, I was out last night with the lovely Melissa, from My Stars in the Sky, the Jewish Princess herself, and "Myluc", who is actually Melissa's Luc. We were attending a fundraiser for Mizz Melissawho is collecting fundage for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society of Canada. I donated 6 hours worth of design as a prize, and a lovely lady who had just bought a house, won the draw for that particular prize. She's thrilled that she gets a unique piece of original art for her house, and I'm thrilled that someone is actually INTERESTED in having me design something for them. I went in the shoes you see in the header, and Melissa, I have searched and searched the quotes on google to no avail, seeking the quote on "beauty is pain". If anyone remembers this quote (TJP, Melissa and myself were trying to figure it out on the skytrain on the way home) we'd be much obliged. You might even get a wubby or two. (That's a titty face rub, in case you were wondering.)

At any rate, this event was held at the Roxy, aka, Meat Market extraordinare, and other than flirting with the bass player for Dr. Strangelove, (Andre), Who gives a hella good massage; I danced until I couldn't feel my feet anymore. Or at least couldnt feel them last night... I sure could this morning/afternoon, whatever. Gin and sprite, NOT a good combination. You think I'd have learned that from Hallowe'en. Apparently not.

Chris Strange my darling, as far as I know, the lovely Melissa will have pictures of my poor exhausted feet, strapped on but not actually ON my feet on My Stars In the Sky. Go ahead, I know you wanna.

As for the rest of this week, I've been looking for employment, and the odds are looking fairly good, at least for temporary full-time employment, though I may become a full-time permanant employee for either Staples, or "The Source", (aka. Radioshack... Get your nerd glasses out, boys and girls.)

I'm tired of typing. Damien is waiting for cuddles, so I'm going to bid you adeiu, until next week, chilluns.

Muchas love, kisses and all that rot.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I am not dead...

Nor am I in jail. I am living in my new home, with all the other granny refugees in Surrey.

Okay, maybe just with a houseful of older guys, in a room of a gorgeous five bedroom house.

I should have the internet within the next week, but with looking for work, and getting a few design jobs completed, I'm running around the equivalent of a chicken with it's head cut off.

The ever so gracious Damien is letting me use his hifaluten PC with it's plenitude of browsers (hweck) right now, and I'm not used to this massive keyboard, comparing it to my wee little flat laptop keyboard.

I miss y'all. I'll be back soon, I hope. Lots to tell, and not all of it the best parts of my life. I'm pretty pissed off at myself right now, and i don't have the time to tell it all at this point.

It sure is nice not living under Granny anymore though. Boy howdy.

OH! and the blasphemous church sign contest continues. I won't wrap it up until the week after I get the 'net at my house. My beloved Dean, The neurotic monkey, has sent in a whopping NINE more pics. That's it for you though mister. If I knew you wanted to see my tits so bad I'd just send you a picture. Lordy. (A picture? Make that a couple MORE pictures. Jeezuz. Greedy man.)



Friday, November 04, 2005

"So, I'll Have My Buddha Call Your Buddha, and We'll Do Lunch Sometime."

What a charming little babyfaced guy. Too cute.

I think I like buddha the best out of all the religious icons. Why? Because he's always smiling. All the rest are so morose and looking so down. I also think he's the most human, out of the lot. Even with that finding spiritual Nirvana, and whatnot.

That is all.

Oh, and I'm moving tomorrow. Expect delays.

Until then, *kisses!*


Contest: continued.

Damien's contribution to the cause.

Undercover creative.

Undercover creative.
Originally uploaded by Duchessdocktrash.
Found in odd places, these graphic designers. This is my travelling office. A somewhat candid (by that I mean completely posed, but of the lot that were possibly going to be "cartoonized" this was my favourite.) The photo was taken by "Nick the Nineteen" for our gradshow. And I'm underground, in the skytrain. I think I'm at Burrard station.

Oh yeah, you can find the link to the grad show temp website here.

As you can see, I'm week three. (I'm also in charge of emailing heaps of people, and have been spamming them for the last three weeks for our advertising campaign.)

If you check back every week, around Friday or so, there will be a new illustration up.

And the contest, She Continues.

For the funniest blasphemous church sign, that is.

Dr Ryan Maynard, from Newsblog 5ooo sent in these three:

Dean from The Neurotic Monkey sent in SEVEN pics, but more for the fact that he enjoyed doing them. He's still in the running, however.

The contest is still running, however, until the end of next week (Sunday, November 13th) So email me your entries. I'm wholly open to hearing your guys' comments on these, and if you want to make your own, and email them to me, the url is right here.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Say What?

