Monday, October 31, 2005

Top 25 Things That I Dig. (Part Deux.)

Dean had me going off on a "Top 25 Things That Make Me Happy" list last week, and I threatened to have the lot of it finished by that week. Typical me, ends up writing the rest of it this week, and Man Oh man, what a treat I have for you guys!

Okay. I'm talking out my ass again. At any rate, I wanted to finish the second part of three, saving the last five for later on, because it's getting late, and I's sleepy.

13. Art. I've got heaps of black and white collectable postcards arranged in various formations around my room, backed in plain white, and covered by flat glass panels. No frames to contain them. It's funny. I'm mired in colours 18 hours a day, but when it boils down to what I put on my walls, most of it is black and white, or particular pieces that I've done in my programme that I find are my stronger pieces. My bedroom is mostly black and whites. It's a nice contradiction. (At least I think it is.) I'm retreating into simplicity, and I don't really mind.

14.) Lattés. "A seven pump, Venti, Vanilla Latté, and a pumpkin cream cheese square, please." It's gotten to the point where I walk in, and they don't even ask anymore. Not just at one Starbucks, but at the one near my school AND the one I go to with Crystal 3 times a week. Hardcore. Foam rules.

15.) Theatre. I love seeing a new play. Usually musicals, to be honest, but I think this is my musical background poking it's nose in my life again.

16.) Literature. Yes, this is the artsy Linds speaking tonight, but there's something to be said for a good book, a cuppa chai tea, a cozy sweater, and some groove or ambient music playing in the background softly. I read about 2-4 hours per day, usually travelling to and from school, (unless I'm doing work on the way home. Laptops are handy for the skytrain, I tells ya.)

Usually it's Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Erotica, or an Anne Rice, or J.K. Rowling novel. Yes I read Harry Potter, and I damned well like it. I'm antici.........pating the latest release in theatres with something akin to giddyness.

17.) Writing. Blogger used to have a tally, in your profile that told you words written. For some reason they got rid of that feature, which is disappointing. I was at about 25,000 words in the first seven months of blogging. I've tried writing novels, but sadly, I think the only thing I'm capable of writing about is me. Pathetic, no?

18.) Sex. I'd be lying through my teeth, and avoiding a happy thang if I didn't say that doing the double-backed beast wasn't enjoyable. It's definitely not the end all and be all of life, but it sure is fun, as long as it's safe, consensual, adult play.

19. Makeup. Come on, I'm a girl. I'm a girl that can spend upwards of an hour and fifteen minutes doing the *perfect* warpaint. It's an art form to me, like painting, but on skin. If I'm not satisfied with it, I scrub it off, and start from the beginning again. There's something to be said about enhancing the natural look you have, and doggone it, it's fun, damnit.

20.) Erik. Yes, I never thought I'd put my ex up here as one of the most enjoyable things/people/experiences of my life. Charming, funny, catty, hospitable, generous, sweet, romantic, sexy as hell, intelligent, a myriad of other things. His music collection is cream-your-jeans worthy. While packing, I read my personal handwritten journals I kept before starting GSD, and honestly, I was a total snatch to him while I was dating, and things that bothered me while I was dating were so wholly unimportant, trivial, nonsensical, you name it. He showed me respect (still does, btw), honesty, and treated me the way I've never been treated before meeting him.

The fact that he considers me a "good friend" after all that ridiculous drama, is something I'll never stop cherishing. Thanks Erik.

Stay tuned next week. Same Glamazon time, Same Glamazon Channel, for the next installment of Linds' top 25 happy-fun-time stuff! The last entry on this, I promise.


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