Thursday, July 28, 2005

'Thon Update


So... I talked with my mother on Monday night, and for those of you that don't know, my mom is a very talented artist.

She's agreed to contribute FOUR original drawings, which I'm going to scan, touch up in photoshop, and print on four six inch by six inch glossy prints to the blogathon prize stuffs, and these drawings have a theme to them.

The theme is "Glamazon's of the past" and I've picked are Rita Hayworth, Marlene Deitrich, Hedy Lamarr, and Betty Grable. Four of the most iconic, beautiful, memorable actresses of the 1930's and 40s. (I dunno if you guys have noticed, but I've got a serious addiction to the 30s and 40s, in particular the look that the women had, shoes, and Jazz.) I'm avoiding the typical Marilyn Monroe for a reason, because she's over done. As much as I love the look of Mizz Monroe, and I do have some original art up on MY walls of her, I think that this series of black and white signed sketches would be more valuable, and more of a collectors piece. (The original images she's drawing from can be found below. Just to give you an idea.)

As soon as she gives them to me, and they've been worked on, they will be up for display with a watermark on them for you guys to take a look at, and immediately taken off display as soon as the blogathon is over. I'm thinking of setting a designated pledge goal for these pieces, since they are very high-quality prints, and the person that pledges that amount gets the set of four.

As it stands now, the pledged amount is 44 bucks, and my goal is 200. If I can hit over that, I'll be ecstatic.

Here, is the lovely Glamazons of the past, the original pictures, and my Ma is going to turn them into fantastico artwork. I heart my mommy.

Above: Hedy Lamarr Below: Betty Grable

Above: Rita Hayworth – Below: Marlene Dietrich

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