This is a screen capture of my site tracker, that thing that tells me all the shit I never needed to know about what sort of traffic comes to my website, because I'm a nerd, and can't leave well enough alone.

At any rate, I'd like to point out the few oddities on the list, in the past 20 referrers on search engines. In particular, the line "MSN Search: The photograph of the panties with the dying", and "MSN Search: Chocolate spider waxing." The other two aren't quite so odd, but what the hell is on the mind of the people looking up two I mentioned?

And is MSN mish mashing my words up and just pulling up random shit for people's search results? Bizarre.

Uhm, What?

If you stare at this picture long enough...

you should be able to see a giraffe. This is weird. Give it a try.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Top 25 Things That I Dig. (Part Deux.)

Dean had me going off on a "Top 25 Things That Make Me Happy" list last week, and I threatened to have the lot of it finished by that week. Typical me, ends up writing the rest of it this week, and Man Oh man, what a treat I have for you guys!

Okay. I'm talking out my ass again. At any rate, I wanted to finish the second part of three, saving the last five for later on, because it's getting late, and I's sleepy.

13. Art. I've got heaps of black and white collectable postcards arranged in various formations around my room, backed in plain white, and covered by flat glass panels. No frames to contain them. It's funny. I'm mired in colours 18 hours a day, but when it boils down to what I put on my walls, most of it is black and white, or particular pieces that I've done in my programme that I find are my stronger pieces. My bedroom is mostly black and whites. It's a nice contradiction. (At least I think it is.) I'm retreating into simplicity, and I don't really mind.

14.) Lattés. "A seven pump, Venti, Vanilla Latté, and a pumpkin cream cheese square, please." It's gotten to the point where I walk in, and they don't even ask anymore. Not just at one Starbucks, but at the one near my school AND the one I go to with Crystal 3 times a week. Hardcore. Foam rules.

15.) Theatre. I love seeing a new play. Usually musicals, to be honest, but I think this is my musical background poking it's nose in my life again.

16.) Literature. Yes, this is the artsy Linds speaking tonight, but there's something to be said for a good book, a cuppa chai tea, a cozy sweater, and some groove or ambient music playing in the background softly. I read about 2-4 hours per day, usually travelling to and from school, (unless I'm doing work on the way home. Laptops are handy for the skytrain, I tells ya.)

Usually it's Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Erotica, or an Anne Rice, or J.K. Rowling novel. Yes I read Harry Potter, and I damned well like it. I'm antici.........pating the latest release in theatres with something akin to giddyness.

17.) Writing. Blogger used to have a tally, in your profile that told you words written. For some reason they got rid of that feature, which is disappointing. I was at about 25,000 words in the first seven months of blogging. I've tried writing novels, but sadly, I think the only thing I'm capable of writing about is me. Pathetic, no?

18.) Sex. I'd be lying through my teeth, and avoiding a happy thang if I didn't say that doing the double-backed beast wasn't enjoyable. It's definitely not the end all and be all of life, but it sure is fun, as long as it's safe, consensual, adult play.

19. Makeup. Come on, I'm a girl. I'm a girl that can spend upwards of an hour and fifteen minutes doing the *perfect* warpaint. It's an art form to me, like painting, but on skin. If I'm not satisfied with it, I scrub it off, and start from the beginning again. There's something to be said about enhancing the natural look you have, and doggone it, it's fun, damnit.

20.) Erik. Yes, I never thought I'd put my ex up here as one of the most enjoyable things/people/experiences of my life. Charming, funny, catty, hospitable, generous, sweet, romantic, sexy as hell, intelligent, a myriad of other things. His music collection is cream-your-jeans worthy. While packing, I read my personal handwritten journals I kept before starting GSD, and honestly, I was a total snatch to him while I was dating, and things that bothered me while I was dating were so wholly unimportant, trivial, nonsensical, you name it. He showed me respect (still does, btw), honesty, and treated me the way I've never been treated before meeting him.

The fact that he considers me a "good friend" after all that ridiculous drama, is something I'll never stop cherishing. Thanks Erik.

Stay tuned next week. Same Glamazon time, Same Glamazon Channel, for the next installment of Linds' top 25 happy-fun-time stuff! The last entry on this, I promise.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Get it out of my head!

Damn you, Madonna! Damn you ABBA!

Song: "Hung Up" by Madonna, from the album Confessions on a Dancefloor.

The thing about packing...

