Saturday, July 23, 2005

Blogathon 2005.

Okay. So I've been hinting at writing in Blogathon 2005 for quite some time, and now is the time I announce it to the world.

On August 6th, 2005, I intend, with several hundred other avid bloggers across the world, to write for Blogathon 2005. I've yet to choose a charity, due to the problems involved with having people from different countries pledging to just one, and am in the process of sorting through a bunch of charities to be the recipient of the money pledged. I'm leaning towards cancer research, for several reasons.

Several family members of mine have suffered from cancer in the past ten years, including my grandfather, who is currently dying from a mixture of prostate cancer, and bladder cancer, as well as my grandmother who has suffered through kidney cancer and skin cancer. It runs high in my family, and though I'm not able to save my grandfather from his untimely demise, I can hopefully raise enough money to help prevent others from suffering from this horrible disease.

I'm sure that explaining this gives a little impact to what I'm saying, and I know I'm not the only person in this world that has lost someone, or is losing someone to varied forms of cancer.

However, the charity I choose has to be willing to accept one time donations, as opposed to monthly and or annual donations, as well as accepting both Canadian and US currency. It's a bit of a problem, but not one that can't be worked out within a few days. It would help if the organizations were open and answering their phones on the weekends. This will all be sorted out reasonably soon. I hope.

That being said, I'm open to suggestions from you guys, my beloved readership, since you're the ones that are (hopefully) going to be donating to the charity I choose. I'm not being terribly ambitious, knowing this is the first run for me on the blogathon scenario, but I'm thinking somewhere around 200 bucks. More would be fantastico, but I'm not going to push it. Every penny helps. Feel free to make suggestions, through emailing me, or comments here in GSD and any of you that say the "your name here" society, gets a swift kick to their tush. This is serious, and I'm open to quite a few suggestions.

Some of the organizations kicking around in my head were the Canadian Cancer Society, The international Cancer Research Society, Habitat for Humanity (though this group is Christian based, and I'm shying away from it) And possibly the Vancouver Women's Rape Relief Shelter.

I dunno how you Statesiders that read my stuff are thinking about all this, but I would prefer to make it a more universal charity, though that might be quite difficult.

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