Is that you pare down your belongings, all the shit you've gathered, and you toss a lot of stuff, be it clothing, or papers, or whatever, and the clothing goes to the Sally Anne, or Developemental Disabilities... And the papers get sent to the recycling bin.

I've had three papers that I've had for almost thirteen years, that I've never thrown out.

They're letters. From a guy named Aiden James Varga, that used to be my best friend in elementary school, and moved up to Shushwap when I was twelve or thirteen.

I forget about them until it's time to move, and then I get lost in a little metal box that I keep very few keepsakes in... The stuff I'll never throw away. I read them all again today, in a early teenage guys scribbled hand writing, with stickers and doodles all over the place, telling me that he missed me, and that I was his best friend, that I should visit him, because he missed me so much, and how lonely he was without me there with him. Thing is, there's not a week that goes by where I don't think about him, and how much I missed him when he left me. And that I still do miss him.

I don't remember everything about Aiden. I feel bad for that. I do know that when I was growing up with him, he was my best friend. He was always on the move, he had a good sense of humour, and he was the first person I watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show with. I totally didn't get it at that age.

I remember going to the park in Coquitlam, and running around like idiots in between the trees, or playing in the playground, I remember going trick or treating, and a brief spree with shoplifting, because kids are stupid. For all that it was a guy and a girl that were hanging out together... I was just his best friend, and despite however many times he moved growing up, or changed schools, or anything else like that, I stuck around.

I begged my dad drive me out to Coquitlam to spend the night there every weekend. I was heartbroken and sobbing when he worried about me sleeping in the same room as a guy my age, and he wanted to stop me from sleeping over, should things "happen". It was all I could do to look at him in confusion, not understanding what he meant. That was when I was innocent. (He took back that decision, by the way. Good daddy.)

I was probably in love with him, but didn't know what it was. I probably have no idea *now* if I was or wasn't. That being said, he was the only guy my age that didn't run away from me because I was the fat girl, or I had glasses, or had cooties, (because I was harassed mercilessly by kids my age in elementary school.) or the myriad of other things that children discriminate against in their peers. To him, I was just Lindsey, and Lindsey was his best friend. That's worth it's weight in platinum. (Fuck gold.)

Admittedly, it was probably my fault that I lost touch with him, I was a horrid corrospondant via regular mail, and didn't write often enough. This trait has passed itself onward into my Email corrospondance. I hated writing letters back then, and I don't much enjoy writing them now. I'd write back if he emailed me, and I'd never let go of that communication with him again, either.

I know I've written about him before, in snippets, and pieces here and there in GSD. I just wanted to do it again. I hope you guys will forgive my repetition.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Turbulence ahead.

I'm moving November first (hopefully, if I get the apartment I'm viewing today at three) and things are likely to be a little disrupted until I'm settled. Hopefully sooner than later.

I'm nervous.

The only reason why I can think of, is because it's me, and I'm always nervous. Though I'm looking forward to having my own place, and not being nagged at relentlessly. I'm also looking forward to not having a curfew. Yep. You read it right. I've got an 11:30 pm curfew here at Casa De La Granny Cerebus, (Kudo's to Damien for coming up with that granniferous title...) and I'd like to be able to stay at wherever I'm at past 11 pm, If I want to.

Wish me luck.

Oh, a word to Jerilyn, Miss UnfortunateSerendipity... You rock the known universe. Chin up, baby.

Oh, and to The Mayor. Sorry I missed you last night on MSN. I was packing. I know, I know. I suck.

A note: Why is it that hand drawn dogs always look so goofy, when they're trying to look vicious and forbidding? I just wanna give him a bowl of kibble and a chew toy. (preferably *not* my arm.) Awww. Here puppy puppy...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Break out Ye Microscopes...

Medieval Mad Scientist?

No. A Stupid graphic designer that made a rad thingy in After Effects today (All by myself!), but on a canvas size of 120 pixels by 140, or some stupid shit like that. In otherwords, teensy.

Cut me some slack, I'm still learning. However, it's pretty cool, I created a ten second trailer for a made up movie I called "Hunger". The text goes a bit quick, and the screen is small. Apologies. However, I'm still stoked with how it looks, and that I can actually DO shit like this...

Without further ado, my teeny movie trailer.

Superfluous bits of Today

Come on, read over my shoulder.

U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi! You ugly! Uh huh, you ugly! Yo' momma say you ugly, hey! says:

Give me a fact.

~*Linds*~ says:

Just a random fact?

U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi! You ugly! Uh huh, you ugly! Yo' momma say you ugly, hey! says:

Any fact.

~*Linds*~ says:

18 percent of all women fake an orgasm. (I have NO idea if this is accurate.)

U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi! You ugly! Uh huh, you ugly! Yo' momma say you ugly, hey! says:

What a coincidence. 100 percent of all men fake a relationship.

~*Linds*~ says:


U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi! You ugly! Uh huh, you ugly! Yo' momma say you ugly, hey! says:

But, a REAL fact.

~*Linds*~ says:


Cats is the longest running broadway musical on broadway in NYC?
(Why do I know this?)

U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi! You ugly! Uh huh, you ugly! Yo' momma say you ugly, hey! says:

Wow, that was pretty witty of me. I'm using that one.

~*Linds*~ says:

lol! A new msn name?

And yes, that was witty. Even though it made my eyebrows raise a little.

"For every women who fakes an orgasm, there is a man who fakes a relationship" says:

Hmmm. no, that's not the kind of fact I could work with. Nevermind, I'll figure it out myself.

What is with me, and the Pirates of Penzance, FFS.

Courtesy of the lovely Sarathena, this TTS interactive demo has led to my amusement for the evening.

Behold, my amusement.

I need a fucking life.

Hey. Why no comments, guys. You no love me anymore? I love you LONG TIME, and now you no love me?

I know I was lax in writing and all, and I know I get more than my five visits a day to GSD (It's my homepage on Firefox, I don't lurk on my own blog...) Yes. I'm a comment whore. A whore, I say.

I miss you guys.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Courtesy of Orion-Skie, over at My Stars in the Sky.

It's the one where you find the 5th sentence in your 23rd post of your blog and post it. My 23rd post was on May 22 (this year) and my 5th sentence was:

"It was usually The Bugs Bunny Show. When I was living with my parents, I still watched it with my Mom and Dad. "

In reference to talking about my favourite cartoon to watch growing up as a kid. Well Gee. That's not too terribly surprising. I just bloody well mentioned it.

The entry is titled "A little bit of History..." and I think I remember TJP asking me how the hell I could remember stuff that far back. Go take a boo, if you're interested.

Note To Self:

Do NOT walk up the stairs without the lights on. You are NOT a cat, and you CANNOT see in the dark.

Bloody hell. Fucking retard.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I blame Dean, (again.) For introducing me to Sufjan Stevens a couple of weeks ago.

He's been nagging at me to listen to Stevens' newest album entitled "Illinoise". Vocally reminiscent of Paul Simon, from Simon and Garfunkle. (To me at least.) His tenor is soft and sweet, and laden with emotion. I found numerous songs to have subtle Christian overtones, but all in all, it didn't bother me all that much. Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, or just more accepting. I dunno anymore... There's the song "Chicago", which I totally dig, The lyrics speak to me so much. And then there's track four, entitled "John Wayne Gacy, Jr."

I think that I've never heard a song that is so hauntingly beautiful and gorgeous, about a serial killer. From what I've interpreted listening to this repeatedly, Stevens is expressing his compassion for someone so mentally disturbed. It's not to say I'm defending John Wayne Gacy, but the story of what he did, and his childhood etc... *sighs* It's just so... Full of sorrow. It's so saddening. When he sings "Oh my God" (and "On the mouth") in falsetto, I honestly get shivers.

John Wayne Gacy, Jr.

His father was a drinker and his mother cried in bed,
Folding John Wayne's t-shirts when the swing set hit his head.

The neighbors they adored him,
For his humor and his conversation.

Look underneath the house there,
Find the few living things, rotting fast, in their sleep;

Oh the dead.

27 people,
Even more, they were boys, with their cars, summer jobs,
Oh my God...

Are you one of them?

He dressed up like a clown for them,
With his face paint white and red.

And on his best behavior,
In a dark room on the bed he kissed them all.

He'd kill ten thousand people,
With a slight of his hand, running far, running fast to the dead.

He took off all their clothes for them,
He put a cloth on their lips, quiet hands, quiet kiss on the mouth.

And in my best behavior,
I am really just like him.

Look beneath the floor boards,
For the secrets I have hid.

Song: "Chicago" by Sufjan Stevens, From the album Illinoise.

Song: "John Wayne Gacy Jr." by Sufjan Stevens, from the album Illinoise.

Inspired by Dean.

Is it bad that I'm getting the majority of my postings off of other people's posts?


At any rate, I heart my friend Dean, The Neurotic Monkey. Sometimes he can be in a low spot. But only sometimes. He's one of the only people that gives me shit for getting depressed, telling me it's not my job to get down, it's his. Most commonly, this guy makes me grin ear to ear, and giggle incessantly late, *late*, late at night. Why? Because he's the funniest, most pop culture knowledgable, most charming "shy guy with a great heart" guy I've ever known. *AND* the lucky bastard lives in NYC, which I miss terribly.

Dean came up with a top 25 things that make him happy list.

I thought, since I've been down lately, that I'd do the same. It's always nice to remember the things that make us happy, instead of dwelling in the negative. These aren't in order of importance, I don't categorize my stuff like that. I'm just writing them down as they come to me, OK? OK. I'm doing the first 12 tonight, and the rest later on this week.

Part 1 of Linds' Super-happy-fun-time 25 things.

1. Chocolate. Nothing tastes better, or soothes savage spirits like a bar of Lindt 70 percent dark chocolate. Y'all know my love affair with the dark bean goes long and covers my body like... Well... Like something, anyways.

2. Mitch.
Like morphine, The Mayor makes my troubled mind melt away. It's strange, that when I'm at my most dire straits emotionally, Mitch pops online on MSN, flirts, teases and razzes me a little, and I feel like a new person.

3. Damien. I've never met a more fantastic person that handles any emotional shit I dish out with aplomb, with a neatly worded rebuke, that never stings, or gentle understanding. Plus he cuddles like nobodies business.

4. The First Triumvirate. By that I mean, Crystal, Crystal and Ryan. This is the group of Uberpals that I spent most of my time with in Highschool, and still hang out with or at least harass on MSN on a regular basis.

5. The Second Triumvirate. Liz, Melissa and Luc. The group of cronies in New West/Burnaby area that I chill with and have some good eats and good convo, the occasional race on the Xbox with. It's my peace away from home where I can be plied with alcohol and good cooking. Many thanks.

6. Sweet, sweet music. You guys might remember, from a while back, when I wrote that I lost all of my music on my computer. That situation has since remedied itself nicely, and though some avid music collectors will have upwards of 30,000 songs on their hard drives, I'm content with my 3110 songs, (9.2 days, 20.55 gigs) I've listened to *almost* all of them at least 100 times each. You do the math. That's a lot of time listening to music. Right now it's "Daddy Cool", "Rasputin", and "By The Rivers of Babylon" by Boney M. (Yeah, it's disco. Sue me.) That's cuz I'm crazy like a fool. What about it Daddy Cool? Oh, those crazy Russians.

7. Bugs Bunny cartoons. I still watch them. All the time. Occasionally with my dad. My favourite episode is this one. Example A is Bugs giving Gossamer the Red Haired Monster a permanamanamanament. Classic, and I *still* giggle like a little kid when I watch them.

8. Lingerie. And I mean GOOD lingerie. No cheap thigh highs for me, thank you very much. I want real silk, I want soft lace, I want black and red and white and teal, I want padding and pushing up, and "click-for-cleavage" bras. I want garter belts, I want panties by the score. I want lace teddies and... Oh wait. I have all of that already. I'm at the pinnacle of my femininity in pretty undies and accoutrement. The more unique, the more interesting it is for me. I feel beautiful and sexy and confident with nice panties etc on, and it's rare to catch me in a pair of plain white cotton briefs.

9. Big, enormous fleece sweaters, preferably with a hood attached. In my mind, there is nothing better than curling up with a novel, music playing in the background, with a big enormous fleece sweater on. One that you swim in. I'm fond of the mens 3XL from Old Navy, and a pair of yoga pants. I can wrap myself in them, and feel utterly at ease, not giving a shit about what I look like.

10. Sleep. I'm a fan of the big sleep.

Wait. Not that kind of big sleep. I'm a fan of sleeping in late. Really late. I'm a bed addict. I love my bed, and it's heaps of pillows, and it's duvet. It's probably my own damned fault that I made my bed so inviting. So inviting that I don't want to leave it, and I'm writing my entry from it.

11. Orange. Orange food, orange the colour. Orange soda, orange chocolate, orange popsicles, orange juice, orange incense, orange soap. I used to love blue, but now I've converted to orangeism. It's bright, warm, playful and inviting, it's invigorating and energizing, it tastes zingy, and makes my taste buds happy.

12. Butter Chicken curry, Basmati Rice, Naan bread, Coca Cola. Anyone that's ever gone to Metrotown with me can attest to the fact that I go to Curry Express pretty much anytime I'm there, and get the EXACT same thing everytime I go. Yes, I do get the same thing every time. No, I don't feel like changing my favourites. I'm an addict. I have no need to explain myself. Mmm. Curry.